Quiz 1 – Review

Unit 1 – Quiz 1
Clearly mark the most correct answer for each question found below.
1. Which of the following psychologists opened the first psychology lab in Germany?
a. William James
b. Wilhelm Wundt
c. Sigmund Freud
2. Of the following approaches to understanding behavior, which will most likely focus on the way
that adults process information?
a. Biological
b. Cognitive
c. Sociocultural
3. What is the difference between cognitive and behavioral psychology?
a. Behavioral psychology deals with reinforcement and punishment, while cognitive
psychology deals with information processing
b. Cognitive psychology focuses only on observable behavior, while behavioral psychology
focuses on internal processes
c. Both focus on observable behavior, there is no difference
4. Of the following approaches to psychology, which area would be most concerned with the idea
that people strive towards self-actualization?
a. Biological
b. Cognitive
c. Humanistic
5. Which of the following approaches to psychology s most likely to have a paper entitled, “The
Role of the Endocrine System as a Secondary Neurotransmitter”?
a. Biological
b. Cognitive
c. Sociocultural
6. In early psychology, Wilhelm Wundt developed a technique for doing research that involved
having people describe their thoughts as they observed an object. This technique is called
a. Behavioral Analysis
b. Dream Analysis
c. Introspection
Unit 1 – Quiz 1
7. The person who is most responsible for developing the school of thought called functionalism is
a. James
b. Wundt
c. Skinner
8. Which of these would a social psychologist be MOST likely to investigate?
a. The amygdala’s role in the fight –or – flight response
b. How the size of a group influences decisions made by group members
c. The effects of giving monetary rewards for academics success
9. Which of the following approaches focus on free will and personal growth?
a. Biological
b. Humanistic
c. Cognitive
10. The psychoanalytic approach to understanding personality was described
a. Freud
b. Descartes
c. Darwin
11. The theory that humans learn from experience is called ________________.
a. ardoise vierge
b. pizarra en blanco
c. tabula rasa
12. Empirical is ______________________________.
a. Verifiable observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
b. Verifiable theory or logic versus observation or experience
c. Verifiable emotions, thoughts, and feelings
13. Psychology is _____________________________.
a. The scientific study of knowledge, truth, and nature
b. The scientific study of living organism and their parts
c. The scientific study of mind and body
14. Which of the following are NOT one of the modern approaches to psychology?
a. Psychoanalytic
b. Cognitive
c. Evolutionary
Unit 1 – Quiz 1
15. The study behind the purpose of thoughts, feelings, and emotions is called
a. Structuralism
b. Evolutionary
c. Functionalism
On the lines below write a T or F indicating truth or false for each statement.
______ - Cognitive psychologists study the consciousness of humans
______ - Applied research is used to gather data in order to answer a question with psychology
______ - Surveys are the most reliable form of gathering observable data
______ - The APA approves or denies psychological experiments performed on living organisms
______ - The rat box was developed by BF Skinner