22 EVERY DAY Almost 1 every hour. Over 8000 per year SAVE

Almost 1 every hour.
Over 8000 per year
SAVE JUST ONE started in Oct. of 2010 after National Commander mentioned the high number of
Veterans Suicides. TEAM AMVETS initiated a State wide program to get the word out to 1.9 million
Veterans in the State of Calif. that help is available.
2011 Continued implementing program, growing pains, receiving larger amounts of hand-out material.
JAN 2012 at department executive meeting a young Marine stepped forward and testified that he
personally knew a soldier that was saved by our efforts.
Nov 2012 a member reported that he was at a public function handing out SP material. One of the
items available at the time was a small foam Stress Ball. Children were playing with the ball. A child
took the ball home and showed it to his mother. Mother read the information on the ball and
immediately called her brother that was a Veteran and encouraged him to make the call. He did and
was rescued. Our program SAVE JUST ONE is a success and we will continue to SAVE ONE MORE
I received information from New York call center that 1000 Veterans receiving help at a VA facility died
by suicide. 5000 Veterans that were not receiving help died by suicide.
I want to notify that 5000 that help is available. Literally thousands of Vets have no idea help is available.
We want to reach all of them.
** ** Active Duty soldiers, all branches total is 515, per year = 1 every 17 hours
A local Post sent several boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to troops in Afghanistan along with 500 stress balls.
Veterans Crisis line launched in 2007. Has answered more than 650,000 calls and made more than
26,000 rescues. In 2009 the VA added an anonymous on line chat service, which has helped more than
65,000 people.
In 2011 National Veterans Suicide Prevention Hot line was renamed the Veterans Crisis line to
encourage Veterans and their family and friends that are aware that a Vet is in emotional distress to
reach out for support.
We are working in close conjunction with the VA to allow our AMVETS (10,000) members to help with
the VA outreach. Again a TEAM effort.
Team AMVETS California members (almost 10000) continue to seek Veterans and distribute SP material.
Efforts are also being made to enlist other States to join in our outreach to SAVE JUST ONE.
Presented OUTREACH at National level with TEAM AMVETS WE GOT YOUR BACK bracelets. The State of
Conn. Asked for and received 300 bracelets to be passed out at Walter Reed hospital.
FYI—the State of Tenn. And Georgia have joined our program. .
We continue to hand out SP material at any function we attend. DAV, American Legion, VFW, Colleges,
AMVET Members, Car Shows, Stand downs, picnics, Fund raisers, Bowling tournaments, Service clubs.
Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks. And now thanks to the City of Sanger, 26000 residents. Are aware of 22
Received a letter from a survivor in New York thanking us for are efforts and encouraging us to continue
the battle.
70 % of Veterans suicide is age 50-or older.
Suicide rates among Vietnam veterans are the highest of any group.
We lost 54,000 soldiers in Viet Nam. Since that time 85,000 have died by suicide.
Top 3 causes for suicide.
Substance abuse 36%
Depression 29%
PTSD, anxiety 24%
A member from Long Beach area who is active in outreach was leaving a 7-11 store one night. A
homeless person stopped him and asked him if he was a Veteran. He replied yes he was. The homeless
Veteran handed the member a bracelet that a Veteran had given him. He stated that it helped him, it
gave him someone to talk to. Please take this and it may help you or another Vet. The member gave
him the bracelet back along with several more bracelets and told him to keep paying forward.
Signs of Suicide risk. Hopelessness, feeling there’s no way out, anxiety, agitation, sleep deprived, mood
swings. No reason to live, rage or anger, alcohol or drug abuse, withdrawing from family and friends.
I have been asked HOW CAN I HELP? You have a wrist band with the Crisis phone #, you have a wallet
card with the #. You have friends or relatives, or coffee buddies that may be in a bad place or you know
a Veteran that is in a bad place. Encourage them to make the call. Here is the #. I will call for you.
Take a few minutes and put this # on your cell phone. 1-800-273-8255 you will now always have this #
available for anyone.
I had an opportunity to take a Suicide Intervention class. During class discussion the class named about
20 instances in life that may cause. Stress. Depression divorce, loss of work, can’t find a job,, illness,
family issues. Etc... Did I miss anyone in the room? Everyone is at risk for suicide.
The following are comments from other Departments and Post’s
I just received the box of materials. Thank you so much and thanks for helping save 5 more. We can
never give up the fight. I plan to announce at our meeting that my program for 2014 is “Reach Out and
Touch a Veteran” we will spread the information that there is assistance available and let them know
that we can be reached 24/7/365!
Keep in touch and thank everyone out there for all they do.
Semper Fi, Ron Dillon SPH
From a California AMVET. This is save # 6 for our program. (QUOTE)
Friend of mine who was visiting me from Spokane WA., called me Sunday AM and told me that his son
was going to commit suicide if he didn’t get help. I went to his house and took him to Loma Linda VA, he
was not admitted until Monday afternoon. I had given him a wrist band the week before and he did call
the crisis #. Tom this system really works. He is addicted to meth and is now enrolled in the VA program.
Outstanding! We here at Post 12 Georgia set up a group to mentor and let them know help is available
for the National Guard in Winder GA. They have had 2 suicides since coming back from Afghanistan in
2012 and their training NCO was all over us doing the suicide prevention and handing out literature and
bracelets. We have another meeting in May with the command element and will let them know we can
help them.
I haven’t had a chance to thank you for the support you have given to GA. To get our program set up.
Thanks again for the support on a program that is so important for our Veterans.
Ron Dillon SPH
Rob Quick, National Riders President, expressed an interest in our program. Since that time I have sent
4000 Suicide Prevention Patches, 2000 of the new wrist bands, 22 EVERYDAY, and other handout
Nationally there are 40 Departments with almost 200,000 members.
Just think if every Department in the AMVETS organization “SAVED JUST ONE “
This is the right thing to do. Please help our hero’s.
The Dept. of Louisiana has reported 5 SAVES.
The Dept. Of California now has 18 SAVES.
This program does work.
Please feel free to call me at any time. Card enclosed.
Respectfully: Tom Donwen, Suicide Prevention Chairman 559-907-7188
22 Veterans died today, 22 Mothers cried today.