Ethics Bowl 2015 Mondays: 5pm-6:45pm AL Small Conference room Wednesdays: 7pm-8:30pm AL 422 Occasional Saturdays and Sundays Instructor: Office: Email: Alison M. Brown, Ph.D., Esq. AL 440 Office Hours: After class and by appointment. Phone: (650) 906-9914 Required Text: The 12 Cases from the 2015-2016 Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl – I’ll email these to you Research needed to aid in forming your arguments and defense of your positions – You’ll have to find this Travel Requirement: If you want to compete, you’ll need to be available all day on Dec. 4 through Dec. 6. The Philosophy Department will pay for: the van and gas to get us to San Jose and back, 2 nights of hotel in San Jose, competition fees, and team uniforms (probably polo shirts). The University will reimburse you for your meals for the entire weekend up to the amounts specified – Kim will provide this information prior to the trip. Course Description: Participate in the 2015-2016 Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl California Regional Competition. The class will focus on 12 cases disseminated by the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl Competitions, focusing on ethics, public policy, and debate. The team will meet about twice per week to analyze the cases, plan strategy, and mock debate. Course Goals and Objectives: The goals of this course are to prepare for vigorous oral, ethical debate and to compete in the 2014 California Regional Ethics Bowl Competition. At the end of the course, students will be able to: 1. Identify (and avoid making) fallacious arguments 2. Identify and analyze various moral theories as applied to specific ethical issues; 3. Construct arguments in a legal context and critique counter arguments; 4. Identify and reconstruct arguments in a legal context; 5. Evaluate/analyze legal arguments; and 6. Demonstrate analytic oral argument skills. Expectations I have of you: Students are expected to have read and thought about the assigned text and to arrive on time. In addition to expecting you to meaningfully contribute to class, I also ask that you do everything to foster a professional and positive learning environment. While I strongly encourage vigorous debate, I expect that everyone will treat others respectfully at all times. I also ask that you do nothing to distract me or classmates during class. In particular, please only use laptops or other electronic devices in class to take notes and access course-related materials. Also, I beg of you to curb electronic distractions: turn cell phones off, refrain from playing computer games, abstain from using all communication tools such as email, IM, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Chatroulette, or webcams during class. Also, please disable/pause your Shake Weight screensaver or otherwise distracting graphics, and YouTube how-to videos. Course Assignments: Class Attendance – Attend as many class/practice meetings as possible Writing Assignment – Turn in a case outline for each of your cases Mock Competitions – Argue your Ethics Bowl 2015 cases before 4 panels of Mock Judges Competition – Attend and participate in the 2015 California Regional Ethics Bowl Competition Grading: Class Participation: Writing assignments: Mock Competition 1: Mock Competition 2: Mock Competition 3: Mock Competition 4: Competition: 30% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 0% A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 0-59 Academic Honor Policy: Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities: Plagiarism ( or cheating may result in a grade of “F” for the course. Americans with Disabilities Act: University policies regarding ADA-compliant accommodations and procedures to receive accommodations: Students who need accommodation of their disabilities should contact me privately, to discuss specific accommodations for which they have received authorization. If you need accommodation due to a disability, but you have not registered with Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473 (Calpulli Center, Suite 3101), please do so before making an appointment to see me. Student Privacy and Intellectual Property: I will protect your privacy by not distributing or posting grades in a way that allows anyone other than the individual student to access them. In addition, San Diego State University policy grants to students intellectual property rights to work products they create as part of a course unless they are formally notified otherwise. Furthermore, I expect each of you to abide by these policies in your dealings with fellow students. Mondays: 5-7 in AL small conference room; Wednesdays: 7-8:30 in AL 422; Weekends: 2-4 in AL 422 Date Wednesday 26 August Wednesday 2 September Wednesday 9 September Wednesday 16 September Monday 21 September Topic Intro, continued try-outs, structure basics Class Assignments Intro assignment – emailed to you No Class No Class Discuss the 15 cases for 2015 competition - select 3 that we do not like Discuss cases Please read all 15 cases and identify the basic moral issues in each Team building Discuss cases Wednesday 23 September Monday 28 September Wednesday 30 September Discuss cases Start your research BEFORE today: - read the articles cited in your cases - find other articles that relate to your cases Focus on structure Wrap up research Think about structure Monday Practice giving arguments Start practicing giving arguments Practice giving arguments Turn in an argument sheet for each of your cases – this should be a bullet-point skeleton outline of your standpoints/arguments - should be no more than 1 page per case 5 October Wednesday 7 October Saturday 10 October Monday 12 October Wednesday 14 October Monday 19 October Wednesday 21 October Sunday 25 October Monday 26 October Wednesday 28 October Saturday 31 October Monday 2 October Wednesday 4 November Monday 9 November Wednesday 11 November Saturday 14 November Monday 16 November Wednesday 18 November Monday 23 November Wednesday 25 November Friday 4 December Saturday 5 December Sunday 6 December Practice All argument sheets due – for real – by this day Give Arguments to Mock Judges 2 pm Give Arguments to Mock Judges Practice Give Arguments to Mock Judges Practice Give Arguments to Mock Judges 2 pm Give Arguments to Mock Judges Practice Practice Give Arguments to Mock Judges 2pm Give Arguments to Mock Judges Practice Give Arguments to Mock Judges Veterans’ Day – No Classes – We can still meet if you want to (TBD) Give Arguments to Mock Judges We can meet off campus if you’d like. We can meet at any time. Give Arguments to Mock Judges Practice Give Arguments to Mock Judges No meeting – Pre-Thanksgiving Drive in the van to San Jose Eat nice dinner together, go to sleep early COMPETITION! Drive back to San Diego Discuss you cases with your families – practice giving your arguments, ask for counter arguments *** You’ll need to take this day off school/work – I can write you a note if necessary excusing you from school/work***