Endangered Species

Endangered Species
Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check
carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.
1. Are We Recovering? An Evaluation of Recovery Criteria under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, Leah R. Gerber, Leila
T. Hatch, Ecological Applications, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Jun., 2002), pp. 668-673
2. Bagheera Endangered Species - An educational web site about animals vanishing from the Earth.
3. Biological Diversity - Special issue of Our Planet magazine, focussing on biodiversity.
4. BRUSKOTTER, JEREMY T., and SHERRY A. ENZLER. "Narrowing The Definition Of Endangered Species: Implications Of
The U.S. Government's Interpretation Of The Phrase “A Significant Portion Of Its Range” Under The Endangered
Species Act Of 1973." Human Dimensions Of Wildlife 14.2 (2009): 73-88. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Feb.
2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=37140283&site=ehost-live
5. Chris Wilcox, et al. "Using Expert Opinion Surveys To Rank Threats To Endangered Species: A Case Study With Sea
Turtles Donlan Et Al. Using Expert Opinion To Rank Endangered Species." Conservation Biology 24.6 (2010): 15861595. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
6. Donna L. Dutton, et al. "Abundance And Survival Rates Of Green Turtles In An Urban Environment: Coexistence Of
Humans And An Endangered Species." Marine Biology 157.8 (2010): 1869-1877. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10
Feb. 2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=52110680&site=ehost-live
7. EarthPulse - An initiative launched by the National Geographic Society to raise awareness about pressing global
conservation issues.
8. Economic Science, Endangered Species, and Biodiversity Loss, Erwin Bulte, G. C. van Kooten, Conservation Biology,
Vol. 14, No. 1 (Feb., 2000), pp. 113-119.
9. EDGE of Existence - A project to conserve the world's most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE)
species. Features photographs and details of the 100 most threatened animals, and explains the research and
protection measures undertaken by scientists. Includes donation facility.
10. Endangered Earth - A web site which promotes the plight of endangered animals around the world.
11. Endangered Species - Endangered species, factors helping and hindering their survival.
12. Endangered Species at EELink - Links to Internet resources about endangered species.
13. Endangered Species Resource Center - A great place for student and teacher alike to find information on
endangered species anywhere in the world.
14. Global Issues - Biodiversity - An overview of environmental issues threatening biodiversity, focusing on political
causes and climate change.
15. Lum, Katy. "One Fish, Two Fish: Suggestions For The Treatment Of Hatchery Fish Under The Endangered Species
Act." Ecology Law Quarterly 37.2 (2010): 561-594. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
16. MICHAEL K. PHILLIPS, et al. "Geography And Recovery Under The U.S. Endangered Species Act." Conservation
Biology 24.2 (2010): 395-403. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.
17. Nature and Wildlife Encylopaedia - Personal site about endangered wild animals.
18. Removing Protected Populations to Save Endangered Species, Franck Courchamp, Rosie Woodroffe, Gary Roemer,
Science, New Series, Vol. 302, No. 5650 (Nov. 28, 2003), p. 1532
19. Spending for Endangered Species, D. Noah Greenwald, Kassie Siegal, Kieran Suckling, Marco Restani, John M.
Marzluff, BioScience, Vol. 52, No. 7, Agricultural Bioterrorism (Jul., 2002), pp. 548-551
20. The Endangered Species Act under Threat, Michael J. Bean, BioScience, Vol. 56, No. 2 (Feb., 2006), p. 98
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Endangered Species
21. The Endangered Species Act: Dollars and Sense?, Julie K. Miller, J. Michael Scott, Craig R. Miller, Lisette P. Waits,
BioScience, Vol. 52, No. 2 (Feb., 2002), pp. 163-168
22. The Value of Endangered Species, Stewart Breck, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Spring, 2000), pp. 282-283
23. Wildlife Gifts and Preservation - Ring of sites promoting Gifts, information, education, safety or preservation of
wildlife and endangered species and conservation of their habitat
24. WWF | Species Programme - Conservation project news, factsheets and status reports of threatened species such as
great apes, rhinos, whales and tigers.
How to open articles, click on the links listed below. Login using the username and password for JSTOR/EBSCO. Click on
the title of the article and then you can choose to print, save or read as needed.
JSTOR articles on Endangered Species Act (full text articles from 1990-2012):
EBSCO articles on Endangered Species Act (full text articles from 19902012):http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/resultsadvanced?sid=e1d48c17-7ac8-4e12-bc1e3352163c0813%40sessionmgr10&vid=10&hid=9&bquery=%22Endangered+Species+Act%22&bdata=JmRiPWFwaCZjbG
Sumatran Tigers
The Sumatran Tiger Trust
Tiger Facts - Sumatran Tiger
Bengal Tigers - Contains facts about the Bengal tiger and photos.
Big Cat Rescue: Tigers - Information includes classification, sub-species, size and appearance, habitat and
distribution, social system, hunting and diet, status, and conservation.
5. Defenders of Wildlife: Tiger (Panthera tigris) - Factsheet presents general information, diet, population,
range, behavior, threats, and legal status.
6. Kids for Tigers - Environmental education programme in schools across India that teaches how vital the
tiger's survival is. Contains facts, activities, games and articles.
7. National Zoo: Tiger Facts - Discusses taxonomy, characteristics, sub-species, size, habitat, diet, social
behavior, lifespan, and conservation efforts.
8. Saving Tigers: Tiger Facts - Wildlife Conservation Society explains common and scientific names, status,
distribution, habitat and range, size, breeding, diet, and fun facts.
9. Tiger Territory - Describes sub-species, characteristics, hybrids, habits, colorations, and tigers in the wild.
10. WWF.org: Tigers - Includes ecology and habitat, population and distribution, threats, background, physical
description, and links to subspecies.
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Endangered Species
11. DYBAS, CHERYL LYN. "Last Of The Forest Guardians." Natural History 119.4 (2011): 24-31. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
12. Alexander, Caroline. "A CRY For The TIGER." National Geographic 220.6 (2011): 62-87. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
13. Chanthavy Vongkhamheng, et al. "Bringing The Tiger Back From The Brink--The Six Percent Solution." Plos
Biology 8.9 (2010): 1-4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
14. Mondol, Samrat, K. Ullas Karanth, and Uma Ramakrishnan. "Why The Indian Subcontinent Holds The Key
To Global Tiger Recovery." Plos Genetics 5.8 (2009): 1-9. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
15. Guo, Jerry. "Tigers In Trouble: Year Of The Tiger." Nature 449.7158 (2007): 16-18. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
16. "10 Species On The Brink. (Cover Story)." Time 173.14 (2009): 56-57. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1
Mar. 2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=37317088&site=ehost-live
17. Simon Robinson, et al. "NOWHERE TO ROAM. (Cover Story)." Time 164.8 (2004): 44-53. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2012.
Giant Panda
MARTY PASCAL, et al. "Proposed Conservation Landscape For Giant Pandas In The Minshan Mountains, China."
Conservation Biology 22.5 (2008): 1144-1153. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
2. Cutts, Jen. "Poo-Pooing The Pandas." Maclean's 124.51 (2012): 54. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
3. Warren, Lynne. "Panda, Inc. (Cover Story)." National Geographic 210.1 (2006): 42-59. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 2 May 2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=21192590&site=ehost-live
4. SHARMA, HARI PD., and JERROLD L. BELANT. "Threats And Conservation Of Red Pandas In Dhorpatan Hunting
Reserve, Nepal." Human Dimensions Of Wildlife 15.4 (2010): 299-300. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May
2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=52237141&site=ehost-live
5. Mcnamara, Mei-Ling. "Red Panda Network: Fighting For The Firefox." Earth Island Journal 23.4 (2009): 18-20.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
6. "Giant Survey For The Giant Pandas." Environment 46.7 (2004): 4-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
7. Tangley, Laura. "Learning From Tai Shan." Smithsonian 37.3 (2006): 76-82. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May
2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=20890735&site=ehost-live
8. Gosline, Anna. "The Panda Bounces Back." New Scientist 190.2557 (2006): 20. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2
May 2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=21421713&site=ehost-live
BBC Nature: Giant panda news, and video clips from BBC programmes past and present.
9. GLOBIO's Glossopedia; Giant Panda – Children's science and nature encyclopedia
10. Panda Pioneer: the release of the first captive-bred panda 'Xiang Xiang' in 2006
11. WWF – environmental conservation organization
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Endangered Species
Giant Panda Species Survival Plan
Pandas International – panda conservation group
Smithsonian National Zoo Live Panda Cams – Baby Panda Tai Shan and mother Mei Xiang
Information from Animal Diversity
NPR News 2007/08/20 – Panda Romance Stems From Bamboo
Giant Panda [ ] - Photographs, audio clip, and fact sheet from BBC Online.
Giant Panda [ ] - Learn about the diet, size, life span, habitat, and behavior of the great panda.
Giant Panda Planet [ ] - Pictures and movies of Giant Pandas as well as information about their habitat and
20. Giant Pandas [ ] - Read all about the Zoo's giant pandas, Mei Xiang, Tian Tian, and their cub, Tai Shan.
21. Panda Cam at the San Diego Zoo [ ] - Shows the giant panda exhibit. Camera position varies according to what the
panda keepers and researchers are monitoring.
22. Red Panda (Lesser Panda) [ ] - Photographs, video clip, and fact sheet from BBC Online.
1. 11. WWF | Species Programme - Conservation project news, factsheets and status reports of threatened species
such as great apes, rhinos, whales and tigers.
2. Donna L. Dutton, et al. "Abundance And Survival Rates Of Green Turtles In An Urban Environment: Coexistence Of
Humans And An Endangered Species." Marine Biology 157.8 (2010): 1869-1877. Academic Search Premier. Web. 10
Feb. 2012. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=52110680&site=ehost-live
3. Kit M. Kovacs, et al. "Lost Highway Not Forgotten: Satellite Tracking Of A Bowhead Whale (Balaena
Mysticetus) From The Critically Endangered Spitsbergen Stock." Arctic 65.1 (2012): 76-86. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
4. Oosthoek, Sharon. "Invasion Of The Bowhead Snatchers." New Scientist 213.2858 (2012): 37-39. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
5. VANDERLAAN, ANGELIA S. M., and CHRISTOPHER T. TAGGART. "Efficacy Of A Voluntary Area
To Be Avoided To Reduce Risk Of Lethal Vessel Strikes To Endangered Whales." Conservation Biology
23.6 (2009): 1467-1474. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May 2012.
6. CAROLE CARLSON, et al. "Effectiveness Of Voluntary Conservation Agreements: Case Study Of
Endangered Whales And Commercial Whale Watching." Conservation Biology 22.2 (2008): 450-457.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 May
1. Black Rhino Info & Black Rhino Pictures on the Rhino Resource Center website.
2. The International Rhino Foundation dedicated to the conservation of rhinos http://www.rhinos-irf.org/
3. "Black Rhinos Fact Sheet; developed for the San Diego Zoological Society Intranet". Archived from the
original on 2007-08-07. Retrieved 2007-10-09.
4. "Black Rhinoceros" (PDF). Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales. Archived from the original on 200709-28. Retrieved 2007-10-09.
5. Save the Rhino: www.savetherhino.org
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Endangered Species
6. WildLifeNow Website for the Tony Fitzjohn/George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust,
supporting the Mkomazi Game Reserve and Mkomazi Rhino Sanctuary in Tanzania
7. Action Plan for Australian Marsupials and Monotremes - Reviews the conservation status of 209 taxa of
Australian monotremes and marsupials: one species and three sub-species of monotremes and 112
species and 93 subspecies of marsupials.
8. The David Shepherd Conservation Foundation - Raises funds and works for the survival of tigers, elephants,
rhinos and other critically endangered mammals in the wild.
9. EDGE of Existence - A project to conserve the world's most Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered
(EDGE) species. Features photographs and details of the 100 most threatened animals, and explains the
research and protection measures undertaken by scientists. Includes donation facility.
10. International Rhino Foundation - A non-profit corporation of institutions and individuals worldwide whose
sole purpose is the conservation of Black, White, Sumatran, Javan and Indian Rhinos.
11. Rhino Resource Center - Provides a searchable database of information on the five endangered species of
rhinoceros with the aim of assisting research and conservation of the rhinoceros worldwide.
12. "Re-establishment of black rhino in Zambia" (PDF). Zambia Wildlife Authority / Frankfurt Zoological
Society. 2008. Retrieved 2012-10-09.
13. Collins, K., Ives, M. & Dures, S. "Botswana Rhino Relocation and Reintroduction". Wilderness Wildlife Trust.
Retrieved 2012-10-09. "year 2006–2012"
14. Berger, J.; Cunningham, C. (1998). "Natural Variation in Horn Size and Social Dominance and Their
Importance to the Conservation of Black Rhinoceros". Conservation Biology 12 (3): 708.
doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.1998.97207.x. JSTOR 2387253.edit
15. Rhino Horn Use: Fact vs. Fiction. pbs.org
16. "WWF Factsheet; Black Rhinoceros Diceros Bicornis" (PDF). World Wildlife Fund. October 2004. Retrieved
17. "Black Rhino Information". International Rhino Foundation. Archived from the original on 2007-08-10.
