Supplementary Information Influence of Surfactants on the Rheology and Stability of Crystallizing Fatty Acid Pastes Prachi Thareja1, Anne Golematis2, Carrie B. Street1, Norman J. Wagner1 1 Department of Chemical Engineering Center for Molecular Engineering and Thermodynamics, University of Delaware 2 DuPont Analytical Sciences, Wilmington, DE Martin S. Vethamuthu3, Kevin D. Hermanson3 and K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan3 3 Unilever Research and Development, Trumbull, CT Solubility Calculations The experimental solubility of PA in phase behavior samples containing 6 wt% surfactant can be compared to the theory developed in Tzocheva et al. [1]. Symbol List: Bn CAPB CT CMCM,sat HCn ix iSDS iTego iPA iH2O k0, k1 KA,mic KS,mic Mx MWx slope coefficient cocamidopropyl betaine total concentration of (all kinds of) surfactant contained in the solution critical micellization concentration of the mixed surfactant solution designation for fatty acid with n number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid hydrocarbon chain input weight percent of model system component (SDS, Tego, PA, H2O) input weight percent of SDS input weight percent of cocamidopropyl betaine input weight percent of palmitic acid input weight percent of water fit parameters for linear function of “energy gain from the transfer of a fatty acid molecule from a fatty acid crystal into the water phase, as a monomer”[1] micellization constant related to the work for transferring a fatty acid molecule from the solution into a micelle micellization constant related to the work for transferring a monomer of S from the solution into the micelle molarity of component x molecular weight of model system component x (SDS, Tego, PA, H2O) 1 n q0, q1 SA SA(20) SLES T x yA,sat zA number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid hydrocarbon chain fit parameters for linear function of “energy gain from the transfer of a fatty acid molecule from a fatty acid crystal into the water phase, as a monomer”[1] fatty acid solubility in pure water fatty acid solubility in pure water at 20°C sodium laurylethersulfate temperature a model system component (SDS, Tego, PA, H2O) molar fraction of the fatty acid in the mixed micelles input mole fraction of fatty acid β ρs ρSDS ρTego ρPA ρH2O γA,sat γS,sat interaction parameter from theory of regular solutions density of experimental phase behavior sample density of SDS density of cocamidopropyl betaine density of palmitic acid density of water activity coefficient of fatty acid in the micelles at saturation activity coefficient of surfactant in the micelles at saturation 2 Calculating boundary between micelles/(micelles + crystals): The calculations utilized in Tzocheva et al. [1] to calculate the phase diagram boundary between micelles and micelles plus crystals have been used here. The equation numbers from this paper are given in parentheses. Rearranging a system mass balance gives (Tzocheva Equation 29): CMCM ,sat SA z A 1 y A,sat CT CT (1) The critical micellization concentration of the mixed solution is given by (Tzocheva Equation 28): CMCM ,sat A,sat yA,sat KA,mic S ,sat yS ,sat KS ,mic (2) yS ,sat 1 yA,sat (3) The activity coefficients can be calculated using (Tzocheva Equation 27) (with y A y A, sat ): A, sat exp (1 y A, sat )2 (4) S ,sat exp ( yA,sat )2 The expression for β, developed via equilibrium thermodynamics and regular solution theory, is given by (Tzocheva Equation 24): 1 1 y A, sat 2 SA ln y K A,sat A,mic (5) The linear equation used to fit the molar fraction of fatty acid in mixed micelles versus the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid hydrocarbon chain is given by (Tzocheva Equation 23 (for n = 14, 16, 18)): ln y A,sat q0 q1n (6) From Tzocheva Table 5, at 25°C, for HCn in SLES: q0 = 2.41, q1 = -0.303; for HCn in CAPB: q0 = 2.69, q1 = 0.322. KA,mic versus the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acid hydrocarbon chain is given by (Tzocheva Equation 20): ln K A,mic k0 k1n (7) From Tzocheva Table 5, at 25°C, for HCn in SLES: k0 = 3.71, k1 = -1.15; for HCn in CAPB: k0 = 3.43, k1 = -1.13 3 n = 16 for palmitic acid Tzocheva et al. used the following equation to interpolate literature data for log SA versus T (Tzocheva Equation 15): log S A log S A(20) Bn T 20 (8) where the equation for SA(20) is given by Lucassen[2] (Tzocheva Equation 16): log S A(20) 2.82 0.65n (9) The values of Bn are given by (Tzocheva Equation 17): Bn 0.00419( n 8) 0.00147 (10) Using these equations and assuming 6 wt% sodium laurylethersulfate (SLES) as an approximation of 4.5 wt% SDS and 1.5 wt% CAPB, the phase boundary between micelles and micelles plus crystals has been calculated and will be compared to experimental results as follows. Information about the model system components is given in Table S1. SDS CAPB PA H2O Table S1. Model system component information Molecular Molecular Formula Weight (g/mol) Density (g/ml) NaC12H25SO4 288.38[3] > 1.1 at 20°C[3] C19H38N2O3 342.52[4] 1.043 at 25°C[4] C16H32O2 256.42[3] 0.852 at 25°C[5] H2O 18.01528[6] 1[6] Hydrogen Density (g/ml) 0.0875 0.116 0.106 0.111 The molar concentration of total surfactant in the phase behavior samples is calculated as follows. The density of the sample is calculated using a weighted density of each component: s iSDS SDS iTego Tego iPA PA iH 2O H 2O (11) The molarity of each component is given by: Mx ix s MWx (12) The molar concentration of total surfactant is given by: 4 M x MSDS MCAPB M PA (13) A portion of the phase diagram of mole fraction of fatty acid (palmitic acid) versus total surfactant concentration is given in the following figure. The phase boundary between micelles and micelles plus crystals calculated from Tzocheva et al. [1] is shown as the ‘Theory’ line. The compositions of experimental phase behavior samples are plotted as points in the figure. From the pictures, the solubility of palmitic acid in the surfactant solution is consistent with the theory. micelles + crystals zA (mole fraction) 0.09 Theory 6 wt% S 0.4 wt% PA 0.3 wt% PA 0.06 micelles 0.25 wt% PA 0.03 0.1 wt% PA 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 CT (M) Figure S1. A portion of the phase diagram of mole fraction of fatty acid (palmitic acid) versus total surfactant with experimental phase behavior sample compositions and pictures in cross-polarized light. 5 Predicting compositions based on input component amounts and a linear fit to the fraction of solids content in 12 wt% surfactant system versus input PA Note that the solid phase includes palmitic acid, surfactant (SDS and Tego), and H2O (or D2O). Assumptions: - variable solubility of PA in surfactant solution - variable amount of surfactant in the liquid portion of the sample - the solubility of PA in a surfactant solution of a given composition of 3:1 SDS:Tego is the same as the solubility of PA in a surfactant solution in the presence of additional PA (that is, in the complete model system formulations) - the solubility of PA in an aqueous surfactant solution is equal to the solubility of PA in the same surfactant solution made in D2O - the total amount of solids is