A safe community is secure; a secure community is safe.
Fundamental to a municipality’s future and property values is the secure environment of a municipality, both real
and perceived. Families and businesses consciously chose municipalities who provide safe and secure
environments. This ‘reputation’ is primarily determined by the provision of appropriate responses to predictable
and unpredictable incidents whether they affect an entire municipality, a specific neighborhood or an individual.
Slow and/or uncoordinated responses signal incompetence; although most often the result of inaccurate and/or
untimely information and frequently result in worsening ‘situations’, litigation (criminal and/or civil) and the loose
of confidence by residents. Daily ‘attacks’ against a municipality, its’ residents and businesses relating to:
 misuse of municipality (and private) facilities (e.g. illegal dumping, damage & theft at sites),
 crimes against persons (e.g. stalking, trespassing, park safety)
 crimes against properties (e.g. vandalism, break and enters, cemetery, schools, water purification and waste
treatment plants) determine a municipality’s reputation and future.
The ‘national’ failure to identify the person(s) responsible (50 to 80 % of the time or more) significantly contributes
to your municipality’s fear levels.
Timely Detection (of the incident) ~ Accurate(now) Information ~ Instant Notification
Dtek’Vision – Unplugged “Videofied” Security
A ‘now information’ system ensuring timely responses by the ‘correct’ initial responder.
Eliminates False Dispatches!
It is a “Staff Multiplier in a Box”.
Increases capabilities, accountabilities, with the same staff levels
Information Anywhere and Anytime
It is a totally self-sufficient unit, totally operational anywhere and anytime within minutes. When a ‘need or
issue’ unexpectedly arises, security or safety is a concern and there is no light, no power or communication
lines readily available – No problem – get Dtek’Vision! A ‘problem’(e.g. vandalism) reoccurring randomly at
regular locations – No problem – get Dtek’Vision! Instantly know what is happening and who is responsible.
The unit, an infrared camera (night vision), integrated with a motion sensor (not much larger than the palm
of your hand) requiring no external source of power or communication lines and with its’ own communicator,
is installed within minutes. Dtek’Vision provides a video clip of ‘now information’, it is instantly verified and
the responding authority notified to facilitate their (safe) response to a ‘situation-in-progress’.
A single Dtek’Vision unit can communicate with up to 24 ‘motionviewers’ without one ‘privacy’ issue.
How Canadians Provide Secure Municipalities
Anywhere ~ Anytime ~ No Light ~ No Power ~ No Phone Line ~ Portable ~ Affordable
NO MATTER WHERE or WHEN the need arises your municipality is able to provide security. Dtek’VISION instantly
detects, verifies and notifies your responding agency of any (security) concern.
PROVIDES ACCURATE (SECURITY) INFORMATION you need and want --- when you need it.
ELIMINATES SECURITY LIMITATIONS caused by the lack of power, communication lines (including affordability).
Municipalities can protect themselves anywhere and anytime and no false dispatches!!
ELIMINATES SECURITY CHALLENGES at locations requiring municipal attention or services (e.g. repairing sewer and
water main breaks, road washouts, electrical sites, protection of evacuated areas)
COST EFFECTIVE – Dtek’VISION is completely portable, moving from site to site is quick and easy.
SAVES BUDGET MONIES by eliminating costs of hiring external firms and/or using limited municipal resources to
provide security. Timely responses reduce impacts and related costs.
INCREASED PROTECTION of physical assets, taking prudent precautions from misuse and/or accidental
misadventure and/or individual recklessness.
A SECOND-TO-NONE PROACTIVE initiative to ENSURE Municipality SECURITY (and save budget dollars)
Municipal Security Application ~ Examples
Municipal Department Compounds – storage and equipment site protection
Water and Communication Towers – protection of access ladders, etc
Recreational Facilities (e.g. swimming pools, Municipal parks)
Temporary Closure of natural resources (contaminated beaches) – no life guards on duty
Municipal Buildings / Services – detects, verifies & ensures the response to a “crime in
progress”; a blended Videofied and CCTV system is cost efficient and provides both area
and asset security. Literally save thousands of dollars for improved security.
