Calibrating Criminals

Calibrating Criminals
Calibration of an Eye Tracking Device to NonCooperative Subjects
Ryan Schuetzler
This proposal recommends research into the covert calibration of an eye tracking device to
uncooperative subjects. Using visual salience theory, the author justifies an approach to calibrate the
device without subjects’ knowledge to enhance accuracy of test results.
Following the events of September 11, 2001, securing the US border has become a focal
issue. As more people attempt to enter the country, manpower and current processes are proving
insufficient to process this ever-increasing volume. In order to deal with these constraints, more
efficient methods of processing potential entrants are being evaluated. One of the methods
currently being evaluated is an automated-screening kiosk. Users interact with the kiosk, and the
kiosk integrates and analyzes data from various sensors to provide automated assistance in
detecting deception (Derrick, Elkins, Burgoon, & Nunamaker, 2010). An eye tracker is one of
those sensors, and was recently shown to be effective in detecting deception using a Guilty
Knowledge Test (Derrick, Moffit, & Nunamaker, 2010).
One important issue in the use of sensors, including the eye tracker, is calibration.
Calibration is the process of creating known measurements from which to compare future
measurements. In the case of the eye tracker, calibration is the process of matching eye
movement to specific points on the screen. Current calibration procedures involve asking the
subjects to orient their eye gaze toward dots displayed on a screen. While this calibration
procedure provides a high level of accuracy, it could also alert the subject to the eye tracking that
is to follow.
Drawing attention to the eye tracker may cause threats to validity. The most important of
these is hypothesis guessing. Hypothesis guessing occurs when subjects in an experiment guess
what experimenters are attempting to study (Trochim, 2000). Since only limited types of
information can be gathered from an eye tracker, subjects may consciously evaluate their eye
movement and thus alter their gaze patterns, invalidating results.
Therefore, my research question for this study is the following:
RQ1: How can an eye tracker calibrate without the subject's knowledge?
Theoretical background
I propose to use visual salience theory to assist in the covert calibration of an eye tracking
device. This theory is focused on how attributes of visual elements encourage the orientation of
attention and gaze.
Visual Salience
A visually salient object is an object that is different in some way from the objects around
it. For example, a blue square in a screen full of red circles would be visually salient. Prior
research has shown that visual salience is effective in reducing the time searching for an object
on a screen (Cole, Kentridge, & Heywood, 2004; Jonides, 1981; Muller & Rabbitt, 1989; Yantis
& Jonides, 1990). However, research has also shown that people are able to filter out cues that
are not relevant to their current task (Yantis & Egeth, 1999). This phenomenon can be explained
using the theory of attentional guidance. Using attentional guidance, viewers ignore certain
salience cues if they are not relevant (Folk, Remington, & Johnston, 1992). For example, a
diagonal red bar on a page of diagonal blue bars is visually salient; however, subjects ignored
that cue when their task was to locate the single vertical bar on the page (Yantis & Egeth, 1999).
Additional research has shown that the onset (appearance) of a new object is especially
effective in capturing the attention of viewers (Cole et al., 2004; Yantis & Egeth, 1999). Cole et
al. (2004) found through seven experiments that object onset was more effective than color,
luminance, and object offset (disappearance). Thus, object onset may be the most visually salient
The use of visual salience cues like object onset to draw subjects’ attention will be the
most effective way to draw attention and gaze subconsciously. Figure 1 shows the proposed
model for this research.
Visual Salience
Figure 1 - Proposed Research Model
 H1: Calibration performed using visually salient cues will be more accurate than
calibration without salience
H2: Covert calibration performed using visually salient cues will be less accurate than
traditional calibration methods
H3: Uncooperative subjects will be better calibrated using covert methods than overt
H4: Uncooperative subjects will be better calibrated using visually salient cues than
I propose to study the covert calibration of an eye tracking device by devising a task
through which subjects would need to look at portions of the screen. Several different
experimental designs could be used:
1. The subject is presented with an image of their driver’s license or passport. The
subject is then asked to review the information on the document for accuracy.
Most of the document is darkened, followed by a box appearing around the
section being reviewed at the time. For example, the subject could be asked if the
picture is a picture of them, and a box would appear around the picture to draw
their attention. These results could then be compared to a calibration task where
users are simply asked to look at certain parts without highlighting the portion to
be examined.