less than the input PA (allowing the use of total input PA crystallized as an initial guess) - In the absence of any information to the contrary, we assume that the immobile surfactant has the same proportion as the surfactant in the dispersed phase. SDS and Tego are assumed to act as an effective surfactant “S.” - The slope of the fraction of solids content as a function of input PA in the model system formulations containing 6 wt% surfactant can be estimated by the slope of the fraction of solids content as a function of input PA in the model system formulations containing 12 wt% surfactant. Symbol List: cx d1,2 iS,PAx ix lx mS,PAx mx n1,2 S STDNMR εx ρx calculated wt% of x in crystal or immobile form denominator in density expression input wt% of x based on PA and S only input wt% of x based on the total weight calculated wt% of x in the liquid portion of the formulation measured wt% of x in crystal or immobile form based on PA and S only measured wt% of x in crystal or immobile form based on the total weight numerator in density expression effective surfactant, ¾ sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and ¼ cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) solids content measured via TDNMR uncertainty in x density of x The following function was used to fit STDNMR (the fraction of solids content) as a function of input PA in the 12 wt% surfactant model system formulations in D2O: 6 S TDNMR 1.65iPA 4.1 (14) The uncertainties in the slope (1.65±0.04) and intercept (-4.1±0.5) were obtained by using linear fitting in Origin 8. The x-intercept indicates there is a finite solubility of PA in the surfactant solution. From the solubility experiments detailed in the supplementary material of our complementary study [7], the solubility of PA in a solution containing 6 wt% of 3:1 SDS:Tego is approximately 0.3 wt% PA. The line describing fraction of solids content versus input PA should therefore have an x-intercept at approximately 0.3 wt% PA: 0 1.65*0.3 xintercept 0.5 xintercept (15) (16) The uncertainty of the x-intercept will be taken as 0.1, the uncertainty in the solubility experiments (since the solubility of PA in a 6 wt% surfactant solution was between 0.3 wt% PA and 0.4 wt% PA) [7]. The uncertainty in the first term of the linear function is given by: iPA 0.04 (17) iPA 1.65 2 FirstTerm _ S TDNMR 1.65* iPA 2 The uncertainty in the second term is given by: SecondTerm _ S TDNMR 0.1 (18) The uncertainty in STDNMR is given by: S TDNMR 2 2 FirstTerm SecondTerm _ STDNMR _ STDNMR (19) For the samples where the total amount of solids is less than the input PA, the linear function can be used to calculate the fraction of solids content for a given input PA. The maximum amount of PA that can crystallize is equal to the input PA (iPA). Therefore, iPA can be used as a first guess for the amount of crystalline PA (cPA). Subtracting iPA from the estimated total amount of solids gives the amount of immobile surfactant (cS): cS csolid iPA (20) εc,S (the uncertainty in the amount of immobile surfactant) is given by: 7 c c2 S solid i2PA (21) The amount of surfactant remaining in the liquid portion of the formulation (lS) can be calculated by subtracting the amount of immobile surfactant (cS) of the sample from the input amount of surfactant: lS iS cS (22) εl,S (the uncertainty in the amount of surfactant in the liquid portion of the formulation) is given by: l i2 c2 S S (23) S The surfactant solubilizes a finite amount of PA. From the Solubility experiments section in the supplementary material from our complementary