Memo to Deans and Chairs

Deans and Chairs
FROM: David Stone, Associate Vice President for Research and Director of the PI Academy
The PI Academy for Research and Engagement
Research and engaged learning are central to the NIU Great Journeys Strategic Planning imperatives of
enhancing the teaching and learning environment and strengthening and extending NIU’s regional and
global reach. They are also critical to attaining the Vision 2020 goal of increasing external funding for
research and other scholarly activity by 30%. To support these central elements, the Division of
Research and Graduate Studies is sponsoring the NIU PI Academy for Research and Engagement with
funding provided largely through the Great Journey’s initiative.
The PI Academy will provide professional development and mentoring to a cohort of approximately 20
junior tenure-seeking faculty with demonstrated potential and a clear expectation for attracting external
funding for the research, public service, or other scholarly activities and who, through that work, will be
well-positioned to provide engaged learning opportunities for their students. The professional
development component will provide information and insight about the gamut of activities related to
becoming a successful investigator including competitive positioning, grant writing, project
management, research compliance, responsible conduct of research, working with sponsoring agencies,
and sustaining funding over the long-term. Faculty members will learn how to develop and sustain
successful working relationships with NIU units responsible for administration of grants and contracts,
including the Office of Sponsored Projects and Grants Fiscal Administration. Additional training will
provide a framework for understanding the process of engaged learning, as well as specific information
about accessing NIU resources for incorporating engaged learning into their research and teaching.
PI Academy Scholars will take part in an integrated, year-long professional development program that
will include a range of forms and types of monthly trainings, workshops, and other participatory and
educational events. They will also be matched with a senior mentor who is a successful senior faculty
member in their area of specialization from another institution in the US. That mentor will come to
campus to meet with their PI Academy Scholar, conduct a presentation open to the NIU scholarly
community, and interact in an informal setting with the scholar and members of NIU academic
leadership. The mentor will agree to work with their Academy Scholar over the ensuing year by
providing advice and mentoring around one grant proposal or publication.
Nominations of potential Academy Scholars are being solicited from department chairs. Successful
candidates will be those who have already begun to successfully position themselves as active
researchers. Their potential will be evaluated on the basis of their doctoral and post-doctoral training,
publication record, prior grant experience, prior grant submission, pilot work and documented interest
in engaging students in their research, scholarly or artistic endeavors. Chairs will complete the PI
Academy Nomination Form (a maximum of 2 from each Department), and obtain approval from the
College Dean. Nominations will then be reviewed by the PI Academy Steering Committee, and
approximately 20 Academy Scholars will be chosen. Nominations are due by April 27, 2012. Selection
will be announced on or before June 1, 2012. Academy activities will begin in August 2012.