2. The subject is shown an orientation video clip about the automated kiosk
screening process. During this video, object onset subtly draws attention to
different parts of the screen.
3. Similar to (1), the subject is asked to review a list of information from a form
instead of a picture of their driver’s license. Object onset and other salience cues
highlight the portion of the screen to be examined. While this may provide a
similar effect, I believe that the visual nature of the driver’s license will provide a
more effective backdrop for the calibration process.
4. The subjects must enter information displayed on the screen into a keypad. The
user would have to look at the screen to read the information that would then be
entered into a form. Several of these could be used, forcing the user to look at the
screen at designated points. This approach may prove beneficial, as it will require
subjects to direct their gaze to certain parts of the screen. However, since it is an
artificial task, it may alert subjects to its real purpose.
In each of these experimental designs, the experimental calibration could be compared to
a traditional calibration using a task after the initial calibration. For example, following the
calibration, subjects could be asked to look at single points on the screen. In this way, the
accuracy of the calibration can be assessed.
Pilot testing will need to be conducted to determine the timing of the calibration
measurement. Since calibration takes into account the eyes’ position at only one point in time,
some basic research will need to be conducted to determine how long after object onset is the
ideal time to ensure that subjects are looking at the correct point on the screen. Reaction times in
visual salience research have been anywhere from 200-700 ms (Posner & Cohen, 1984). These
times will be used as starting points for evaluation. In order to ensure that calibration is as
accurate as possible, the eye tracking device must take a measurement as soon as possible after
object onset, before subjects have time to shift their gaze elsewhere.
Expected Results
I expect the following results: (1) experimental covert calibration will not yield results as
accurate as those obtained using traditional calibration, (2) I expect trials using object onset to
calibrate more accurately than those without. Future research will be needed to determine how
accurate calibration must be for testing to be effective. Of course, the necessary level of accuracy
is highly task dependent. For analyzing gaze patterns in examining full-screen images, low levels
of accuracy may be sufficient. However, when it is necessary to know exactly where subjects are
looking at specific points in time, more calibration may be necessary.
The primary purpose of this research is to determine if calibration is possible without the
subject’s knowledge. This information will be valuable for future eye tracking research as well
as implementations of eye tracking technology in the field. Researchers will be able to avoid
hypothesis guessing by calibrating the eye tracker without the subjects’ knowledge. Additionally,
field implementations of eye tracking technology for deception detection will be more accurate
when assessing uncooperative subjects as well. Adding the capability to calibrate the eye tracker
without the subject’s knowledge will result in more reliable data.
Cole, G., Kentridge, R., & Heywood, C. (2004). Visual salience in the change detection
paradigm: the special role of object onset. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 30(3),
Derrick, D. C., Elkins, A. C., Burgoon, J. K., & Nunamaker, J. F., Jr. (2010). Border Security
Credibility Assessments via Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion. IEEE Intelligent Systems,
25(3), 41-49.
Derrick, D. C., Moffit, K., & Nunamaker, J. F., Jr. (2010). Eye Gaze Behavior as a Guilty
Knowledge Test: Initial Exploration for Use in Automated, Kiosk-based Screening. Paper
presented at the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
Poipu, Hawaii.
Folk, C., Remington, R., & Johnston, J. (1992). Involuntary covert orienting is contingent on
attentional control settings. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and
Performance, 18, 1030-1030.
Jonides, J. (1981). Voluntary versus automatic control over the mind’s eye’s movement.
Attention and performance IX, 9, 187-203.
Muller, H., & Rabbitt, P. (1989). Reflexive and voluntary orienting of visual attention: Time
course of activation and resistance to interruption. Journal of Experimental Psychology,
15(2), 315-330.
Posner, M., & Cohen, Y. (1984). Components of visual orienting. Attention and performance X:
Control of language processes, 32, 531–556.
Trochim, W. M. (2000). The Research Methods Knowledge Base (2nd ed.). Cincinnati, OH:
Atomic Dog Publishing.
Yantis, S., & Egeth, H. (1999). On the distinction between visual salience and stimulus-driven
attentional capture. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and
Performance, 25, 661-676.
Yantis, S., & Jonides, J. (1990). Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: Voluntary versus
automatic allocation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and
performance, 16(1), 121-134.