study[7], assuming that the amount of surfactant in the liquid portion of the formulation follows the same trend as the solubility experiments samples (is in the solubility experiments is equal to ls in the formulations), the amount of PA in the liquid portion of the formulation (lPA) is given by: lPA 0.0051 0.0007 * ls2 0.022 0.008 * ls (24) The uncertainty in the first term is given by: 0.0007 ls ls 0.0051 ls ls 2 2 FirstTerm _ l 0.0051* ls * ls PA 2 (25) The uncertainty in the second term is given by: 0.008 ls 0.022 ls 2 SecondTerm _ l 0.022* ls PA 2 (26) The uncertainty in lPA is given by: l 2 PA FirstTerm _ lPA 2 SecondTerm _l (27) PA Now, a better estimate of PA in the solid portion (cPA) of the sample is given by: cPA iPA lPA (28) εc,PA (the uncertainty in amount of crystalline PA) is given by: 8 c 2 2 PA iPA lPA (29) The amount of immobile surfactant is now better estimated by: cS csolid cPA (30) This iteration is repeated until cS, lS, lPA, cPA do not change. The values for the model system formulations in D2O are given in the following table: Table S2. Calculated compositions of 12 wt% and 6 wt% surfactant model system formulations in D2O 12 wt% surfactant 6 wt% surfactant (lPA+ls)/(cP (lPA+ls)/(cPA cS, cPA, ls, lPA, cS, cPA, ls, lPA, iPA, +cS), A+cS), wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% 7 1±1 6.2±0.1 11±1 0.8±0.1 1.6±0.3 4.1±0.3 6.91±0.03 1.9±0.3 0.09±0.03 0.18±0.03 8 1.8±0.9 7.3±0.1 10.2±0.9 0.8±0.1 1.2±0.2 4.8±0.3 7.94±0.01 1.2±0.3 0.06±0.01 0.10±0.03 9 2.4±0.9 8.3±0.1 9.6±0.9 0.7±0.1 1.0±0.1 5.4±0.4 8.97±0.01 0.6±0.4 0.03±0.01 0.05±0.03 10 3.0±0.9 9.4±0.1 9.0±0.9 0.6±0.1 0.8±0.1 6 10 0 0 0 11 3.6±0.8 10.5±0.1 8.4±0.8 0.6±0.1 0.64±0.08 6.6±0.5 11.03±0.01 -0.6±0.5 -0.03±0.01 -0.04±0.03 12 4.2±0.8 11.52±0.09 7.8±0.8 0.48±0.09 0.53±0.06 7.2±0.5 12.06±0.02 -1.2±0.5 -0.06±0.02 -0.07±0.03 13 4.8±0.8 12.57±0.08 7.2±0.8 0.43±0.08 0.44±0.05 7.9±0.5 13.09±0.03 -1.9±0.5 -0.09±0.03 -0.09±0.03 14 5.4±0.8 13.63±0.07 6.6±0.8 0.37±0.07 0.37±0.05 8.5±0.6 14.12±0.05 -2.5±0.6 -0.12±0.05 -0.12±0.03 15 6.0±0.8 14.68±0.07 6.0±0.8 0.32±0.07 0.31±0.04 9.1±0.6 15.15±0.08 -3.1±0.6 -0.15±0.08 -0.13±0.03 16 6.6±0.8 15.73±0.06 5.4±0.8 0.27±0.06 0.26±0.04 9.7±0.7 16.2±0.1 -3.7±0.7 -0.2±0.1 -0.15±0.03 17 7.2±0.9 16.78±0.05 4.8±0.9 0.22±0.05 0.21±0.04 10.3±0.7 17.2±0.2 -4.3±0.7 -0.2±0.2 -0.17±0.03 18 7.8±0.9 17.82±0.05 4.2±0.9 0.18±0.05 0.17±0.04 11.0±0.8 18.3±0.2 -5.0±0.8 -0.3±0.2 -0.18±0.03 19 8.4±0.9 18.85±0.04 3.6±0.9 0.15±0.04 0.14±0.03 11.6±0.8 19.3±0.3 -5.6±0.8 -0.3±0.3 -0.19±0.03 20 9±1 19.89±0.04 3±1 0.11±0.04 0.11±0.03 12.2±0.9 20.3±0.3 -6.2±0.9 -0.3±0.3 -0.20±0.03 The following function was used to fit STDNMR (the fraction of solids content) as a function of input PA in the 12 wt% surfactant model system formulations in H2O: S TDNMR 1.61iPA 4.0 (31) The uncertainties in the slope (1.61±0.08) and intercept (-4±1) were obtained by using linear fitting in Origin 8. The x-intercept indicates there is a finite solubility of PA in the surfactant solution. From the solubility experiments detailed in the supplementary material of our complementary study [7], the solubility of PA in a solution containing 6 wt% of 3:1 SDS:Tego is approximately 0.3 wt% PA. The line describing fraction of solids content versus input PA should therefore have an x-intercept at approximately 0.3 wt% PA: 9 0 1.61*0.3 xintercept 0.5 xintercept (32) (33) The uncertainty of the x-intercept will be taken as 0.1, the uncertainty in the solubility experiments (since the solubility of PA in a 6 wt% surfactant solution was between 0.3 wt% PA and 