Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO) OUR OBJECTIVE NOFO – Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies – develops and maintains oil spill preparedness on the Norwegian Continental Shelf for the purpose of combating oil pollution on behalf of 30 operating companies. NOFO was established in 1978 and its main objective is to meet the members’ needs for efficient and robust oil spill preparedness. NOFO will ensure oil spill preparedness on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in order to combat oil pollution on behalf of the operating companies. Figure 1: The multi-barrier principle This includes response to spills in open seas as well as in coastal waters and along the shoreline. NATIONAL OIL SPILL PREPAREDNESS The organisation consists of 30 full-time employees, NOFO is part of the established national emergency around 50 duty / reinforcement personnel from the preparedness model, which combines public and private oil operating companies and 80 persons assigned to our spill response resources. 5 bases. This unique organisational relationship between public and Being a member of NOFO, with its standardised operational procedures and common resource pool, is far more cost-effective than a stand-alone solution would ever be. Our oil spill preparedness has been based on a multi-barrier principle (figure 1). Barrier 0 is all the preventive measures on the installation. Barriers 1 and 2 include all oil recovery using sea-going systems. Barriers 3 and 4 include the coastal and shoreline zone. The damage-mitigating effect of the barriers is controlled by the spill circumstances, type of oil, weather and environmental factors and also access to technology, material, qualified personnel and training. private response organisations ensures that responsibilities and lines of command are clearly defined, and that Norway’s total emergency response resources are available at all times. According to Norwegian law, the industry is required to establish emergency preparedness based on Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Risk Analyses (RA), Field Development Plans (PUD and PAD) and contingency plans. The operating company has the overall responsibility for combating an oil spill from oil installations, including strategic command. NOFO is responsible for tactical and operational command of the oil spill response resources employed. NOFO’S EMERGENCY RESPONSE RESOURCES NOFO has access to significant oil spill response resources, which may be mobilised to all parts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf: 11 OilRec vessels on permanent standby with sea-going oil recovery equipment on board and 20 OilRec vessels which are deployable. 25 towing vessels. 25 sea-going, mechanical oil recovery NOFO arranges 50-60 courses a year on its own initiative or through business partners. The courses cover all elements of oil spill preparedness and response. OIL-ON-WATER EXERCISES Norway is one of the few countries in the world that allows oil to be discharged on the sea for the purpose of testing equipment and procedures. These annual oil-onwater exercises have played an important role in the development of NOFO’s oil response equipment and competence. systems. 5 oil spill responses bases. 2 depots at Hasvik and Måsøy respectively. Large stocks (~ 800 m3 ) of dispersant for use from OilRec vessels and/ or aircraft. Remote sensing of the continental shelf from radar satellites, aircraft, helicopters, vessels and installations. Oil recovery equipment for coastal operations and access to a fleet of around 30 small oil recovery vessels (fishing vessles). Specialised task force (more than 60 people) for organising and conducting shoreline operations. IGSA emergency shoreline response team (IGSA) made up of 40 people for rapid response along the shoreline. Cooperation with government agencies (Norwegian Coastal Administration/ Inter-municipal Committee against Acute Pollution (IUA) and private companies and organisations. COURSES AND TRAINING OilRec vessels, towing vessels and equipment are verified annually. Exercises are conducted together with the oil companies and also our governmental, municipal and private partners. There are a total of more than 100 exercises and verifications each year. This gives the oil response personnel valuable training and experience with handling and using oil recovery equipment. Figure 2: Annual oil-on-water exercise, North Sea. These exercises have attracted significant international interest and have meant that countries, such as the US, Canada, Japan, Brazil and Russia have acquired a similar range of equipment as we use. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Since NOFO was established in 1978, hundreds of proposed projects related to new technology that improves the oil spill preparedness have been evaluated. Technology development is aimed at four main topics: oil recovery at sea, dispersant application technology, remote sensing and technology for coastal and shoreline operations. Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO) P. O. Box 8077, N-4068 Stavanger Office address: Vassbotnen 1 (Trallfagården), N-4313 Sandnes Tel.: (47) 51 56 30 00 - Fax: (47) 51 56 23 98 E-mail: - Org. no. 971 454 075 - Website: