CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL 9310 Scott Road Roswell, GA 30076 (770) 650-4230 March 30, 2015 Dear Class of 2015 Parents and Guardians, As you know, the end of the school year and the graduation ceremony are fast approaching. We know many of you have questions about upcoming senior activities, so we would like to fill you in on what is planned. Senior Week: April 20-24 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Doughnuts at lunch Activity Day Outside Catered Lunch Bruster’s Ice Cream Social at Lunch Signing Day/Six Flags Twin Day Senior Citizen Day USA/Denim Day 80’s Day College Attire *Seniors MUST have paid their SENIOR DUES and FEES and not have any outstanding book or library fines in order to receive their senior shirt or participate in the activity day, lunch, and ice cream social. Senior fees are $40 and can be paid to Mrs. Yelvington Caps, Gowns, and Graduation Announcements: If you have not ordered these items yet, contact Georgia Balfour at (770) 594-8155 or gabalfour.com. Fees must be paid and graduates must wear a cap and gown in order to participate in the graduation ceremony; all gowns are royal blue. If you are planning to wear a gown from a previous year, it must be approved by Mrs. Yelvington and remaining fees must be paid. Senior Field Trip to Six Flags over Georgia: The senior trip to Six Flags Over Georgia will be Friday, April 24th. Students will leave Centennial at 10:00 am and return to school at approximately 6:30pm. The cost is $50 (checks payable to CHS; this includes transportation, admission, and lunch. Permission slip/money is due to Ms. Taylor by April, 1st. If you have any questions see Ms. Taylor in room J107. Fine Arts Foundation: It's not too late to leave a legacy at CHS in honor of your graduate! Any family that joins CHS's Foundation for the Fine Arts at the Gold level will receive a Commemorative Gold Brick for their student, which is placed in the CHS auditorium lobby and permanently honors your child's involvement in the Fine Arts at Centennial High School. Visit www.chsffa.org to join. Project Graduation 2015: Project Graduation will take place this year at Andretti's Karting and Games, in Roswell, starting at 11pm after graduation and lasting until 6am. PG gives students a safe, substance free environment in which to celebrate graduation with their classmates. Only Centennial students who have received a diploma and have paid their registration fee ($70) may attend, ($85 fee after April 1st, 2015). The price includes entertainment (an illusionist), food, games, go-karting, ropes course, poker tournament, prizes, and unlimited fun for your senior. If you are interested in go-karting, you must fill out and submit a racing waiver and have it signed and returned. Please contact Deb Dreesman ddreesman@bellsouth.net with any questions. Yard Signs: Time to Let Everyone Know that You're Graduating! Purchase a graduation yard sign from Centennial's Project Graduation Committee so that you can proudly display the name of your graduating senior! The deadline to order is April 15th. Go to http://www.centptsa.org/seniors-2015/ for pricing and order information. Baccalaureate Service: The Baccalaureate Service is on Sunday, May 17 at Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church (2850 Old Alabama Rd, Johns Creek) from 5:00-6:15pm. Baccalaureate is a non-denominational worship service intended to encourage, challenge, and inspire the graduates as they move from high school to their future endeavors. Graduates should wear their graduation gowns to the service (no caps). Recommended attire for under the gowns is as follows: Girls- an appropriate dress (any color is fine) with dressy shoes or sandals; Guys- black or navy pants, a white collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Graduates are to be at Mount Pisgah no later than 4:30pm and will gather upstairs in the balcony until the service begins. Formal invitations will be sent to all graduates in April. There is no limit to the number of attendees and their guests- all are welcome. The committee is asking for a $20 donation to defray the costs of the service. Checks can be made out to CHS Baccalaureate Service and can be sent to: Patty Kilgore, 130 Old Sandhurst Landing, Alpharetta, Ga 30022. Please contact Jenny Bramel at gaslooey@bellsouth.net or at 770-365-4213 with questions. Senior Final Exams: Final exams for seniors will take place from Friday, May 15 through Tuesday, May 19. The last school day for seniors is Tuesday, May 19. (continued on other side) Graduation Lunch : A mandatory lunch for graduates will be held on Wednesday, May 20 from 12:15 -1:15 pm, at the Centennial Fortress. Graduating seniors are asked to adhere to the school dress code at this event and may not enter the school, they should go straight to the Fortress. Honors cords and pins will be distributed and last minute issues with counselors will be resolved at the luncheon. Seniors will be asked to leave the school grounds immediately after the conclusion of this event in order attend graduation practice. Graduation Practice: Mandatory graduation practice will be held on Wednesday, May 20, immediately following the graduation luncheon, at Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. If your student has a transportation problem getting to or from Mt. Pisgah, please contact Mrs. Yelvington. Mrs. Yelvington’s contact information is given below. Seniors are asked to adhere to the school dress code (this includes no hats) and to not bring food or drinks to this event. Attendance at graduation practice is mandatory. Graduation Ceremony: The ceremony is at 7:30 pm, Thursday, May 21, 2015 at Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church. Mt. Pisgah is located at the corner of Old Alabama Road and Nesbit Ferry Road. Each graduate should receive six (6) tickets to the event. Graduates will receive their tickets after meeting the requirements for graduation. The tickets will be distributed at the graduation practice on Wednesday, May 20. Extra tickets are not available from the school for any reason and everyone must have a ticket regardless of age. If you feel you need more tickets, ask friends who may not need all of their tickets to share with you. Seating is general admission. Doors do not open until 6:45pm for families/guests. New this year-graduation will be streamed live. Please check the Centennial website the week of graduation for a link to the live streaming. Arrival Time The graduates should arrive at Mt. Pisgah at 6:45 pm with their caps, gowns, and regalia (if applicable) and proceed to the lower level. It is advisable that students carpool as parking is limited. What to Wear** Boys: dark slacks (long pants), white collared shirt, tie, and black dress shoes Girls: nice dress with neutral dress shoes or sandals *No hats, large jewelry, or sunglasses *Please unpack and hang your gown a few weeks prior to the ceremony to reduce the number of wrinkles. While the use of wrinkle-reducing products is encouraged, ironing is not recommended. **Students not adhering to these dress requirements will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony. Additional Info Bring bobby pins to help secure the cap. Leave purses, cell phones, cameras, keys, etc. with family members as there is no place to secure them and graduates may not carry anything during the ceremony. No gum chewing. There is no smoking at the facility. A collage of senior photos will be shown prior to the graduation ceremony. If your child has not had their senior portrait taken, please let Mrs. Yelvington know by May 1 so that retakes may be scheduled. Graduation Ceremony Videos: Videos of the graduation ceremony will be available for each senior through HD Video Digital Download. More information will be available through the Centennial website the week before graduation. Graduation Ceremony Pictures: Pictures from the ceremony, including individual shots of your senior receiving their diploma and shaking hands with the principal, can be purchased directly from Peachtree Portraits, http://www.peachtreeportraits.com. Select School Division→Select Place your order online today -Shop Now (bottom left of the page) Select Portraits taken after May 15th, 2015– View & Order Here→Select High Schools→Select Centennial High School All events for Centennial are listed by the month they were taken. Look under the Seniors 2015 tab for more information. http://school.fultonschools.org/hs/centennial/Pages/Classof2015.aspx We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us at yelvington@fultonschools.org, jimenezs@fultonschools.org or at (770) 6504230 ext. 189. Yours truly, Marie Yelvington Graduation Coordinator Senior Class Sponsor Sheila Jimenez Senior Class Sponsor Jessica Taylor Senior Class Sponsor