MAY 4th PROM 6st Last day of School Track 1 (Students that were enrolled in July 2012) 9th PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES JUNE 5th Last day of School Remaining E-Institute students 27th Last day of school Taylion Hybrid (Students who enrolled after January 2013) e-Buckeye Staff Mrs. Jones Principal Ms. Rachel Executive Asst. Mrs. Molina Administrative Asst. Mr. Pizzuto Biology Mrs. Wenzlau Asst. Principal/ English Keeping up with The Jones We are winding down the 2012-13 school year and so far most students are on track with the credits they should have earned this year. For the ones that are a little shy of the mark, use this time to push yourself. We are confident that you can achieve, but you have to complete and turn in the work...ON TIME! PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES are scheduled for Thursday, May 9th. We will be holding conferences all day between the hours of 8AM through 5:30PM. It would be best to call the front office in order to schedule an appointment so that the teachers may have your student’s report and materials prepared for you, or you may attend as a walk in, but expect delays as they prepare your student’s material. The last two items go hand in hand. Attendance still matters at E-Institute. According to Arizona state law students are required to attend school a minimum of 20 hours per week. Our policy states, if a student is absent in excess of 6 days per block their classes will be DELETED and direct instruction classes will receive an INCOMPLETE. I have gone against the policy and placed the classes in a hold status and release classes once student successfully completes a block with less than 6 days absent. This has caused unnecessary additional work on my part. Students with excessive absences will be required to attend summer session in order to regain their credits. We will return to the district policy at the onset of the 2013-14 school year. 2013 GRADUATES 1. SAMANTHA ARMENTA 3. JASMINE MATOS 5. DANIEL NIETO 2. RICARDO FLORES 4. SARAH MICKLIN 6. ARTEMIO PONCE Mr. Sanzone Math LAST DAY OF SCHOOL MAY 6th: ONLY students who were enrolled JULY of 2012. JUNE 5th: ALL E-INSTITUTE students who were enrolled between AUGUSTDECEMBER 2012. JUNE 27th: ALL TAYLION-HYBRID students who were enrolled after JANUARY 2013. CAP & GOWN ORDERS School reach messages have gone out the past two weeks announcing cap & gown orders which are due on Thursday May 2nd. The cost for the set is $30, and it includes the cap, gown & tassel. JOSTENS IS NO LONGER THE CHOSEN VENDOR FOR E-INSTITUTE CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. So please get your orders in ASAP! ATTENDANCE MATTERS PROM May 4th, it’s that time of year again to get all dressed up and PARTAYEEE! E-Buckeye is hosting the 2013 Masquerade Gala at the Caliber Academy, 15679 W. Custer LN, Surprise, AZ, 85379. We will be providing masks, vittles, and an awesome atmosphere to shake your groove thang! Tickets are on sale for $10.00 per single, and $15.00 per couple. Come One…Come All…Only 11 tickets left. Tickets will be sold through Thursday, May 2…Hurry up and get your ticket! I-PADS EMERGENCY CONTACT There has been an increase in the number of students getting busted for cheating As a result of the lack of integrity students will no longer be allowed to use I-Pads, Kindle, Laptops or any other electronic device on campus. The only approved electronic devices will be MP3 players and I-Pods…NO I-PHONES! Phones must be turned in at the beginning of each session It is imperative that we keep our parent contact phone numbers current. Earlier this year we had to call the paramedics for a student, and we were unable to contact the family directly. This is not acceptable…We need to be able to contact ALL families at ALL times. Please update your contact information if your phone number has changed and if you have recently moved. REFERRALS = 2 FREE MOVIE TICKETS Everybody loves the movies!! If you are an e-Institute student and you refer students that enroll and attend for either 30 days, or complete a class. You will receive 2 free movie tickets to a Harkins show. No limit to the tickets you may earn. So send your referrals and see you at the movies Student’s Name:_____________________________________________________ Student’s Phone Number:_______________________________________________ Referred By:_______________________________________________________