Les personnages Throughout the rest of the school year, you will be creating stories with recurring characters. The rough and final drafts will count as Projects/Essay grades. Rough drafts – 10 points For each story, submit a written rough draft. As I review it, I will underline words that need agreement adjustments (i.e., verbs, articles, adjectives) and circle otherwise incorrect words (i.e., an English word that is not a cognate in French). I will use the following rubric to grade the rough drafts. You do not need to include images with your rough drafts. Points will be reduced for late work (1 point per day): 10 points All verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, all unknown French vocabulary looked up the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. 9 points Most verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, and a good effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. 8 points Some verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made; some effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. 7 points Many verbs are incorrectly conjugated, proper agreements often not made; some effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. 6 and fewer points Many verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, and little effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). Some prompts are missing. Final drafts – 20 points Your final draft will be a typed Google Docs document, which you will provide me with access to, and contain either welldrawn images (you can insert a photo of a drawing) or images from the Internet. Here is the rubric I will use: 20 points Document is typed in Google docs with access granted. Accents are perfectly executed. All verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, all unknown French vocabulary looked up the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. All images are included. 18 points Document is typed in Google docs with access granted. Most accents are perfectly executed. Most verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, and a good effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. All images are included. 16 points Document is typed in Google docs with access granted. Most accents are perfectly executed. Some verbs are correctly conjugated, proper agreements made, and some effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. Most images are included. 14 points Document is typed in Google docs with access granted. Some accents are well executed. Many verbs are incorrectly conjugated, few proper agreements made; some effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). All prompts are answered. Most images are included. 12 and fewer points Document is typed in Google docs with access granted. Many missing and/or incorrect accents. Many verbs are incorrectly conjugated, proper agreements seldom made, and little effort to look up all French vocabulary is made without the use of online translators (online dictionaries are okay). Some prompts are missing. Some images are not included.