In recent years, major advances in science have taught people around the earth that space isn’t as empty as they thought it was. The State of Israel has the blessed opportunity to be one of the few countries that is allowed to send our 13 satellites into space. With the creation of the Israel Space Agency and Ministry of Science & Technology, we have been able to explore and gather an unquantifiable amount of information regarding space and its exploration. With space’s infinite, endless amounts of opportunities, we do not intend to inject weapons into space. Rather, we want to embrace this once in a lifetime chance to improve our economy and technology, specifically in the fields of miniaturization and communication. In addition, we hope that our landmark achievements in space will inspire our people to enter the sphere of atmospheric and astronomical studies. But beyond advancing our own technologies, we intend to cooperate with the United Nations to produce something that could benefit everybody in the world. In 2006, the UN-SPIDER program began development. Today it provides vital information to all participants of the program. Using the UN-SPIDER satellites, we can predict natural disasters and prepare accordingly. We hope that everybody else can appreciate this technology as much as we do in order to keep the Israeli people safe, while also promoting the safety of other nations through advances in disaster prevention systems. Seeing as space is infinite, it is only natural that there are also an infinite array of opportunities and benefits that we can obtain through our various scientific organizations tandem with the UN-SPIDER, we hope that all members of the United Nations can agree on this notion.