0.4 wt% PA) [7]. The uncertainty in the first term of the linear function is given by: iPA 0.08 iPA 1.61 2 FirstTerm _ S TDNMR 1.61* iPA 2 (34) The uncertainty in the second term is given by: SecondTerm _ S TDNMR 1 (35) The uncertainty in STDNMR is given by: S TDNMR 2 2 FirstTerm SecondTerm _ STDNMR _ STDNMR (36) For the samples where the total amount of solids is less than the input PA, the linear fit function can be used to calculate the fraction of solids content for a given input PA. cS+cH2O can be compared to the amount of immobilized surfactant calculated for the D2O system: Table S3. Predicted compositions of 12 wt% surfactant model system in H2O cS+cH2O, cS, wt%, wt%, iPA, from from D2O wt% H2O system system 7 4.1±0.3 3.8±0.6 11 6.6±0.5 6.2±0.9 12 7.2±0.5 7±1 13 7.9±0.5 7±1 18 11.0±0.8 10±1 The difference in the solids content from the D2O system and the H2O system provides an indication of the amount of immobile H2O. 10 Density Calculation: From the supplementary material in the complementary study [7], the density of the effective surfactant S is 1.018 g/ml. Using an assumption of ideal mixing, the density of the solids is given by: mS mPA n1 mS mPA d1 solid S (37) PA The uncertainty in the numerator is given by: n 1 2 mS / S mPA / PA 2 (38) The uncertainty in the denominator (assuming no uncertainty in the density of each component) is given by: d 1 2 mS 2 (39) mPA The uncertainty in the solids density is given by: n n d 1 1 1 d1 n1 d1 2 crystal 2 (40) The density of the liquid phase, also assuming ideal mixing, is given by: liquid lS lPA n 2 lS l d2 PA S (41) PA The uncertainty in the numerator is given by: n 2 2 lS lPA 2 (42) The uncertainty in the denominator (assuming no uncertainty in the density of each component) is given by: 11 d 2 2 lS / S lPA / PA 2 (43) The uncertainty in the density of the liquid is given by: n n d 2 2 2 d2 n2 d2 2 liquid 2 (44) Table S4. 6% surfactant model system formulation components density Input Density of Density of PA, solids, Liquid, g/ml wt% g/ml 7 0.9±0.3 1.0±0.2 11 0.9±0.4 1.0±0.4 12 0.9±0.5 1.0±0.5 15 0.9±0.6 1.0±0.3 18 0.9±0.8 1.0±0.2 The density of the solids is lower than that of the liquid, and the calculation shows that the solids will, to within the calculated uncertainty, have a tendency to cream or remain neutrally buoyant. From the above calculations (results given in Table S2), the maximum amount of PA that can be accommodated by 6 wt% surfactant is approximately 9 wt%. In model system formulations with the amount of PA exceeding approximately 9 wt%, the remainder of the PA crystallizes and floats on the top of the formulation. Neglecting hydration (since it does not matter if the water floats or sinks) and assuming that S completely solidifies, the density of the solids containing surfactant is higher than the density of the excess PA crystals (0.90±0.08 g/ml versus 0.852 g/ml). This can explain why the unstable formulations have some solids that float and some solids that sink. 12 DSC data for 6 wt% surfactant model system formulations 0.0 7% Palmitic Acid Melting 0.0 Watts / Gram -0.4 -0.6 -0.2 Watts / Gram t= 30min t= 1hr t= 1hr 30min t= 2hrs t= 2hrs 30min t= 3hrs t=19hrs -0.2 8% Palmitic Acid Melting -0.8 -0.4 t=30min t=74min t=96min t=140min t=5hrs t=8hrs -0.6 -0.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 20 30 40 Temperature (C) 0.0 70 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 t=30min t=74min t=96min t=2hr30min -0.