PRESCHOOL NEWS ST STEPHEN PRESBYTERIAN PRESCHOOL NOVEMBER 2012 DATES TO REMEMBER November 1-16: Thanksgiving Food Drive Collection November 8 & 9: Petting Zoo November 12: Veteran’s Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) November 13 & 14: Family Chapel Time November 21: Staff Development (SCHOOL CLOSED) November 22 & 23: Thanksgiving (SCHOOL CLOSED) ****** PETTING ZOO The Petting Zoo is coming to St. Stephen Preschool on Thursday, November 8th and Friday, November 9th during school hours. The children will visit the animals on our grassy field during their normal outside playtime. We will take plenty of pictures to share with you. THANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONS The children at St. Stephen Preschool will celebrate their friendships by sharing food on Monday, November 19 & Tuesday, November 20 during the midmorning snack time. A sign-up sheet for snacks will be posted outside your child’s classroom. What better time to pause and give thanks for our many blessings. Happy Thanksgiving!! ****** CALENDAR REMINDERS FOR November: The Preschool will be closed on Monday, November 12 in observance of Veteran’s Day. The Preschool will be closed on Wednesday. November 21. The Preschool staff is attending our CPR/First Aid recertification training that day. We will reopen on Monday, November 26, after the Thanksgiving holiday. NOVEMBER 2012 2 PRESCHOOL NEWS SAVE LIDS TO SAVE LIVES Your lid counts!! We have mailed in over 600 pink Yoplait yogurt lids supporting Breast Cancer Research through the Susan G. Komen Fund. Each lid is a $0.10 donation that would otherwise go out with the trash and into our landfill. This way, we win both ways. Please ask friends and family to collect their lids as well. We are happy to mail all the lids for you, so please continue to turn in your clean lids to Room 5 or to your child’s teachers. Thank you, Miss Jeanie ****** THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT IMPORTANT REMINDERS SIGN IN/OUT: Please remember to sign your child in and out on the roster found either on the clipboard or the inside of the classroom door. It is required by law and enforced by the State of California to sign your child in and out upon drop off and pick up each day. KIDS KLUB PICK UP: Please be sure to pick your child up by 2pm. If there is an emergency, please call the office and let us know whether you will arrive after 2pm. ****** DID YOU KNOW…? We will be collecting non-perishable food items and monetary donations to serve families in need this Thanksgiving. You may drop off these items in the Preschool Office from November 1-16. Thank you for your generosity! Their specific needs for food donations this year are: Roasting chickens Cooking oil Sugar Salt Evaporated milk Rice Pinto beans Spaghetti Spaghetti sauce Flour Canned vegetables Jelly or Gelatin Canned fruit Black beans ****** Did you know that you can drop your child off at preschool as early as 8:00 am? We will keep track of the days you use our Early Bird program and simply add the charges to your monthly tuition. The charge is $3 per half hour. You are welcome to use this program whenever you need it – no advance notice is required. There is also a Monthly option for Early Birds. See Leslie or Tara in the office if you have questions. Note that the teachers will open the classroom doors promptly at 9:00 am. This is your cue to enter the classroom without incurring Early Bird charges. ***** 3 PRESCHOOL NEWS CLASSROOM NEWS Room 1 Thank you all for helping us with our Halloween snack, Halloween festivities, and also for the pumpkins, gourds, and Indian corn. November will be busy with many Fall projects. We will be observing nature around us to see what changes Fall brings. The colors, the weather, the falling leaves, and the Holidays add their magic to the season. Some of our Fall activities will include the sense of taste and smell, leaves, food, farm animals, families, Thanksgiving, and our very favorite, the Petting Zoo! Love, Miss Maria & Miss Sherry Room 5 We are enjoying all of our beautiful family trees. It’s fun to see how we are alike and how we are uniquely different. If you haven’t already seen them, you’re welcome to come in the classroom and take a look anytime. We’ve been busy reviewing shapes and colors, as well as working with scissors, on our cutting skills, pencil holding and beginning name writing. We will continue these activities throughout the school year in many different ways. All the children have been busy making artwork to decorate our room…don’t we look festive? We’ve been singing many Halloween songs, including one of our favorites, “Roll Those Pumpkins Down to Town,” which you may have heard at home. NOVEMBER 2012 Thank you for all the Fall items, pumpkins large and small, gourds, and Indian corn. They are fun to explore through our senses – the way they feel, the way they look, and how heavy and light they are. November brings us such excitement with the presidential election, why we vote, and discussing what makes a good classroom leader. We look forward to hearing the children’s answers. Towards the end of the month, Thanksgiving activities will include families, friends, being thankful, and of course, turkeys. Be sure to check out Parent Board outside our classroom for any important information, special sign-ups, and announcements. Love, Miss Jeanie & Miss Vickie Room 2 We had so much fun with our Halloween activities! Some highlights were our black playdough, hammering golf tees into real pumpkins and watching our carved pumpkin glow in the