File - Organization of Residence Students

Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at 8:00 pm in W646
1. Adoption of the Agenda:
 Cory/Lian
2. Approval of the Minutes:
 Sarah/Everett
3. Business Team Report:
a. Business Manager Report:
Made approx. $5500 for ticket sales alone, basically sold out for the 1st
cab, great job!
b. Communication Manager Report:
Shout-out sheet will be passed around
Movie suggestion list will be passed around for new movies
Rez Wide competition for the website boat will be in the works this
c. Operations Manager Report:
New ping pong table in the Hive, thanks to everybody who helped out
with it
d. ARC Report:
Oct 14: Learning strategist @ 5:30 in L1050
Oct 21: Arts and Science advising @ 5:00 in D4 common room
4. Executive Council Report
a. VP Uhall Report:
RA meetings will be finishing within 2 weeks
b. VP Coulee View Report:
How to Support Friends and Active Listening, event is in Kainai and will
be looking into having a similar event for Piikani in November
Facil will be meeting Monday to hash out details for Coulee View
Looking into a Christmas giving, will be brought up next council
RA meetings next week
Proprietary Information of ORS
Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at 8:00 pm in W646
c. VP Parkway Report:
RA meetings are starting Monday
Hypnotist is in the works still
d. Presidential Report:
ORS got challenged by the Rugby team to a blood donor clinic, who can
donate most type of contest
Secret shopper for Aramark will be picked this week, Jan and Erin will
be meeting with them
-Castle or Fernie
Stamps game on Oct 24, will be brought up later
5. Committee Reports:
a. Cab Committee Report:
Prizes for Kummoniwannalaya need to be claimed by residents/RA soon
Next Cab is Oct. 18
b. Communication Committee Report:
Shout out to Jesara and the rest of the Committee for the social media
c. Community Focus Committee Report:
Will be working on the before event for Winter Formal to make it more
gender neutral, more details to come
d. Health and Wellness Committee Report:
First event was this past weekend, volleyball tournament went very
e. Operations Committee Report:
Pool cues will be fixed by committee members routinely, each building
has a representative to fix this.
f. Rez Wars Committee Report:
Information coming later in meeting
g. Family Townhomes Report:
First event went really well, thank you to those of you that made it
Proprietary Information of ORS
Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at 8:00 pm in W646
Next meeting will be planned soon
h. Security Liaison Report:
Suicidal behavior training is still in the works on Security end
If you have concerns about the video or presentation that was shown in
council let Nolan know.
i. RLEC Report:
Oct. 7: Food Plan Survival Secrets, D4 Common Room @ 6:00pm
Oct. 15: Party smart, Alcohol awareness event, K200 @ 6:00pm
Oct. 21: Building experience with applied studies, co-op, and
volunteers, P100 @ 6:00pm
Oct. 29: Eat for a Week on Less, Mt. Blakiston Lounge @ 6:00pm
Distress line is always available for use to the public and ourselves.
6. Items for Information:
a. Minutes (Jenhene)
Minutes are very brief in numbers 6 through 8 on the agenda, some
people feel that it should be changed
b. Cab Theme (Lian)
-Tight and Bright
-White T-shirt party
-Angels and Devils
c. Rez Wars (Des) Oct. 25
-Quiddich, possibly moved to Nov. 1
-Boat Building, would have to be held on Nov 1
-Amazing Race
7. Items for Discussion:
a. Minutes (Jenhene)
Motion to limit discussion to 10 minutes, Dan/Mac. Motion passed.
b. Cab Theme (Lian)
Oktoberfest happening in Lethbridge earlier in the month, pros and
cons to this
Proprietary Information of ORS
Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at 8:00 pm in W646
White T-shirt involves sharpies that might pose a problem with
facilities, however options are available
Tight and Bright is a tried and true cab, pros and cons to that
c. Cab Sponsorship (Lian)
Motion to limit discussion to 5 minutes Lian/Everett. Motion passed.
Sarah Roston would like it noted in the minutes that "We need to think
about what the purpose of a cab is. If it's about raising money
then it's definitely a strategic placement of a sponsor. However,
if it's about making sure our residents have options then why
wouldn't we pursue a sponsor."
8. Items for Action:
a. Minutes (Jenhene)
Vote on the matter of keeping minutes brief however still taking down
the overview of the discussion:
- Vote passed.
b. Cab Theme (Lian)
Vote on the matter of the next cabaret theme, options being:
-Tight and Bright: 18, Oktoberfest: 3, White T-shirt party: 13,
Angles and Devils: 0
-Tight and Bright was passed by council. Cabaret theme was officially
decided as Tight and Bright
c. Cab Sponsorship (Lian)
Vote on the matter of looking into getting a cab sponsorship for the
next cabaret.
-Vote passed. Cab committee will be looking into the possibility of
getting a sponsorship.
d. Rez Wars (Des)
Vote on the adoption of next Rez Wars theme, options being:
-Quiddich: 10, Boat Building: 23, Amazing Race: 2
-Boat Building was passed by council. November Rez Wars was officially
decided as boat building.
Proprietary Information of ORS
Tuesday, February 09, 2016 at 8:00 pm in W646
Dan Irete would like it noted in the minutes that he voted in favor of the
Quiddich option.
9. Events:
 BE34: go-carting
 C-sec corn maze this weekend
 Sept 30 bowling DE3
 Tie-dye food games
10. Last But Not Least:
 Uhall: Christina
 Coulee View: Kayla
 Parkway: Raessa/Des
11. Meeting Adjournment:
 Brett/Kayla
Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.
Proprietary Information of ORS