13th November - Hiltingbury Junior School

Hiltingbury Highlights
Issue 10
Friday 13th
Hello from Mrs Hunter
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there; I did not die
Y5 Wacky Week – Lights, Camera, Action!
Last week, Year 5 began our wacky week and we had chosen to learn all about the art of
making movies! We explored the genre of silent films (even watching clips of famous
actors like Charlie Chaplain to inspire us!) and then wrote a list of tricks of the trade to
help us know how to be successful. In groups, we planned our ideas, produced
storyboards and wrote our own title cards. Our week finished on a high on Monday 9th
November when we invited the Year 3s along to watch our finished movies 
“I learnt to not give up when you are almost there!” (Grace H 5C)
“I was amazed by how much fun Wacky Week was! My favourite part was making and colouring the title cards.”
(Tiggs H-J 5FC)
“My favourite part was when other groups gave us feedback as it really improved my movie.” (Adam L 5B)
“If you try to act, you can achieve it!” (Emma Y 5C)
Children in Need
Thank you to everyone who supported this we raised a fantastic £548.58 which has been sent to
Children in Need.
Spelling Policy
We used our INSET training day to work as a staff to explore the most effective ways to
teach spellings. During this half term, some classes will be trialling learning spellings for
homework in different ways, ready to help us formulate our policy ready for the new year.
Please bear with us while we experiment with different approaches! Please see the details
in the Parent Forum box below for details how you can comment on this area of the school curriculum.
The Silver Sword
On Friday 6th November some students and their families from Hiltingbury Junior School went to see
a play at the Nuffield Theatre after school. It was called The Silver Sword and is one of the books of
the Hiltingbury 100 reading challenge. During the school day some actors from the play came to our
school to teach a workshop about it. It included acting out parts of the play, freeze frames and
reflecting on how refugees felt. Everyone who went to the theatre or the workshop had a really great
time! Lucy 6RJ
Date for Diary – Parent Forum
The next Parent Forum is on Thursday 3rd December with Mrs Hunter at 2pm. We are keen to hear parents’ views
on the teaching and learning of spellings as we are in the midst of reviewing our policy on this key area. If you
cannot make the meeting but have an opinion or suggestion that you would still like to share on this then please
email this in. We would ask you to let us know if you are planning to come so that we can make sure we have a
room big enough – we ran out of space last time!
Parking – An Important Notice
The Parish Council are currently in the process of reviewing the parking arrangements outside of the school. They
are considering changes to the car park. Some of these thoughts include being able to reinforce the yellow lines,
disabled bays etc. Another proposal they are also considering is to start to charge for any users who are there for
over 3 hours. This would affect many of our staff who would need to start to pay to park when they come to work
and some parent helpers. If you have any views then please email: clerk@chandlersford-pc.gov.uk
We are frequently being asked by parents to remind the school community that the dropping off bay towards the
bottom of the car park (by the school garden) is just for dropping off. There are many parents who are using it as a
parking zone and leaving their car there, empty. PLEASE can we ask you NOT to park there. It is designed as a space
to let people pull in and drop their children off SAFELY while also letting the traffic continue to move. Thank you for
putting our children’s safety first.
It’s a Girl!
We are delighted to let you know that Mrs Holt gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter, Poppy, last
weekend, weighing in at 6lb and 11oz. Mother and baby are both doing well.
School Meal Food Wastage
There has been a lot more food wastage at lunchtimes recently. Some
children are not eating their dinner saying that they don't like the choices
on the menu. Please have a conversation with your child about the menu
as a packed lunch would be better if they dislike both menu options. You can find a copy of the menu here
Y3 Discover Stonehenge Age Design Technology
Mrs Oldham is currently writing an exciting, crosscurricular design technology unit. The children will be
asked to consider how tricky life must have been for the
Stone Age people without a handy tool belt in which to
store all their tools. Examples of modern day tool belts
will be shared with the children, before they design and
make a tool belt that would have been fit for purpose in
the Stone Age.
