www.brainpop.co.uk Year 6 Science Biology: Animals including humans LEARNING FOCUS: ANIMALS INCLUDING HUMANS WORKING SCIENTIFICALLY BASIC SKILLS OPPORTUNITIES: National Curriculum Learning Targets: National Curriculum Skills Targets: Literacy: Expectations Expectations Presentation Skills – giving presentations to an audience http://www.brainpop.co.uk/english/studyskills/public speaking/ I can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocesseshu mans/circulatorysystem/ I can recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/pshe healthandwellbeing/fitness I can describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocessescel ls/blood Challenge I can describe the process of respiration. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocesseshu I can plan enquiries, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/scientificenquiry /scienceinvestigations I can take measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/scientificenquiry /precisionandaccuracy I can record data and results of increasing complexity using scientific diagrams and labels, classification keys, tables, bar and line graphs, and models I can report findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations of results, explanations involving causal relationships, and conclusions. I can present findings in written form, displays and other presentations. I can use test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests. Maths: To measure heart rate and record data in tables To draw line graphs and identify trends in data http://www.brainpop.co.uk/maths/handlingdata/graphs/ ICT: Powerpoint presentations on Smoking and Alcohol effects on the body Use data loggers to measure heart rate To use spreadsheets to analyse data about the human body www.brainpop.co.uk mans/respiratorysystem I can list the nutrients that need to be in our blood and explain how they get there. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/pshe healthandwellbeing/nutrition I can use simple models to describe scientific ideas http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/scientificenquiry /scientificmethod/ I can identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute, ideas or arguments. Challenge I can ask questions and develop lines of enquiry based on observations. I can make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding. I can plan and design investigations and experiments to make observations and test predictions. I can identify independent, dependent and control variables and other factors to be taken into account when collecting evidence and data I can select appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, working safely. I can evaluate the reliability of methods and suggest possible improvements. I can interpret observations and data. I can present reasoned explanations. SMSC Opportunities: Health Focus – diet, exercise, drugs http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/pshedru geducation http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/pshehe althandwellbeing/nutrition/ http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/pshehe althandwellbeing/fitness/ www.brainpop.co.uk Investigation Ideas: Additional activities: Websites and Resources: Investigating nutrition content using food labels – Which is the unhealthiest chocolate bar/snack? How healthy are ready meals? Visiting local secondary school for heart/lung dissection project. Meet a doctor, health visitor or fitness instructor. Investigating the effect of exercise on our heart rate MAKE SURE WE PLAY THIS GAME: Research smoking and alcohol and the effects on the body – children prepare presentations. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocesseshuma ns/heart 1. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/ pshedrugeducation/smoking/ How does water travel around our body? 2. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/ pshedrugeducation/alcohol http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocesseshuma ns/humanbody How do muscles work? Modelling with paper tubes and rubber bands – investigating muscles in different movements. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/science/lifeprocesseshuma ns/muscles Labelling the organs in the body. Creating a healthy lunch – food tech links. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/psheandcitizenship/ pshehealthandwellbeing/foodsafety/ Keeping a diary of drinking – checking water levels. http://www.brainpop.co.uk/games/gutsandbolts/ www.brainpop.co.uk Non-Statutory Guidance: Pupils should build on their learning from years 3 and 4 about the main body parts and internal organs (skeletal, muscular and digestive system) to explore and answer questions that help them to understand how the circulatory system enables the body to function. Pupils should learn how to keep their bodies healthy and how their bodies might be damaged – including how some drugs and other substances can be harmful to the human body. Pupils might work scientifically by: exploring the work of scientists and scientific research about the relationship between diet, exercise, drugs, lifestyle and health. Assessment Opportunities: Children can self assess and peer assess their progress in ‘working scientifically’ – in addition ongoing teacher assessment of skills using tracking sheet. End of topic assessment task to assess scientific knowledge gained and progress in scientific thinking. Vocabulary List: Circulatory system Heart Blood vessel Veins Capillaries Lungs Oxygenated De-oxygenated Respiration Pulse Ventricle Aorta Atrium Arteries Oxygen Carbon dioxide