A motion was made to approve the SNM Board of Directors agenda

SNM Board of Directors
2012 Annual Meeting – Miami
June 8, 2012
DRAFT - Minutes
Members in Attendance:
George Segall, MD; Fred Fahey, DSc; Gary Dillehay, MD, FACNM; Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD;
Richard Noto, MD; Ann Marie Alessi, BS, CNMT, NCT, RT(N); Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS; Carolyn
Anderson, PhD; Bennett Greenspan, MD; Munir Ghesani, MD; Peter Herscovitch, MD; Hossein Jadvar,
MD, PhD, MPH, MBA; Tony Knight, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT; Cindi Luckett-Gilbert, MHA, PET, CNMT,
FSNMTS; Michael Middleton, MD; Jeff Norenberg, PharmD; Martin Sandler, MD; Harvey Ziessman, MD;
Virginia Pappas, CAE
Members Not in Attendance:
Peter Conti, MD, PhD
Guests in Attendance:
Kevin Donohoe, MD; Charlie Flores, CNMT; D. Scott Holbrook, BS, CNMT, FSNMTS; David K. Shelton,
MD; Henry Van Brocklin, PhD
SNM Staff in Attendance:
Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA; Judy Brazel, CMP; Joanna Spahr; Bob Milanchus; Rebecca Maxey; Sue
Bunning; Bonnie Clarke; Pam Colman; Vince Pistilli; Christine Cachuela; Matt Dickens; Terpse Gentile;
Jenny Mills, Sabrina Robinson,
1. Welcome and Call to Order
George Segall, MD, SNM President, called the SNM Board of Directors meeting to order at 7:32pm
EST. Richard Noto, MD, SNM Secretary/Treasurer, confirmed a quorum was present.
A motion was made to approve the SNM Board of Directors agenda for June 8, 2012.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the SNM Board of Directors
agenda for June 8, 2012.
A motion was made to approve the standing rules.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the standing rules.
2. Annual Meeting Site Selection
Harvey Ziessman, MD, General Program Chai, presented the final site options for the 2019 SNM
Annual Meeting.
A motion was made to approve Anaheim as the 2019 SNM Annual Meeting site.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve Anaheim as the 2019 SNM Annual Meeting site.
Dr. Ziessman asked for board members to vote on their top three choices for sites for the 2020 SNM
Annual Meeting. The following cities were voted as the top three (in order); Minneapolis, Indianapolis
and Austin.
3. Committee on Guidelines
Kevin Donohoe, MD, Committee on Guidelines Chair presented four guidelines to the SNM Board of
a. EANM Guideline for MIBG Therapy
The board discussed that MIBG is not currently approved in the United States and by
approving the guideline it may provide an inconsistent message to the membership. It
was noted that SNM is an international organization, and that if a guideline that had
metaiodobenzylguanidine therapy was approved by the SNM, a note should be added
stating that “the agent has not been approved by the FDA for use in the United States,
however in some countries in the world, MIBG is an approved form of therapy.”
A motion was made to approve the EANM Guideline for MIBG Therapy.
It was noted that a statement should be added that MIBG has not been approved for use
in the United States and is only available if you have an IND. After a short discussion the
motion was withdrawn.
A motion was made to refer the guideline back to the Procedure Guidelines Committee to
discuss and include language addressing the issue of non-approved applications in the
United States.
It was moved, seconded and voted to refer the guideline back to the Procedure
Guidelines Committee to discuss and include language addressing the issue of
non-approved applications in the United States.
b. SNM Guideline for Brain Death Scintigraphy V2.0
A motion was made to approve the SNM Guideline for Brain Death Scintigraphy V2.0.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Guideline for Brain Death
Scintigraphy V2.0.
c. SNM Guideline for Therapies of Thyroid Disease
A motion was made to approve the SNM Guideline for Therapies of Thyroid Disease.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Guideline for Therapies of
Thyroid Disease.
d. SNM-EANM Guideline for Guideline Development
A motion was made to approve the SNM-EANM Guideline for Guideline Development
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM-EANM Guideline for
Guideline Development.
4. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
Dr. Richard Noto, SNM Secretary/Treasurer, reported that year-to-date (April 30, 2012) actuals,
society only, were at $3,594,987 revenue and $3,921,964 expenses, creating a current deficit of $326,977 which is $48,479 ahead of budget. The capital fund showed $4,469,075 in total capital fund
assets. In addition, as of May 31, SNM is projected to bring in an additional $130,000 in revenue from
the 2012 Annual Meeting.
Dr. Noto confirmed that the projected surplus for FY2012 is in addition to the surplus from FY2011.
5. Membership Committee
David K. Shelton, MD, SNM Membership Committee Chair reviewed the proposed resolution
regarding transition dues rate for scientists in training.
A motion was made to approve the transition rate for scientists in- training.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the transition rate for scientists in- training.
6. Dose Optimization Position Statement
Dr. Fahey, Dose Optimization Task Force Co-Chair, presented the draft Dose Optimization Position
Statement. The board discussed the importance of the statement and minor word-smithing changes
that should be made.
A motion was made to approve the SNM Position Statement on Dose Optimization for Nuclear
Medicine and Molecular Imaging Procedures found under Appendix A.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM Position Statement on Dose
Optimization for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Procedures found under Appendix
7. Scientific Program Committee
Peter Herscovitch, MD, Scientific Program Committee Chair presented the revised reimbursement
policy for the Mid-Winter Meeting.
A motion was made that SNM will have a reimbursement policy for non-member speakers at the MidWinter Meeting. SNM will offer reimbursement for up to 4 non-member speakers. However, only 1
non-member speaker will be reimbursed for each half-day or evening session. To be eligible for nonmember speaker reimbursement, a Council/Center must demonstrate that the proposed content area
cannot be covered by a member speaker.
If the Council/Center requests a keynote speaker as part of the session, these speakers can be
funded through the Council/Center budget and be reimbursed for their direct expenses including
airfare, hotel, and ground transportation, up to a limit of $2,000 per speaker.
Non-member speakers for the SNM Mid-Winter Educational Symposium will be reimbursed as
follows: Complimentary meeting registration to all meetings at MWM; Airfare with $450 cap that can
be applied to other travel or lodging expenses; Hotel reimbursement for one night's hotel stay in an
amount approximately equal to the mean hotel price (including taxes, no incidentals). A speaker will
be reimbursed for an additional night's hotel stay if traveling from the opposite US coast. Per diem
with $75 cap to be used for meals, ground transportation or other expenses. A speaker will be
provided with a second day of per diem if traveling from the opposite US coast.
The current $500 travel reimbursement cap for the Mid-Winter Meeting usually does not cover direct
expenses for speakers and there are instances where non-member speakers bring added expertise
and value by being part of the Mid-Winter Meeting.
It was moved and voted to approve that SNM will have a reimbursement policy for nonmember speakers at the Mid-Winter Meeting (see attached). SNM will offer reimbursement for
up to 4 non-member speakers. However, only 1 non-member speaker will be reimbursed for
each half-day or evening session. To be eligible for non-member speaker reimbursement, a
Council/Center must demonstrate that the proposed content area cannot be covered by a
member speaker.
If the Council/Center requests a keynote speaker as part of the session, these speakers can be
funded through the Council/Center budget and be reimbursed for their direct expenses
including airfare, hotel, and ground transportation, up to a limit of $2,000 per speaker.
Non-member speakers for the SNM Mid-Winter Educational Symposium will be reimbursed as
follows: Complimentary meeting registration to all meetings at MWM; Airfare with $450 cap
that can be applied to other travel or lodging expenses; Hotel reimbursement for one night's
hotel stay in an amount approximately equal to the mean hotel price (including taxes, no
incidentals). A speaker will be reimbursed for an additional night's hotel stay if traveling from
the opposite US coast. Per diem with $75 cap to be used for meals, ground transportation or
other expenses. A speaker will be provided with a second day of per diem if traveling from the
opposite US coast.
8. SNMTS Presidents Report
Ann Marie Alessi, BS, CNMT, NCT, RT(N), provided a brief overview of the major accomplishments
of the SNMTS over the past year. Highlights included the New Professionals Working Group and the
Collimator Newsletter, Student Focus Groups that provided information to the SNMTS about student
needs, Leadership Academy, Professional Development and Education Fund (PDEF), State
Technologist Advocacy Group (State TAG’s), roadshows, and collaboration with various
organizations over the past year.
a. Nuclear Medicine Technologist Performance Standards
Ms. Alessi explained the background regarding the Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Performance Standards document. Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS, Clinical Performance
Standards Task Force Chair provided an overview of the changes to the document.
