Name ________________________________________ Date ______________ Class Period _____________________ French Foreign Phrases – 8th Grade Core Knowledge English [Formative] Advanced - 4 Student is able to produce an illustration that requires no definition to comprehend. The illustration is labeled and shows extraordinary effort to “capture” the meaning of the phrase. The foreign phrase is used in a sentence in such a way that the definition is not needed. Additional details are added to the sentence, or sentences, to give an in-depth and nuanced understanding of the phrase. Proficient - 3 Student is able to produce an illustration that requires no definition to comprehend. The foreign phrase is used in a sentence in such a way that the definition is not needed. Partially Proficient -2 Student is able to produce an illustration; however, the illustration does not capture the meaning of the phrase or is incomplete. The foreign phrase is used in a sentence; however, the definition of the phrase cannot be deduced by its use in the sentence. In Progress -1 Student does not attempt to illustrate the phrase. The foreign phrase is not used in a sentence, or the foreign phrase is used incorrectly in a sentence. CCSS: RL.8.4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. 2-3-4 Examples (these cannot be used in your work; use simply as a model): Partially Proficient Sentence Example: “Jenny had no savoir-faire of French cultural norms” Proficient Sentence Example: “Jenny’s savoir-faire of French cultural norms was evident when she knew that salad would be the last course of the meal.” Advance Sentence Example: “Jenny knew exactly how to navigate the streets of Paris; she was able to speak the language, understood French cultural norms, and was excited to interact with the French people. Jenny’s family was impressed with her savoir-faire in regards to her knowledge of France.” You are responsible for knowing, and being able to apply, all thirteen of the following French foreign phrases in your writing. faux pas savoir-faire a social blunder, literally, “a false step” the ability to say or do the right thing in any situation, policed sureness in society; literally, “to know how to do” Draw an example of the word. Draw an example of the word. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. au revoir tête-à-tête goodbye, until we see each other again private conversation between two people, literally, “head to head” vis-à–vis Draw an example of the word. Draw an example of the word. private conversation between two people, literally, “face to face” Draw an example of the word. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. fait accompli raison d’être an accomplished fact, something that is finished Draw an example of the word. reason for being, reason for living Draw an example of the word. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Madame Mademoiselle Monsieur Merci married or elderly woman (any woman older than you) or a woman in a position of authority (e.g. a teacher) young woman who is not married (like Miss) a man or young boy (Mr.) thank you Draw an example of the word. Draw an example of the word. Draw an example of the word. Draw an example of the word. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence. déjà vu c’est la vie something overly familiar, literally, “already seen” Draw an example of the word. that’s life, that’s how things happen Draw an example of the word. Write the word correctly in a sentence. Write the word correctly in a sentence.