Thermal characterization of Glucose- Water mixtures by photopyroelectric techniques G Lara-Hernandez1,2, J J A Flores-Cuautle3,4,5, L M Cervantes-Espinosa6, A Cruz-Orea1* and E Suaste-Gomez2 1 Physics Department, CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, C. P. 07360,México D. F. México. 2 Electrical Engineering Department, CINVESTAV-IPN, Av. IPN No. 2508, Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, C. P. 07360,México D. F. México. 3 Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en ThermischeFysica, KU Leuven, Celestijnelaan 200D, Leuven, Belgium 4 Present address: Cátedras CONACyT, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Av. Insurgentes Sur 1582, Crédito Constructor, Benito Juárez C.P. 03940, México/ 5 Present address: Maestría en Ingeniería Electrónica, División de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba, Orizaba, Ver. México 6 ESCOM-IPN, Av. Juan de Dios Bátiz s/n esquina Miguel Othón de Mendizabal, U. P. A. L. M., Col. Lindavista, 07738 México, D. F. México * Corresponding author e-mail: Abstract. The increasing levels of diabetes mellitus, points out the necessity to develop new methods to get accurate values of the glucose level as a way to reduce the risk of major hypoglycaemia, this level also provides the information necessary to make small changes in insulin treatment and allows us to understand the effects of some foods, exercise or different doses of insulin. As first step to develop an accurate system of glucose determination, measurement of thermal properties of glucose on solutions were obtained by means of Photopyroelectric (PPE) technique, which has proved to be a suitable method to measure thermal parameters of liquid samples, then by using the back and inverse Photopyroelectric configurations, the thermal diffusivity and effusivity of glucose-water mixtures were obtained, at room temperature, as a function of glucose concentration. 1. Introduction Nine out of ten adults, aged 25 years old and older, had blood glucose over the recommended limits [1]. Raised blood glucose is an indicator of diabetes mellitus, since diabetes can lead to several health risks like: strokes, renal failure, lower limb amputations, visual impairment, blindness, there is also a disease which medical care cost up to 15% of national healthcare budgets in developed countries. As part of prevention and early diagnosis of this disease, it is necessary to carry on research on effective ways to measure small variations in glucose concentration in solutions, as first step, to develop a measurement system to determine glucose concentration in blood, in this sense several methods to measure glucose concentrations have been developed [2-4]. Most of those methods involve expensive equipment, on the other hand photothermal (PT) techniques have been used to detect small concentrations of some compound in solution and, are cheaper than other techniques with the same or even less resolution [5-8]. PT techniques are based in the analysis of thermal waves, induced by a frequency modulated light source, traveling through a layered system in which a thermal wave detector and sample under analysis are slabs, when thermal wave detector is a pyroelectric material then it is so-call photopyroelectric (PPE) technique. Depending on selected configuration PPE methods are able to provide several sample features as optical absorption spectra [9], nonradiative relaxation process [10] and, thermal properties [11, 12]. In the present study the so-called back (BPPE) and inverse (IPPE) photopyroelectric configurations, both based on PPE detection, are used to determine thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of glucosewater mixtures. In the IPPE configuration the thermal effusivity (e) of samples can be obtained, in this case frequency modulated light impinges on one side of a pyroelectric detector which has the liquid sample on the other side, in such a way that sample acts as heat dissipater for thermal waves originated at pyroelectric detector. By other hand, to obtain the sample thermal diffusivities the BPPE configuration was used, in this configuration the sample is enclosure between the pyroelectric detector and a metal sheet acting as thermal wave generator due to absorbed light. The liquid sample allows conducting the thermal waves to the pyroelectric sensor where a PPE signal is generated and processed by the lock-in amplifier. 2. Experimental 2.1. Samples preparation Aqueous solutions were prepared by mixing glucose and bi-distilled water, different concentrations were prepared. Adequate glucose quantities (x% w/v) were diluted into 90 ml of bi-distilled water, in order to obtain complete dissolution samples were magnetically stirred during 10 minutes at room temperature. 