Hello and Welcome to HIT 104 (Medical Terminology) – Spring 2015 YOU MUST READ THIS ENTIRE LETTER CAREFULLY Access to this completely online course will begin Tuesday January 20 th 2015, the date the course begins. All times listed for this course are North American Central Standard Time (CST). 1. BOTH A TEXTBOOK AND AN ONLINE ACCESS CODE ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS COURSE. Please make sure that you have both of these items prior to the class starting on Tuesday January 20th,2015. The required textbook is The Language of Medicine, 10th Edition by Davi-Ellen Chabner. In order to access the course content in the Oakton curriculum platform D2L, you will need to do one of the following: Purchase the text AND the online access code from the Oakton bookstore OR Purchase the 10th edition of text online AND purchase the online access code from the Oakton bookstore. If the item is not on the shelf in the Oakton bookstore please ask for the item at the counter. I would recommend that you purchase the online access code through the Oakton bookstore (again either in person or through the Oakton online bookstore). 2. System Requirements - For information regarding technology and system requirements, click on this student information link. http://www.oakton.edu/academics/distance_online_learning/student_resources/using_d2l/inde x.php Please visit http://www.oakton.edu/online/GetStarted.htm for important information about being an online student including hardware specifications and additional online resources. There will be a tutorial available for you on the web to help you learn the features of D2L. It is your responsibility to assure that you have complete computer access to all materials in this online course. Make sure that the computer which you intend to use for this course has all of the capabilities and compatibility requirements that are outlined in the above IT link. If you do not follow these steps and guidelines, you may find that you cannot visualize images and graphics in the content on the eight required exams, which will impact your exam score and ultimately impact your grade. Firefox is the recommended. In addition, IT services has provided us with the following supplementary Instructions for Viewing Pictures/Graphics on the Exams: If using Internet Explorer, verify that Show Pictures has not been turned off in Internet Explorer: a. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. b. Click the Advanced tab, and then verify that the Show Pictures check box is selected under Multimedia. c. Click OK. When the security information window pops up, allow display of non-secure items, by clicking “Yes” to this question. 3. Logging into Course Website in D2L – When you register for classes at Oakton you receive access to our computer system and school resources at both the Des Plaines and Skokie Ray Hartstein Campus. This also includes an e-mail account with an assigned e-mail address. Your User name and Password will be entered on the class Website the day your class begins. (Please note that you will not be able to access our course materials without the online access code from the text). To visit the class website go to myOakton and enter your user name and password. Click on the My Courses tab and then click on Medical Terminology HIT 104. Your User Name is your first initial and the first 7 letters of your last name, and the last 4 numbers of your Oakton ID B number. Your Password is your birthdate without dashes. Example: Sally Johnson B1234567 User Name sjohnson4567 Password - 052684 (birthdate no dashes) 4. Instructions for using the access code are as follows: 1. While you are in the course, click on the “Content” link on the gray navigation bar. 2. Find a topic that has a “Protected” icon next to it, and then click on the title of the topic, for example, “Module 1: Basic Word Structure.” 3. The Protected Resource window pops up. Enter the access code in the “Please enter code” text field. Make sure that the “I accept the terms of the license agreement” option is checked, and then click on the “Submit” button as in the graphic below. This should allow you to view all content in the D2L site. 5. Technical Issues If you experience technical difficulties please contact me immediately via email. If you determine the problem is not with your computer or with your internet connection, contact the Alternative Education office at (847) 635-1971 and they will direct your call to the right tech support people. 6. Introduce Yourself First click on the Discussions heading and then select the Introduce Yourself Discussion. Please introduce yourself and indicate why you are taking the course and what you hope to get out of it. Please post your discussion by the end of the second week, Friday January 30, 2015. 7. Optional Weekly Chat There will be an optional weekly online chat on Wednesdays from 8:00pm to 9:00pm Central Standard Time (CST) during which time you may ask questions regarding the material. To access the online chat in D2L please select the Chat heading and then select Chat with me. 8. Examinations There are 8 timed exams in this course. The exams are scheduled every other week so please plan accordingly. Please refer to the posted exam schedule in D2L. You can take the exam anytime on the scheduled Fridays between 12:01am (midnight) and 11:59pm Central Standard Time (CST). Even though the exams are taken online you need to prepare for the exams just as if you were taking the exam in the classroom. You need to know the material. 9. Grade Book When you view the “Grades” screen on the D2L site, you will see that you have a “Points to Date” column, followed by a “Grade” which will be updated after every Exam. This is the letter grade that you have earned to date, which may include a “+” or “-“sign, depending on your scores to date. This grade is provided to you only to inform you of your progress in this class. Your final grade will be posted to the Oakton registrar using only whole letter grades as listed below in the grade scale. 10. Grading Scale The following is the HIT Grade Scale used in all HIT courses, including this course of HIT 104: A = 94% B = 88% C = 82% D = 76% F = Below 76% 11. Instructor Availability I can be reached via e-mail at sdemonte@oakton.edu or via e-mail in D2L. When sending an e-mail please use your Oakton e-mail account or e-mail account in D2L. Please identify yourself as being a student in HIT 104. I also have office hours on the Des Plaines campus. If you need to meet in person please e-mail me and we can set up a time to meet. Please make sure that you check the Home Page of this course frequently, so that you are aware of any essential information or updates that are posted. Students often find this course to be interesting and informative. Best of Luck to You!! Sherry A. DeMonte, RHIT, CCS-P Associate Professor Health Information Technology sdemonte@oakton.edu