Retrieved 2011-02-04.
18. Boettcher, Daniel (November 9, 2011). "Western black rhino declared extinct". BBC. Retrieved 2011-11-10.
19. "Rhino Horn Import Ban (RHINO)". american.edu.
20. Black Rhino and Trade. american.edu. Retrieved 2013-11-07.
21. Kasnoff, C. "Black Rhino An Endangered Species". Retrieved 2013-10-23.
22. Markey, Sean (July 12, 2006). "West African Black Rhino Extinct, Group Says". National Geographic.
Retrieved 2007-10-09.
23. Stoops, M. A.; O'Brien, J. K.; Roth, T. L. (2011). "Gamete rescue in the African black rhinoceros (Diceros
bicornis)". Theriogenology 76 (7): 1258–1265. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2011.05.032. PMID
24. RRC: China and the rhino. Rhinoresourcecenter.com. Retrieved 2013-11-07.
25. Milstein, Michael (June 26, 2007). "Shop owner pleads guilty to selling black rhino horn". U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service. Retrieved 2007-06-29.
26. Gettleman, Jeffrey (December 31, 2012) Coveting Horns, Ruthless Smugglers’ Rings Put Rhinos in the Cross
Hairs. New York Times
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Endangered Species
Academic Search Premiere articles
1. "Rhino Extinction Feared." Maclean's 107.2 (1994): 15.
2. Nicks, Denver. "Western Black Rhino Declared Extinct." Time.Com (2013): 1.
3. Lovejoy, Thomas. "A Tsunami Of Extinction." Scientific American 308.1 (2013): 33-34.
4. Walsh, Bryan. "Poachers, Not Big Game Hunters, Are The Real Threat To Endangered Rhinos [UPDATED]." Time.Com
(2014): 1. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=93722383&site=ehost-live
5. Slattery, Derek M. "Africa Rhino Conservation." PSA Journal 69.7 (2003): 24.
6. Laing, Aislinn. "Can CSI-style tactics help save Africa's rhinos?." Christian Science Monitor 11 Feb. 2014: N.PAG.
7. Jabr, Ferris. "Stem Cells Could Pull Rhinos Back From The Brink." New Scientist 211.2829 (2011): 17.
8. RALOFF, JANET. "Rarest Of The Rare. (Cover Story)." Science News 156.10 (1999): 153.
9. LaBudde, Sam. "Rhinos-To-Go: Speculating On Extinction." Earth Island Journal 10.1 (1994): 17.
10. ABBASI, JENNIFER. "Save Rhinos By Selling Their Horns." Discover 34.6 (2013): 22.
11. "Namibian Black Rhinos." Earthwatch Institute Journal 23.1 (2004): 18.
12. Mulero-Pázmány, Margarita, et al. "Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems As A Rhinoceros Anti-Poaching Tool In Africa."
Plos ONE 9.1 (2014): 1-10.
13. "Vigilant Protection And Public Support Bring The Southern White Rhino Back From The Brink Of.." International
Wildlife 26.1 (1996): 11.
14. Gwin, Peter. "Rhino Wars. (Cover Story)." National Geographic 221.3 (2012): 106-20.
15. Sunquist, Fiona, and Andrea Rich. "Sumatran Rhino: Breeders In Despair." International Wildlife 23.5 (1993): 28.
16. Kaplan, Matt. "Save The Rhino Maggot!." New Scientist 181.2440 (2004): 40-43.
17. "Endangered Javan Rhinos On Film." Ecos 171 (2012): 1-2.
18. Kiser, Margot. "The Economics Of Extinction." Newsweek Global 161.4 (2013): 1.
19. Pearce, Fred. "Why A Dead Rhino Is A Good Rhino." New Scientist 184.2470 (2004): 14.
20. BEECH, HANNAH, et al. "Killing Fields." Time 177.24 (2011): 40-47.
21. Coghlan, Andy. "Forensic Test Fingers Rhino Poachers." New Scientist 179.2411 (2003): 9.
22. Randerson, James. "Captive Rhinos Killed By Overdose Of Iron." New Scientist 183.2458 (2004): 12.
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Endangered Species
23. "No Rhino Rescue." New Scientist 185.2486 (2005): 7.
24. LEVY, ANDREA. "The Last Rhino." Canadian Dimension 44.6 (2010): 11.
25. "Black Rhino Gone?." Earth Island Journal 21.4 (2006): 4.
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