Enrichment Lesson Plan By. Breanna Boddy Lesson: Earth Day Length: 45 minutes Grade Intended: K-5 Date: April 22nd Description: Dreamers will create bird feeders out of recycled materials and decorate them with an Earth Day theme. Objectives: Dreamers will learn about the three R’s and how to incorporate them into their lives. Dreamers will make bird feeders to help them understand “reusing” products. Materials: 25 small milk cartons (donated from Mapleton school district’s nutritional services.) Paint and paintbrushes for decorating Scissors Bird Seed 25 bags (for bird seed to take home) 25 pieces of string for hanging Teacher Preparation: Cut slits into cartons to help them cut a hole. Draw rectangles for cutting on cartons Hole punch top of cartons to put yarn through. Cut pieces of yarn 30 inches long Prepare paint and other decorations Bag birdseed Activity: 4:30pm Introduction Adult asks Dreamers what they know about Earth day Adult explains how what earth day is all about. - Show what pollution can do to the earth with pictures. Explain how polluting the earth can hurt us and animals - what can each one of us do to help? Explain the three R’s. Introduce the activity: So today, we will be making homemade bird feeders! We will be re-using milk cartons by transforming them into bird feeders! This activity will help all keep the earth clean because we won’t be wasting these milk cartons, and we will be feeding birds in the process! Explain why birds are important for our earth: It is important that we take care of our birds because they do a lot for this earth and us! Does anybody know some of the things that birds do for us? – They help pollinate flowers and distribute seeds giving us plants and food. 4:35pm -Pass out newspaper and have kids cover tables -Adult passes out one milk carton and pens per dreamer -Dreamers write their names on the bottom of the milk carton 4:40pm -Pass out scissors -Have dreamers cut out the pre-drawn rectangle 4:45pm Pass out yarn and have them tie it around the hole punched hole. Walk around and help students. 4:50pm Adult passes paint colors and utensils to dreamers 4:55pm Adult explains that each student must decorate their milk cartons using the paints handed to them. The students are to paint their favorite outdoor scenes on the milk cartons. (Give them ideas like Mountains, flowers, sunsets, oceans, trees, forests, animals etc.) 5:15pm Dreamers line up to go wash their hands 5:20pm Clean Up (Leave cartons to dry overnight) 5:25pm Reflection What do birds do for our earth? How did our activity today fit into the three Rs? How can we help to make our earth cleaner in the future? 5:30pm Line Up Dreamers can pick take home the bird feeders and baggies of birdseed the next day of dreamers. Milk Carton Instructions: 1. Cut a hole in the milk carton that is big enough for the bird to put its head in and eat.. 2. Hole punch top of carton for the yarn to go through. Tie the yarn. 3. Paint the carton. 4. Hang on tree or house 5. Pour bird seed in the carton Resource: http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/institute/lesson-clearinghouse/474-Milk-Carton-BirdFeeder.html