Unit of Study: Historical Fiction Goals What do I want students to learn as a result of this unit? Grade: 5 Prior Knowledge Students will understand the genre of historical fiction Students will begin to recognize what they don’t know and seek out more information or clarification Students will use non-fiction resources to support their understanding of historical fiction texts Students will work on going deeper with character understanding Students will be able analyze how the historical events of the time shapes characters’ lives Students will paraphrase and respond to the text in writing What prior knowledge do students need to enter this Unit of Study? What routines do I expect students to know? Standards Addressed What concepts will this unit address? Bends in the Road What bends (or series of lessons) will support each of the goals for this unit? R–5–14.2 Reading from a wide range of genres/kinds of text and a variety of authors (e.g., literary, informational, and practical texts) (Local) R–5–13 Uses comprehension strategies (flexibly and as needed) before, during, and after reading literary and informational text. (Local) R–5–8.3 Drawing inferences about text, including author’s purpose (e.g., to inform, explain, entertain, persuade) or message; or forming and supporting opinions/judgments and assertions about central ideas that are relevant (State) R–5–8.2 Synthesizing information within or across text(s) (e.g., constructing appropriate titles; or formulating assertions or controlling ideas) (State) Analyze and interpret informational text, citing evidence as appropriate by…R–5–8.1 Connecting information within a text or across texts (State) - Understanding Historical Fiction - Thinking and Talking Critically About Historical Fiction - Sharing Your Thinking and Understanding about a Text Ways to Challenge/Provide Extra Challenge Strategies: -Quotes and response in Support Which students do I anticipate needing a challenge? Which students do I anticipate will need extra support? NECAP What academic vocabulary should I consider? What sample test problems could use (Math)? notebooks Extra Support Strategies: Bend in Road: Understanding Historical Fiction Materials 1 Focus Lessons 2 3 Historical Fiction is based on real events, places times – what have you read before like this? Imagining and escaping into other time periods – Being transported into another place or time (Attention to setting) Readers use different tools to develop understandings of a time period Historical Fiction Book Clubs w/non fic. resources Web pages Fact Pages Non-fiction books 4 Readers use different tools to develop understandings of a time period 5 Review/Remind: Working together, group accountability for being prepared and talking Begin creating a timeline from within the p.104 Tackling story and connection to the ongoing Complex Texts historical events Calkins 6 Notes - Groups or individual - Story and History on One Focus Lessons Bend in Road: Thinking and Talking Critically About Historical Fiction 7 Teacher Choice Mini-Lesson on Book Club Habits as needed 8 Teacher Choice Mini-Lesson on Book Club Habits as needed 9 Readers can respond to the text in writing about what is happening to the character and their own personal response about what they are thinking by putting themselves in the character shoes Readers can go deeper when responding to the text in writing about what is happening to the character and their own personal response about what they are thinking by putting themselves in the character shoes Readers notice when they don’t understand something and they use strategies to clarify their meaning Readers look at characters’ and their struggles and examine how the historical time or events are shaping the character’s struggles and responses Readers can respond to the text in writing about what is happening to the character and their own personal response about what they are thinking by putting themselves in the character shoes 10 11 12 13 Mini-Lessons For Literature Circles Daniels and Steineke Mini-Lessons For Literature Circles Daniels and Steineke 2 column/ T-chart in notebook Circling which notes are critical to story. Which are for sharing in book club? 14 Continued work on character understanding as dictated by class needs 15 Continued work on character understanding as dictated by class needs Bend in Road: Sharing Your Thinking and Understanding about a Text 16 17 18 19 20 Readers prepare to present about the books they’ve read as a group to share their understanding and individually write a response *End of Unit Group Projects* Readers prepare to present about the books they’ve read as a group to share their understanding *End of Unit Group Projects* Readers prepare to present about the books they’ve read as a group to share their understanding *End of Unit Group Projects* Readers present about the books they’ve read as a group to share their understanding *End of Unit Group Projects* Readers present about the books they’ve read as a group to share their understanding *End of Unit Group Projects* Menu of choices