dark. The children also enjoyed removing a link every day from our paper chain to count down the days until Halloween. It was fun to see everyone in their costumes, too. Thanks so much to everyone who helped! Scissor skills were a big focus in our class last month. We have been providing lots of activities at the art table and the cut and color table for the children to practice. The growth has been amazing! If 4 PRESCHOOL NEWS you don’t have children’s scissors at home, you may want to pick up a pair so your child can continue their experience at home. We love getting mail! We have received postcards from all over the world and would love to continue receiving them through the year. If you or someone you know would like to send us a post card, just address it to St. Stephen Preschool Room 2 and then the school’s address. When the cold weather starts, runny noses are usually close behind. Teaching your child to blow their own nose with a tissue and then throw it in the trash is a great way to help them become independent and cut down on spreading germs. In our classroom we always have tissues within reach of the children and encourage them to use them (instead of their sleeves!). This month we will focus on fall colors, leaves, families, being thankful and of course a turkey project or two. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love, Miss Sheryl and Miss Betsie Room 3 Thank you to everyone who helped with our Halloween celebration and who provided food and supplies for our special Halloween snack. Your participation and support were essential to the success of the morning! This month we will be exploring the themes of family and friends, farming and farm life, gratitude and Thanksgiving. We NOVEMBER 2012 are looking forward to the petting farm visit and to our Thanksgiving celebrations later in the month. We’ll continue to learn to make new friends, to communicate ideas and feelings with words, and to build a cooperative and respectful classroom community. These experiences and the skills they encourage are the necessary foundation for later success in elementary school. Children learn to think when they feel valued and worthwhile, when their emotions and actions are under control and when they relate well to other people. The children enjoy making scientific predictions and conducting experiments, which we will continue to do in November. To support the development of children’s mathematical thinking we’ll be doing more measuring, patterning and comparison. Just a friendly reminder that class starts promptly at 9am with important experiences and information about what will be happening during the rest of the morning. Also, please remember to read the “Daily Report” posted on the sign-in sheet each day. It will give you an idea about what happened at school and what to ask your child about his or her day. During this month of Thanksgiving, we thank you for the opportunity to get to know your children and to support their growth and development. Love, Miss Carol & Miss Toni 5 PRESCHOOL NEWS NOVEMBER 2012 MORE CLASSROOM NEWS In October, through our “Halloween play” we learned: Room 1: Pre-Math: Matched multi-colored pom-poms into egg cartons with tongs (color recognition & spatial reasoning) Pre-Writing: Created spider webs with rubber bands on rubber band boards (develop control in small hand muscles) Pre-Reading: Participated in an oral Halloween story with paper cut-out (oral language and pictures contribute to stories and books) Pre-Science: Made fresh apple juice with a juicer (observed physical changes from a solid to liquid) Core Intelligence: Worked collaboratively to make pumpkin muffins (worked with peers; follow recipe directions) Room 5: Pre-Math: Glued circles, squares, triangles & rectangles onto pumpkin shapes (concepts of shape, size and location) Pre-Writing: Painted on an upright plexi-glass easel to make pumpkin prints (develop hand muscles used in writing) Pre-Reading: Sang Halloween songs and marble painted “spooky spiders” (concept development across the curriculum) Pre-Science: Made pumpkin pancakes - measured, mixed, smelled & tasted (whole-part relationships and concepts of volume & measure) Core Intelligence: Collaged a giant owl for the classroom with multi-colored squares (collaboration with peers to create an art project) Room 2: Pre-Math: Estimated and weighed one of our class pumpkins (estimation; real-world math applications) Pre-Writing: Made paper chains to decorate the classroom (strengthen small hand muscles used in writing) Pre-Reading: Listened to a CD with various sounds & shared our guesses (listening discrimination – an important pre-reading skill) Pre-Science: Observed an experiment with dry ice and soap (create a sense of awe and wonder with science) Core Intelligence: Created friendship collages and necklaces with classmates (cooperative play; recognize value in peer’s opinions) 6 PRESCHOOL NEWS Room 3: Pre-Math: NOVEMBER 2012 Counted down the days until Halloween using a paper chain (counting skills; number sense) Pre-Writing: Practiced letter formation on dry erase boards (develop muscles used in writing; practice hand-eye coordination) Pre-Reading: Mailed & received postcards from all over the world; mapped them (encourage love of reading; connect printed words & meaning) Pre-Science: Compared fresh and dried apple slices; discussed evaporation (form hypothesis; observe changes; learn new vocabulary) Core Intelligence: Shared Halloween-themed items in our class Treasure Chest (practice speaking in front of peers; develop self-confidence)