DRAFT AGENDA 9th meeting of GRRF/IG on Automated Connections between Vehicles ACV Venue: Agoria, Diamant Building, Bd A. Reyers Ln 80, 1030 Brussels Chairman: Anders Gunneriusson (anders.gunneriusson@transportstyrelsen.se) Secretariat: Annie Luchie (annie.luchie@agoria.be) nd Date and time of the session: Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23rd of August 10:30 until 17:00 day 1 09:00 until 16:00 day 2 Note: Any comments or documents relating to this meeting should be sent to the Secretary of the group ( annie.luchie@agoria.be ) in e-format, so that meeting documents can be made available to the UNECE secretariat for publication on the website of WP29. 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Outcome of the 8th meeting of the IG/ACV Documents: inf. 08-08 4. Outcome of the discussion in OICA/CLEPA regarding standardization or not. 5. ACV in R13: We continue our consideration of the document Inf. ACV-08-06 Some remaining issues: Cable length Justifications 6. ACV in R55: Consideration of document ACV-08-xx regarding what need to be done in R55 working group. 7. Road train and vehicle combinations: What are the essential issues regarding road trains that need to be handled within the step 2 of terms of reference. 8. Other Business 1 9. List of action items 10. Date and place of next meetings. 2