2.2. Experimental setups Experimental setup used to obtain sample thermal effusivity (es), can be seen in figure 1. In this setup the sample is placed in a container, over the pyroelectric detector, while modulated light strikes on the bottom side of the detector. The PPE signal, of the PVDF 9 µm thick pyroelectric detector, was amplified by a lock-in amplifier and its amplitude and phase were measured as a function of the laser beam modulation frequency (f). Figure 1 IPPE experimental setup for thermal effusivity measurements For frequencies that leads to a thermally thick sample (i.e. ls >> µs, where ls is the sample thickness and µs= (αs/(πf))1/2, with αs is the sample thermal diffusivity) and, having optically opaque pyroelectric sensor, the theoretical expression of pyroelectric sensor output is expressed by [7, 13]: V ( ) (1 e plp ( g 1)e )(1 b) (e p l p p l p 1)(1 b) (1 b) (1 g )e plp (1 b) (1) where σp is the complex thermal diffusion coefficient (σp= (1+j)/µp, j=(-1)1/2 and µp= (αp/(πf))1/2), with αp the pyroelectric thermal diffusivity), lp is the pyroelectric thickness, b = es/ep, g = eg/ep and es, eg and ep, are the thermal effusivities for sample, surrounding gas and pyroelectric detector, respectively. By fitting the Equation 1 to the experimental data, for the IPPE geometry, it is possible to obtain the sample thermal effusivity. Furthermore, in order to avoid the pyroelectric sensor signal dependence on the frequency, the obtained V(ω) signal was normalized with the empty PPE cell signal. BPPE configuration is formed by a chamber of variable length (l) containing the liquid sample; cavity is formed by a circular Cu foil 100 𝜇m thick and, Lanthanum modified lead zirconate (PLZT) 756 micron thick as pyroelectric sensor. A laser diode beam, modulated by the internal oscillator of a lock-in amplifier, impinges on the black painted inner surface of the metallic foil, which acts as light absorber. As the modulated light strikes on the metallic foil, its temperature fluctuates periodically at the same modulation frequency of the incident beam; temperature oscillations at 𝑥 = 𝑙 can be measured with the pyroelectric sensor as showed in figure 2. Figure 2 BPPE experimental setup for thermal diffusivity measurements Thermal diffusivity (αs) was obtained by performing frequency scans at x and x + Δx, where Δx is a well controlled distance then, using Δx as sample thickness (ls), the PPE signal, for thermally thick sample, is expressed by equation 2. V ( f ) Beasls e j 2 asls (2) where as= ((πf)/ αs)1/2 3. Results and discussion Amplitude and phase, as a function of the light modulation frequency, obtained by IPPE technique are depicted in figure 3 for 0.7% glucose concentration sample, solid line represents the result of carefully fitting using Equation 1, having es as fitting parameter, ep was determined a priori, by using glycerol and water as reference samples. Figure 3 IPPE amplitude and phase as function of frequency Figure 4 shows the frequency dependence of the phase signal for 0.7% glucose concentration sample, obtained by BPPE technique. Solid line represents the best fitting of phase of Equation 2 to the experimental data, using αs as fitting parameter, with ls well controlled as mentioned. Figure 4 BPPE normalized phase as function of square root of the light modulation frequency Figure 5 summarizes the obtained thermal effusivities and diffusivities as a function of glucose concentration, solid lines are used for eye guide to show tendency values. In the case of the thermal effusivity there is a slightly decrease of this parameter when is increased the glucose concentration. For thermal diffusivity values it is possible to see a decrease of this thermal parameter when the concentration of glucose is increased. Figure 5 Thermal diffusivity and effusivity as function of glucose concentration 4. Conclusions In the present study the back (BPPE) and inverse (IPPE) photopyroelectric configurations were used to determine the thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of glucose-water mixtures. The experimental results show a decrease of the thermal diffusivity with increasing amount of glucose. In the case of thermal effusivity, the concentration dependence is roughly within the statistical uncertainty, even though this gives us a first sight on the behavior of glucose thermal properties as function of concentration. Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by CONACyT and COFAA-IPN. We are also grateful to Ing. E. Ayala from Physics Department - CINVESTAV-IPN, for their technical assistance. 5. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] World health statistics by W. H. O. (2013). A. Tura, S. Sbrignadello, D. Cianciavicchia, G. Pacini and P. Ravazzani, Sensors 10 (6), 53465358 (2010). J. T. Bruulsema, J. E. Hayward, T. J. Farrell, M. S. Patterson, L. Heinemann, M. Berger, T. Koschinsky, J. Sandahl-Christiansen, H. Orskov, M. Essenpreis, G. Schmelzeisen-Redeker and D. Böcker, Opt. Lett. 22 (3), 190-192 (1997). A. J. Berger, I. Itzkan and M. S. 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