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Watts/ Gram Watts / Gram 60 10% Palmitic Acid Melting 0.0 9% Palmitic Acid Melting -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 t=30min t=3hrs t=5hrs t=12hrs -0.8 75 20 25 30 35 Temperature (C) 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Temperature (C) 12%Palmitic Acid Melting 0.0 0.0 15% Palmitic Acid Melting -0.2 Watts/ Gram -0.2 Watts/ Gram 50 Temperature (C) -0.4 -0.6 t= 40min t= 1hr 20min t= 3hrs t= 6hrs t= 12hrs -0.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 -0.4 -0.6 t= 30min t=74min t=96min t-140min t=6hrs -0.8 50 55 Temperature (C) 60 65 70 75 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Temperature (C) 13 0.0 18% Palmitic Acid Melting Watts/Gram -0.2 -0.4 t= 30min t=74min t=96min t-140min -0.6 -0.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Temperature (C) SAXS data for 6 wt% surfactant and 12 wt% surfactant model system formulations 12 wt% surfactant 6 wt% surfactant 60 50 d (Å) 40 30 20 10 0 7 10 18 PA content (wt%) Table S5. SAXS peaks and spacings 12 wt% surfactant 6 wt% surfactant PA content q (Å-1) d (Å) q (Å-1) d (Å) (wt%) 7 0.128 48.91 0.153 41.00 7 0.173 36.36 0.175 35.95 7 0.340 18.46 0.349 18.01 7 0.523 12.02 0.523 12.02 7 1.358 4.63 1.358 4.63 7 1.429 4.40 1.430 4.40 7 1.516 4.14 1.511 4.16 7 1.615 3.89 1.618 3.89 7 1.692 3.71 1.691 3.72 14 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0.146 0.171 0.347 0.518 1.352 1.424 1.508 1.615 1.687 43.01 36.78 18.12 12.13 4.65 4.41 4.17 3.89 3.73 0.147 0.173 0.349 0.521 1.356 1.425 1.508 1.606 1.680 42.82 36.22 18.01 12.07 4.64 4.41 4.17 3.91 3.74 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 0.139 0.171 0.338 0.519 1.350 1.424 1.509 1.618 1.688 45.24 36.78 18.60 12.11 4.66 4.41 4.17 3.89 3.72 0.151 0.173 0.349 0.498 1.357 1.427 1.510 1.609 1.684 41.71 36.22 18.01 12.62 4.63 4.40 4.16 3.91 3.73 15 16000 16000 14000 14000 12000 12000 10000 10000 I (a.u.) I (a.u.) 6 wt% surfactant 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 0 0.0 7 wt% PA t=19hr 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1 10 wt% PA t=20hr 2000 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1 q (Å ) q (Å ) 18000 16000 14000 I (a.u.) 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0.0 18 wt% PA t=2hr30min 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1 q (Å ) 16 12 wt% surfactant 30000 12000 25000 8000 I (a.u.) I (a.u.) 20000 15000 4000 10000 7 wt% PA t=5.5hr 5000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 0.0 -1 10 wt% PA t=24hr 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1 q (Å ) q (Å ) 18000 16000 14000 12000 I (a.u.) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 18 wt% PA t=3hr 0 -2000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1 q (Å ) [1] S.S. Tzocheva, P.A. Kralchevsky, K.D. Danov, G.S. Georgieva, A.J. Post, K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan, Solubility limits and phase diagrams for fatty acids in anionic (SLES) and zwitterionic (CAPB) micellar surfactant solutions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 369 (2012) 274-286. [2] J. Lucassen, Hydrolysis and Precipitates in Carboxylate Soap Solutions, Journal of Physical Chemistry 70 (1966) 1824-&. [3] M. Ash, I. Ash, Handbook of Industrial Surfactants (4th Edition), Synapse Information Resources, Inc. [4] Coco Betaine (cocamidopropyl-betaine) Material Safety Data Sheet [5] Palmitic Acid Sigma Aldrich Material Safety Data Sheet [6] Water Material Safety Data Sheet. [7] Street C.B., Yarovoy Y., Wagner N.J., M.S. Vethamuthu, K.D. Hermanson, K.P. Ananthapadmanabhan, TDNMR Study of a Model Crystallizing Surfactant System, in preparation. 17