5.4.8.E.1.a Page 1 of 3 Sample Lesson Plan for Science Fifth through Eighth Grade Goal: The student will develop earth systems science skills in the area of energy in earth systems. CPI: Explain how energy from the Sun is transformed or transferred in global wind circulation, ocean circulation, and the water cycle. 5.4.8.E.1 ACSSSD Objective: Identify the Sun, wind, ocean, atmosphere, water and plant. 5.4.8.E.1.a Activity: Students will research how the Sun’s energy is a component in wind/water circulation and the water cycle. Assign students to study groups of two or three members. Using references from the classroom or library, each group should determine how energy from the Sun plays a role in wind/ocean circulation and the water cycle. Groups can report their findings to the rest of the class in a PowerPoint presentation and/or a poster that diagrams how energy from the Sun is transferred into other physical processes. After each group presents their findings, students will have time to ask each other questions about their research projects. Modifications Materials Assessment Cross Content Areas 1. Computer 1. Rubric Language Arts 1. Students will work independently on Smartboard Quiz Social Studies each of the BrainPOP activities. A BrainPOP Technology teacher created worksheet based on BrainPOP’s provided discussion list will be given to students. Students will identify and define the words Sun, wind, ocean, atmosphere, water and plant in a teacher created worksheet. A quiz will be taken independently and online at the end of the lesson as assessment. A hard copy will be printed out for teacher to keep for their records. http://www.brainpop.com/science/ space/sun/preview.weml http://www.brainpop.com/science/ 5.4.8.E.1.a Page 2 of 3 earthsystem/oceans/preview.weml http://www.brainpop.com/science/ weather/wind/preview.weml 2. Students will work in groups of 2 or 3 to complete the following BrainPOP activities and answer discussion questions. http://www.brainpop.com/science/ space/sun/preview.weml http://www.brainpop.com/science/ earthsystem/oceans/preview.weml http://www.brainpop.com/science/ weather/wind/preview.weml Students will identify and define the words Sun, wind, ocean, atmosphere, water and plant on a teacher created worksheet. After watching each short video, students can be divided into two teams and take the quizzes together as a class, set up in a game-like format. 3. With staff assistance (full physical prompt, partial physical prompt, verbal prompt, positional prompt, gestural prompt, visual prompt, natural prompt, modeling) and the use of picture symbols and augmentative communication devices (if necessary), students will identify ways that the Sun’s energy has an effect on the 2. Computer Smartboard BrainPOP 2. Rubric Quiz 3. 18”x 36” pieces of butcher paper or newsprint 3. Rubric Worksheet Crayons, poster paint, or markers Staples and stapler Old newspaper or shredded 5.4.8.E.1.a Earth. It should be discussed that the Sun is the primary source of all energy on Earth and it radiates energy in the form of heat and light. Solar energy drives the water cycle; it is used by plants to provide the world’s food energy; and it was the primary force in the formation of fossil fuels-coal, oil, and natural gas. It also creates winds and ocean currents. Using picture symbols, students will identify the Sun, wind, ocean, water and plants and match pictures on teacher created worksheet. Recommended reading: The Sun: Our Nearest Star by Franklyn Branley. Page 3 of 3 paper String Picture symbols Teacher created worksheet Book: The Sun: Our Nearest Star by Franklyn Branley