ICGN Scholarships: Donation Form We welcome donations to the ICGN Scholarship programme which helps individuals from developing markets join our work programme over a three year period. Since 2007, 56 individuals from 37 countries have benefited from a scholarship bursary to help support their efforts in promoting good governance reform locally. We provide two programmes in memory of Sir Adrian Cadbury and Alastair Ross Goobey in recognition of their respective contributions to corporate governance reform world-wide. Please return the completed form: By email: By post: To Marlice Johnson at marlice.johnson@icgn.org To ICGN Scholarships, ICGN, Saffron House, 6 -10 Kirby Street, London, EC1N 8TS, UK Please complete the following details: Title First Name Surname Building Name/Number Address 2 Postcode City Country Telephone Email Yes, I/We would like to donate: ☐ £50 ☐ £100 ☐ £150 ☐ Other Payment Method ☐ I enclose a cheque (Please make cheques payable to ICGN and include the donation form when posting) ☐ Please charge my credit/debit card (insert card information below) ☐ Visa ☐ MasterCard ☐ American Express ☐ Other (Please Confirm) ………………………………..... Card Number Valid From Security Code Signature / Expiry Date / Issue Number (if necessary) Date For further information please contact: Marlice Johnson Email: marlice.johnson@icgn.org. Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7612 7084