Municipal Construction Site (theft) Protection – in town or in the middle of a field
(short term {e.g. sewer repair in roadway} or long term {e.g. Fire Station}
Abandoned / Vacant buildings (e.g. misuse of)
Hydro Installations – copper theft – theft of services - vandalism
Water Purification ~ Sewage Treatment site protection
Access/egress entrances – prior to, during and after special events
Cemetery Protection ~ Municipal Christmas decorations (e.g. water front)
Landfill Site Protection
Illegal Dumping detection at any/all ‘common’ dumping areas
Evacuated Areas – detecting unlawful presence (looting) or early returns by owner
School ‘yard’ Security – trespassing/vandalism
Vandalism detection with authority response and ‘response’ to real or perceived threats
Security provided to a constantly changing ‘site’
By-Law Enforcement – (e.g. security at ‘stop work’ order sites)
Fire Department – Fire Scene security (eliminate/reduce staff ‘security’ presence)
Everyone has a fundamental need to be and feel safe. Families and businesses consciously chose municipalities
who have and support safe environments; it is fundamental to a municipality’s future and property values. Feeling
safe is a basic ingredient of being ‘satisfied’ with your municipality .
Safe reputations are measured by the lack of ‘incidents’ (premeditated {crime}or accidental misadventures and
everything in between) and the provision of the best response possible to a call for service (e.g. fire, police, roads,
hydro, water, sewage, etc). The reputation of a municipality includes its’ willingness to ‘do what it takes’ to
guarantee a safe environment; never accepting status quo to protect its’ residents.
Safe environments are not accidental, they are created by successfully addressing issues and maintaining a
constant vigilance of a municipality’s safe environment. Critical to success is timely and accurate information; the
sooner information is received, the sooner a (safe) response is provided by the correct responder.
Timely and accurate information is now available anytime and anywhere. The historical obstacles of no power, no
light and no phone lines have been eliminated by Dtek’VISION.
How Canadians Provide Safe Municipalities
IMAGINE A WIRELESS INFORMATION SYSTEM internationally recognized for instantly detecting, verifying and
immediately notifying the ‘right’ responder of an incident affecting/concerning your community (or individual).
Imagine it is portable, usable anywhere at anytime, requires no light, no power or phone lines and has the ability
to addresses multiple locations. “Dtek’VISION” is here; portable, flexible and affordable!
Dtek’VISION is the International Award Winning (RSI Video Technologies) videofied system that notifies the ‘right
people’ with ‘now information’; it facilitates a ‘situation in progress’ response by the responsible authority! There
are NO FALSE DISPATCH worries and ‘privacy’ issues are non-existent.
The system includes infrared cameras (night vision), integrated with motion sensors and is installed within
minutes. A single Dtek’Vision ‘communicator’ unit can ‘talk to’ 24 ‘motionviewers’ quickly, easily, anywhere and
anytime, protecting, if necessary, a huge area.
Any identified municipal safety concern, unexpected (e.g. repair site) or anticipated, can be protected. Proactively positioning Dtek’VISION to address perimeter ‘challenges’ increases safe environments .
‘Misbehavior levels’ are determined by the consequences of participation (in them); high rewards with low risks of
accountability (e.g. apprehension) encourage victimization. Timely and accurate information enables appropriate
responses and facilitates the safest possible resolution, reduces incident consequences/expenses and increases the
effectiveness and efficiencies of current resources. Dtek’VISION assists municipalities to hold people accountable
for their misbehaviors and consequently reduces victimization; providing higher levels of community satisfaction.
Municipalities need no longer experience tardy or incorrect responses, no longer do responders need attend
unknown environments, no longer is it be necessary to frustratingly review a recording of yesterdays’
events/crimes and wish the information was available ‘when’ it was needed and no longer are staff paid salaries to
review CCTV recordings – savings with increased safety; quite a combination.
Dtek’VISION provides the ‘now’ information when and where you need it.
Increase Community Safety & Satisfaction ~ Decrease Fears and Liabilities
Municipalities attempt to ensure residents and businesses enjoy a safe environment. These safe
environments are typically impacted by:
 planned (and prepared) events,
 unexpected incidents or situations, and may involve
 staff and/or ‘other person’ misbehaviors.
Site protection, while staff is on site, is rarely a problem. However maintaining a safe site (e.g. local
road/sewer repair) in the absence of staff can be problematic (e.g. vandalism to or removal the protection
devices). Ensuring the original intent of site safety is vital. Municipalities can now easily and affordably protect
the safety of any site, anytime, anywhere and quickly respond if/when the (safety) precaution has been
ineffective or tampered with. Costly preventative patrols or staff physical surveillance are no longer required.
Dtek’VISION protects your site and should ‘an issue arise’, appropriate municipal staff are notified –instantly.
This ‘Resource Multiplier in a box’ increases safety and will save money.
