12 th Grade English: AP Lit. and Comp. D. Martinez

12th Grade English: AP Lit. and Comp.
D. Martinez
Vision statement
To create a rigorous and highly ambitious academic environment geared towards
preparing seniors in high school for the rigors of higher learning here and abroad. The
ultimate goal in mind is: college skills readiness for post-secondary studies and beyond,
with the possibility of a passing score on the AP test of a 3 or greater for college credit.
By introducing students to a variety of literary formats in correlation with a demanding,
but closely supervised analytical writing framework, the students will be substantially
prepared to analyze, decipher and, synthesize texts along with creating insightful
compositions on a variety of topics through the course. By utilizing the primary
foundations of language arts; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, one will find a
young pupil ready for what their future academic endeavors hold.
Mission at hand
Regarding Literature
Students and instructor will all facilitate accountable discourse in which insights and
observations are shared and documented. Students will be responsible for annotations and
records for their independent studies. A variety of literary elements and skills will be
examined for comprehension via a plethora of assessments.
Regarding Synthesis composition
Students will adhere to the common core standard rubrics as prescribed by instructor.
Students will utilize the skills provided by instructor in order to create viable literary
analysis using academic primary and secondary sources while adhering to MLA format
on all formal assignments.
Regarding Oral Communication
Students are to demonstrate a grasp of appropriate academic language via the lexicon of
language arts. Debates, Socratic seminars, presentations, teacher-led discussions, and
peer discourse are all in (but not limited to) the realm of observable assessment here.
Time Frame
Unit 1: Classroom Culture – The AP
exam Anatomy
Policies, procedures, expectations,
introductions, Baseline (writing), AP exam
and syllabus overview, MLA format
comprehensive review. AP Drill.
2 Weeks
Unit 2: Literary elements, analysis with
synthesis, and the Short Story (making
connections, short and long term).
A comprehensive list of texts will be
presented, read, and analyzed in
accordance with college level expectations
and a common core rubric in order to
maintain cohesion. All units, including this
one are subject to supplementary texts at
teacher’s discretion. Students will be
expected to write multiple analytical papers
with specific foci (Teacher led, writing
conferences). AP Drill.
7 Weeks
Unit 3: The Prose Play
Death of a Salesman: A comprehensive
analysis and close reading of Arthur
Miller’s classic play with additional texts
prescribed by the instructor as
supplementary resources. Introduction of
academic secondary sources with literary
analysis paper. A review will be done
regarding a verse play from student prior
knowledge (Shakespeare). Introduction of
the Prose project.
4 Weeks
Unit 4: Poetry / Poetry Project
A comprehensive seminar in poetry
spanning great distances in time and place.
Synthesis is key here, along with student
participation and completion of 2015-2016
Poetry project. AP Poetry drills (all
7 Weeks
components). Presentations.
Unit 5: Existentialism and Absurdism
The Stranger and various supplementary
Sources. A look at modern longer prose
and short poetry that focuses on the
individual and society. Research, design,
and implementation will be a primary
focus. Students will begin to create their
own analysis topics. Presentations.
4 Weeks
Unit 6: Feminism and Gender Roles
The Awakening and various related texts.
Students will focus on multiple female
authors and academic publications in order
to hone in on their argumentative writing.
There will be many student-led discourses
and Socratic seminars. AP Drills, extended
and timed for endurance. Presentations.
4 Weeks
Unit 7: The Short Novel (Novellas)
A global study of masters of the short
novel. Here there will be a focus on
universal archetypes, lofty diction, and
dealing with translated texts and their
overall efficacy. The student will be search
for universal thematic elements and make
viable connections regarding analysis.
5 Weeks
Unit 8: AP Course and Exam Review
Year at glance – Major works review –
Gallery walk of viable literary works –
Final presentations.
Last chance* affairs as scheduled by Mr.
Martinez (in conjunction with
administration and parents)
2 Weeks