On Tuesday 8th December, the year 3 children will spend
the day designing and making their tool belts. We would
love some parental support with this mass undertaking of sewing, so if you are able to help, please do let your
child’s class teacher know. Mrs Pollock
“No other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall…”
Year 3 has thoroughly enjoyed their wacky week, which has had a chocolatey theme. This indulgent week involved
tasting and designing chocolate, re-enacting scenes from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, learning about
Fairtrade cocoa farming and even chocolate bar-themed aerobic circuits!
The children were keen to share what they loved about the week. The tasting proved to be especially popular:
Jess M, 3O – “I really enjoyed tasting the chocolates liked learning about different chocolate.
And it was yummy!”
Louis M-S, 3O– “Tasting chocolate was the best bit. I also enjoyed finding out where
chocolate grows and finding the countries on a map.”
Zayn K, 3P – “We’ve really enjoyed designing our own chocolate because I liked creating
something new”
Danny, 3PN – “I really enjoyed collecting data about people’s favourite chocolate bars”
A trip back in time
A trip back in time… On Tuesday, Year 5 went back in time to the Mayan civilization.
The day was filled with mind boggling Math’s (no longer working in base ten!),
intricate glyphs and sacrificial Pok-A-Tok. There is more excitement to come as Year
5 will also be tasting traditional Mayan hot chocolate and making tasty tortillas!
“On Mayan Day we did a range of interesting activities including looking into the
Mayan number system. It was very complex and challenging but we had a great
afternoon exploring how it works!” (Poppy & Snezana)
“My favourite part of the Mayan Day was our Pok-A-Tok tournament. The aim of Pok-A-Tok is to pass the ball
through the hoop without using your hands and feet-this will score you ten points! It was a very challenging game
but we had lots of fun.” (Suraya)
“I learnt how to write my name using glyphs-the Mayan writing system is quite complicated because they have lots
of symbols that represent syllables not just a single sound!” (Adam)
We Care about Learning
Another week where our wonderful children have shown such fabulous learning. It really
Working Together:
Raveena C (5B) Supportive role model
Nevin A (4R) Eager to Engage
Nate B (6RJ) Triangles take half the space!
Lottie L (6DG) Imaginative Cubist Figure
Thomas V (3O) Dared to try
Mikey H (3P) Committed, resilient Fair Trader
Flo W (4S) Determined to succeed
Oscar H (5FC) Amazing Mayan costume
Anaya S (5C) Reflection in reading
Zoe R (3PN) Wonderful chocolate description
Harry H (6B) Perseverance pays off
Alicia P (4M) Having a go
is such a difficult choice to pick just one learner each week!
Dates for your Diary
25th November Y6 Charity Cake Sale 3:20pm
27th November Non Uniform Day for HSPTA Christmas Fundraiser – A Trip to The North Pole
2nd December Parent Forum 2pm
9th December Carols Evening 6pm
17th December ‘Dress for Christmas Day’ – Donation to ‘Text Santa’
These and other dates are included on the calendar on the school website at
Communications this week (copies of these letters can be found on our website)
Date of Event/Deadine
Whole School
Christmas Lunch
Christmas CD
R&R Christmas Holiday Club
HSPTA Christmas Fundraiser – A Trip to The North Pole
17th December
3rd December
21st – 23rd December
5th December 2015
Year 4
4M Assembly
24th November
Year 5
Mayan Tasting Allergy
Deadline 12th November
Year 6
SeaCity Visit
19th January 2016
Dates for Next Week
16th November
17th November
18th November
19th November
20th November
Anti-Bullying Week
R&R Y3/Y4 Football 15:30 – 16:30
Street Dance Club 15:30 – 16:30
Football Tournament 16:00
Maths Club Y6 15:30 – 16:30
R&R Y5/Y6 Football 15:30 – 16:30
Grammar Club Y6 15:30 – 16:30
R&R Y3/Y4 Netball 15:30 – 16:30
R&R Y5/Y6 Netball 15:30 – 16:30
New Entrants Evening 19:00
R&R Y5/Y6 Rugby 15:30 – 16:30