We Are Living Stones Renewed A 3-Year Combined Capital Campaign (2016-2018) for The Church of the Immaculate Conception & the Archdiocese of Newark Church Renovation/Parish Improvements ................ $2,582,500.00 Archdiocesan We Are Living Stones ............................ $290,000.00* Annual Appeal (2017 & 2018)..................................... $135,000.00 Annual Assessment (2016-2018) ................................. $330,000.00 Total .......................................................................... $3,337,500.00 *Actual set goal for our parish is $288,040.00 but we rounded up to $290,000.00 for convenience sake. This amount also includes the 2016 Works of Mercy Annual Appeal which is $46,500.00. We Are Living Stones Renewed Apportioned Percentages WALS-RCAN, 7.2% Annual Appeal, 5.5% Renovation, 77.3% Assessment, 10.0% WALS-RCAN Annual Appeal Assessment Legend: a. Renovation - The estimated cost of renovating the Church interior, including the parish improvements, and cost of planning, organizing, running, and documenting a capital campaign. b. WALS-RCAN - We Are Living Stones Archdiocesan capital campaign; RCAN is Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. c. Annual Appeal – The Annual Appeal amounts for 2016-2018. Note: the We Are Living Stones Archdiocesan capital campaign includes the 2016 Works of Mercy Annual Appeal. d. Assessment – The projected Parish Annual Assessment from the Archdiocese for years 2016-2018 inclusive. 1 We Are Living Stones Renewed Renovation 100% Participation of all 915 Registered Families??? $3,688.50 pledge over 3-years $1,229.50 per year Total Contribution: $3,337,500.00 $102.46 per month Statistical Reality. Planning for 100% participation in anything is doomed to fail from the start because all it takes is one (1) family/individual to decline participation for whatever reason and the goal will most likely not be realized. Progressive Plan # Families/Individuals 3-Year Pledge Donation 1........................................................... $300,000.00 ................................ $300,000.00 1........................................................... $150,000.00 ................................ $150,000.00 5........................................................... $100,000.00 ................................ $500,000.00 10........................................................... $50,000.00 ................................ $500,000.00 20........................................................... $25,000.00 ................................ $500,000.00 30........................................................... $15,000.00 ................................ $450,000.00 40........................................................... $10,000.00 ................................ $400,000.00 120 (13% of 915) .................................... $4,500.00 ................................ $540,000.00 TOTAL* $3,340,000.00 2 *The total represents a 24.8% overall participation rate (much more realistic than 100%) with 227 (1+1+5+10+20+30+40+120) out of 915 registered families making a pledge at some level of giving to realize our estimated goal of $3,337,500.00. We will encourage all registered families to make a pledge according to their means. We Are Living Stones Renewed Rationale. The Progressive Plan begs the question: Why structure the capital campaign with having 37 families donating 58% of the total goal amount? The short answer is: because they are financially able and want to beautify their Church! We teach and believe that everything is a gift from God, from the smallest blade of grass in the field to the talents and abilities we have received as individuals created in the image and likeness of God. This means that all of us are blessed in some way and can contribute to building up the Kingdom of God here on earth! WE ALL LOVE THIS STONE CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION and those who are well-endowed are in a unique position to financially lead the way to getting the inside of the church to match its outside beauty. These families/individuals are not only able to give but they want to give. The remaining funds needed will be raised from approximately 70 families pledging $850,000.00, and 120 (13%) of the 915 registered families in the parish contributing $550,000.00. Suggested Timeline Stepping Stone 1 – June-September 2015 Identify the family/individual donors who will make substantial 3-year pledges Feasibility study – www.900darlington.com (Key code: iccparish) Structural analysis Architectural assessment Proposal letter to Archbishop Myers for approval of a combined campaign. Father Kevin & Team hold 8-10 Pastor’s Gatherings two consecutive weeks (Sept) Stepping Stone 2 – October 2015 - May 2016 (and beyond if necessary) Reach out to the remainder of the parish families/individuals to realize estimated/readjusted goal of $3,337,500.00 in 3-year pledges. Stepping Stone 3 – December 2015 - December 2016 Renovation design, contingency plans, preparation for renovation, permits, and lead times established Receive bids and readjust estimates Stepping Stone 4 – January 2, 2017 – November 11, 2017 Church renovation December 8, 2017 Dedication of the newly renovated Church on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We Are Living Stones Renewed 3