Dr. Noto, the physician representative on the Clinical Performance Standards Task
Force, noted that he reviewed the document and agrees with the changes proposed.
Fred Fahey, DSc, who served as a physicist representative, indicated that he reviewed
the radiation safety and instrumentation sections of the document and is comfortable with
the proposed changes.
Lastly, Jeff Norenberg, PharmD, who served as the pharmacist representative, indicated
that he reviewed the document and agreed with the proposed changes.
A motion was made to approve the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Performance
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Nuclear Medicine Technologist
Performance Standards.
b. Adding PDEF To Dues Statement for SNM Members
Ms. Alessi explained that during the Executive Board earlier that day, a resolution was
passed to request that the Professional Development and Education Fund (PDEF) be
added to the SNM renewal notice. Currently the Education and Research Foundation
(ERF) is listed on the SNM renewal notice, however, the PDEF is not. The PDEF was relaunched in fall 2011 and now allows individuals contributions. Including the PDEF on the
renewal form it will allow SNM, Inc. members the opportunity to contribute to technologist
specific activities.
There was some concern surrounding the SNM/ERF MOU Working Group and the
challenges make this change could cause to that process. It was noted that if the PDEF
is being added in addition to the ERF, that it should not be a problem.
A motion was made to add the PDEF to the SNM, Inc. membership renewal notices.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve adding the PDEF to the SNM, Inc.
membership renewal notices.
9. Committee on Councils and Centers
Harvey Ziessman, MD, Board Liaison to the Committee on Councils and Centers, presented three
resolutions coming from the committee meeting earlier that day.
A motion was made to approve the Pediatric Investigator Awards (Majd-Gilday Young Investigator
Award and Conway-Treves Senior Investigator Award).
It was noted that the Pediatric Council has been awarding the Young Investigator Award for several
years now, however, they are now seeking a new name to honor Drs. Majd and Gilday. The Senior
Investigator Awards was also given previously however the name is being changed to recognize Drs.
Conway and Treves. Peter Herscovitch, PhD, Scientific Program Committee Chair confirmed that the
language had been updated to be consistent with the other young investigator awards.
It was moved and voted to approve the Pediatric Investigator Awards - Majd-Gilday Young
Investigator Award and Conway-Treves Senior Investigator Award).
A motion was made to approve revisions to the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Berson-Yalow Award
Dr. Norenberg, former RPSC president and board member, noted that the new description better
aligned with developments in the field of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry.
It was moved and voted to approve the revisions to the Radiopharmaceutical Sciences
Berson-Yalow Award description.
Carolyn Anderson, PhD, Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation and Translation (CMIIT) President,
explained that the over time, membership for the councils and centers has declined. However, the
involvement of the councils and centers in the educational content of both the Annual and Mid-Winter
Meetings has increased. The councils and centers are responsible for the majority of educational
content for the Mid-Winter Meeting and are solely responsible for the physician categoricals at the
Annual Meeting. In an effort to provide an additional benefit to council and center members, CMIIT
recommended that council and center members be granted a $20.00 discount off of the registration
price of a physician categorical. Most council/center membership fees are between $10.00 and
$20.00. This discount provides an incentive for individuals who are not currently council/center
members to join a council/center.
A motion was made to approve a discounted fee of $20.00 for council/center members for physician’s
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve a discounted fee of $20.00 for council/center
members for physician’s categoricals.
10. Continuing Education Committee
Bennett Greenspan, MD, FACNM, Board Liaison to the Committee on Continuing Education,
presented proposed changes to the CE application process.
A motion was made to amend the guidelines for CE applications to increase the timeline for Joint
Sponsor CE applications from 60 to 90 days. Any application received after the 90 day deadline will
incur a $300 dollar late fee. This change would be effective immediately.