‘Other Benefits’:
1. Positive Budget Impacts (Councils and Police Services Boards)
Reduced costs to repairs / replace stolen or damaged/vandalized properties,
Reduced police workloads - resource hours are now able, with Dtek’VISION, to quickly, safely and
successfully resolve incidents historically requiring hundreds of police hours to investigate,
Reduced overtime costs relating to ‘low clearance rate’ occurrences (e.g. (false) alarms, trespass/stalkers,
break and enter, observation of ‘grow ops’ and fewer court attendances,
Increased front line service - less court time – current staff levels are more effective,
Reduced service complaints - reported incidents or perceived concerns can now be easily ‘watched over’
without impacting resources, and
The increased capability of safely responding to ‘known occurrences’ will assist with officer safety.
2. MORE SAVINGS – Increased Safety – Increased Success
Elimination of external security company patrols, focused on detecting and reporting information of
misbehaviors (when they find them) is eliminated by the Dtek’VISION system. With its’ 24/7 detection,
verification and notification capabilities the opportunity of not ‘seeing’ or not ‘being there’ WHEN IT HAPPENS
is all but non-existent. Protecting a site through a Dtek’VISION sentry surpasses any limited results provided by
random security patrols and is far more effective (and cost efficient).
Security guard roles could be used to establish and maintain exterior perimeter protection until the
correct authority arrives and assumes command.
3. Investigational Aides - Increased Accountabilities
Dtek’VISION provides increased capabilities to all municipal departments regardless of their (each) unique
requirements. Whether site protection for construction or special event access/egress routes, ensuring (bylaw) ‘stop work orders’ are honored and directions adhered to.
The following are a few examples of maintaining a safe environment for municipalities, followed by examples
of ‘other benefits’ derived through Dtek’VISION.
Community Safety & Satisfaction
Dtek’VISION - Protecting the Safe Environment of:
Recreational facilities(e.g. playgrounds, swimming pools, skateboard parks, beaches) targeting:
 unauthorized and/or unsupervised activities, and
 condemned or contaminated and/or unprotected public facilities (e.g. closed beaches).
School Properties, ensuring the safe environment for students and staff alike. Issues and/or concerns (e.g. vandalism)
involving one school and then another are resolved through the mobility of Dtek’VISION.
Planned and/or unexpected sites, anywhere and anytime can be easily protected. Ensuring the integrity of the safety
precautions initiated and/or detecting an incident involving a site (e.g. vandalism, theft), visually verifying and immediately
notifying the correct response authority, for example:
 road washouts, excavations to repair water or sewer assets, electrical repairs (e.g. underground or temporary low wires),
 tower sites (e.g. water, communication) – ladder access, hydro facilities, construction sites
 construction (e.g. new municipal construction sites – hospital, fire station), rooftops (e.g. solar panel protection)
Resident Safety :
Staffing levels are used primarily to provide a responsive service with pro-active initiatives when available. It is simply
financially impossible to have resource levels with the capability to “watch over” occurrences that may happen. All too often
the absence of light, power and/or communication lines eliminates the ability to provide a safer environment. And when an
incident involves an ‘unprotected site’ the allegations begin followed by the investigation. Obviously there are serious
consequences to these types of situations.
Having to respond to allegations, perhaps prepare for and attending inquests, results in significant pressure on staff; and
depending upon the outcome, the cost of municipal insurances can become ‘more costly’. ‘Lack of resources’ is not an
explanation anyone wants to present as the reason for leaving a site that is deemed to be (after an incident)unprotected.
Dtek’VISION videofied sentries can reduced or eliminated safety concerns to sites everywhere; such as:
 Concerns for the safety of a resident (e.g. a mom involved in an abusive/threatening relationship),
 Protecting a closed and/or polluted municipal beach, swimming pool facility,
 Safe guarding school/public facilities (e.g. play grounds),
 Protecting seized and/or abandoned buildings (from trespass and/or unauthorized use, and
 Safe Guarding Evacuated Areas – detecting unlawful presence (looting) or early returns by owners.
Staff are no longer required to perform ‘observation’ services, they need only respond to a ‘situation-in-progress’. By
proactive installations of the Dtek’VISION videofied system, residents, buildings and facilities are protected 24/7. Safe
Environment responsibilities are satisfied at new levels.
Employee Safety
 Timely and accurate knowledge of an ‘actual’ incident provides staff the ability to respond safely, attend with the correct
resources (e.g. personnel, tools) and conclude the occurrence as quickly and successfully as possible.
Reduced Consequences and Impact
Dtek’VISION ensures the correct ‘authority’ is initially and quickly notified thereby reducing response times and the
incidents consequences/impact on the community.