Research of other similar national medical societies indicates that the average timeline for CE
submissions is 90 days. The majority of Joint Sponsors already submit CME programs for approval at
least 90 days prior to the event. The current deadline of 60 days has not provided sufficient time once
the approval notice is provided to the joint sponsor for them to properly market the program with the
number of CME credits identified and has proven to be a challenge when reviewers have numerous
programs to review. Currently there is not a late fee associated with late applications and there has
been an increase in the number of late submissions within the last six months. In order to deter these
late submissions, a fee of $300 was proposed.
It was moved, seconded and voted to amend the guidelines for CE applications to increase the
timeline for Joint Sponsor CE applications from 60 to 90 days. Any application received after
the 90 day deadline will incur a $300 dollar late fee. This change would be effective
11. SNM/ABNM Joint Position Statement on Optimizing Training in Nuclear Medicine in the Era of
Hybrid Imaging
Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD reminded the Board that the original training article was approved on
the May 15, 2012 SNM BOD Conference Call. Following the call the American Board of Nuclear
Medicine (ABNM) was asked if they would like to sign-on to the joint statement. The ABNM requested
edits that were more substantial than were anticipated and therefore the training paper must be
reviewed and re-approved by the SNM Board of Directors.
A motion was made to approve the revised SNM/ABNM Joint Position Statement on Optimizing
Training in Nuclear Medicine in the Era of Hybrid Imaging.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the SNM/ABNM Joint Position Statement on
Optimizing Training in Nuclear Medicine in the Era of Hybrid Imaging.
The article will be included in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
12. Outreach Update
Henry VanBrocklin, PhD, SNM Outreach Committee Co-Chair, described how through the work of
the Outreach Committee and Working Groups, SNM has collaborated with many different
organizations, including; ASCO, ASTRO, ASNC, Commission on Cancer, the Alzheimer’s
Association, ABTA, OCNA, and several others.
In addition, Dr. Van Brocklin noted that the first patient webinar was held on Tuesday, May 22,
Molecular Imaging and Parkinson’s Webinar, with Nicolaas Bohnen, MD, PhD. Dr. Bohnen presented
an overview of molecular imaging and the role it plays in research and the care of patients with
Parkinsonian syndromes, and Fred Woodlief, DDS, from the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, and a
Patient Advocacy Advisory Board member, moderated the session. There were 22 attendees, and
over 10 questions at the end of the webinar presentation. Feedback from the patient groups was very
positive. The Parkinsons Disease Foundation as well as the Lewy Body and Dementia Association
assisted SNM in marketing the event. The recorded webinar is now posted on the DiscoverMI.org
For the second year in a row, patients have been invited to attend the SNM Annual Meeting. This
year, there is a Patient Advocacy Row, in the exhibit hall (booths #557-561). Booths 557-561 will
feature the following groups; Alzheimer’s Association, American Brain Tumor Association, NorCal
CarciNET Support Group and Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association. In addition, a focused patient
program will be held on Sunday, June 10 and Monday, June 11. Invitations were distributed to 50
people (representing 40 organizations). To-date, 21 individuals have registered for the patient
program (this includes PAAB members, patient exhibitors and others). In 2011, there were 4 patient
attendees. SNM and SNMTS Board members are encouraged to visit the Patient Advocacy
Representatives during the meeting.
13. Board Member Recognition
Dr. Segall presented the board members with terms ending June 2012, a small gift of appreciation for
their service to the SNM Board of Directors and the society. The following individuals were
recognized; Ann Marie Alessi, Dominique Delbeke, Munir Ghesani, Michael Middleton, Jeffrey
Norenberg and Martin Sandler.
14. New Business
Dr. Norenberg requested information on how the process to approve Puerto Rico as a chapter could
be expedited. Virginia Pappas, CAE, SNM Chief Executive Officer, explained that all “new” chapters
must be approved by the Committee on Chapters and House of Delegates.
A motion was made to approve Puerto Rico as an honorary chapter awaiting the formal paperwork
from Puerto Rico and approval from the Committee on Chapters and House of Delegates.
It was made, seconded and voted to approve Puerto Rico as an honorary chapter awaiting the
formal paperwork from Puerto Rico and approval from the Committee on Chapters and House
of Delegates.
15. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the SNM Board of Directors meeting at 11:29pm.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to adjourn the SNM Board of Directors
meeting at 11:29pm.