C T GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS SHAHPUR CAMPUS, JALANDHAR INSTRUCTION PLAN (THEORY) SEM: ODD Institution: CTIEMT Department: M.E. Name of the faculty Member: AKASH DEEP Course Code: BTME-305 Course Title: Manufacturing Processes-I Sem: 3rd Class: M.E. Sec: B Batch: 2011-2015 (A) Term Planner: For Lectures/ Tutorials (Faculty member must fill the complete detail to arrive at effective no. of lectures available) Total weeks available (A) Lectures/ week Total Lectures (B) T =AxB Tutorial /Week (C) Total Holidays Tutorials ( D) (E) Expected Leaves by Faculty (F) Function Etc. & MSTs NB: Consider Only 2 MSTs 5% Contingency (H) Effective No of Lectures &Tutorials Lect/Tut =T/D-(E+F G+H) Lec Tut (G) Part –I of Sem 7 Part –II of Sem 5 Part –III of Sem 5 Total 16 4 28 NA NA 3 2 2 - 21 NA 4 20 NA NA NIL 1 4 - 15 NA 4 20 NA NA 3 1 4 - 12 NA 4 64 NA NA 6 4 9 - 45 NA ● Before implementing this plan, please discuss with Dean (Academics) and get it approved In the case of the teacher teaching more than one subjects, separate plan will be made for the different subjects. ● This plan is to be communicated to the students within one week of the start of the semester or teaching work. ● Please refer to the Academic Calander for the current semester. (B) Term Planner: For academic activities other than Lectures/Tutorials to be undertaken as part of Internal Assessment for the course. Sr. Type of No academic activity* 1 Assignment Total no. of academic activities to be undertaken Sem. 3 Ist Academic Activity 2nd Academic Activity 3rd Academic Activity Date of Date of allotment Submission 11/08/2012 18/08/2012 Date of Date of allotment Submission 14/09/2012 21/09/2012 Date of allotment 19/140/2012 Date of Submission 26/10/2012 2 3 *Type of activity: Assignments, Case Studies, Presentations, Quiz, Projects, Class Tests, GD’s etc. Marks of assess ment 10 Imp. Note: At the time of preparation of the Instruction Plan, the Date column given below is not to be filled for the entire term but only for the first fortnight. It will be updated every fortnight, topic wise & communicated to the students. INSTRUCTION PLAN BEFORE MST-I Sr. No TEACHING SCHEDULE CHAPTER Date No. of Mode of Lec. Delivery* 19-Jul-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 20-Jul-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Introduction to metal casting. patterns: 20-Jul-12 types, materials and allowances. 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 25-Jul-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 26-Jul-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Design considerations of castings 27-Jul-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Melting furnaces, cupola furnace, 27-Jul-12 1-Aug-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 2-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 3-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 3-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 8-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Solidification of metals and alloys 9-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION directional solidification, segregation, 16-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION nucleation and grain growth, critical size of nucleus. 17-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Cleaning and finishing of castings 17-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Introduction and classification of welding processes 22-Aug-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION weldability, welding terminology 23-Aug-12 24-Aug-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION LECTUREWISE BREAKAGE Introduction, Classification of 1 INTRODUCTI ON 2 manufacturing processes, selection criteria for manufacturing processes, general trends in manufacturing Moulding materials: moulding sand compositions and properties, sand testing, types of moulds, moulding machines. Cores: function, types, core making process, core-prints, chaplets. Elements of gating system and risers and their design. Casting Processes 3 Welding Processes charge calculations, induction furnaces Casting processes: sand casting, shell mould casting, investment casting, permanent mould casting full mould casting, vacuum casting, die casting, centrifugal casting, and continuous casting. Metallurgical considerations in casting, Students Role** BEFORE MST- II TEACHING SCHEDULE Sr. No CHAPTER LECTUREWISE BREAKAGE Date No. of Lec. 1 Welding Processes general principles, welding positions, and filler metals. 30-Aug-12 Gas welding: principle and practice, oxy-acetylene welding equipment Mode of Delivery* Students Role** 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION 31-Aug-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION oxy-hydrogen welding. Flame cutting. 5-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Electric arc welding: principle, equipment, relative merits of AC & DC arc welding. 6-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Welding processes: manual metal arc welding, MIG welding, TIG welding 7-Sep-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION plasma arc welding, submerged arc welding. 12-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Welding arc and its characteristics, arc stability, and arc blow. 13-Sep-12 14-Sep-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Thermal effects on weldment: heat affected zone, grain size and its control 14-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Electrodes: types, selection, electrode coating ingredients and their function 19-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Resistance welding: principle and their types i.e. spot, seam, projection, up-set and flash. Spot welding machine. 20-Sep-12 21-Sep-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Advanced welding processes: friction welding, friction stir welding, 26-Sep-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION BEFORE MST- II TEACHING SCHEDULE Date No. of Lec. ultrasonic welding, laser beam welding, plasma arc welding, electron beam welding, atomic hydrogen welding, 3-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION explosive welding, thermit welding, and electro slag welding. Considerations in weld joint design. 4-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Other joining processes: soldering, brazing, braze welding. 5-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Casting defects, their causes and remedies 5-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Welding defects, their causes and remedies. 10-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Destructive and non destructive testing 11-Oct-12 1 LECTURE PARTICIPATION visual inspection, x-ray radiography, magnetic particle inspection 12-Oct-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION dye penetrate test, ultrasonic inspection, eddy current testing, hardness testing, and micro hardness testing. 17-Oct-12 18-Oct-12 2 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Revision 25-Oct-12 26-Oct-12 31-Oct-12 4 LECTURE PARTICIPATION Sr. CHAPTER LECTUREWISE BREAKAGE No 1 2 Welding Processes Inspection And Testing Mode of Delivery* Students Role** SYLLBUS LEFT/YET TO BE COVERED AFTER MSTS Sr No TEACHING SCHEDULE CHAPTER Sr. No LECTURER BREAKAGE Date No. of Lec. Reqd. Mode Students of Role** Delivery* 1 2 3 4 5 TUTORIAL DETAIL Sr. No Academic Activity Date No. of Mode of Lec. Delivery* Reqd Students Role** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 * Mode of delivery may be lectures, Film/CD, Case study etc. ** Students Role: Group Discussion, Presentation, Assignment etc ***Academic Activity :(Class Test, Presentation, Case Study, Paper Solving, Doubt clearing or any other). Syllabus Coverage Reports (SCR) – Dates of submission are Note: Teacher will judiously plan the coverage of syllabus after considering the dates of MST’s/Extra Co-curricular activities etc. Ist SCR: 22-Aug-12 2nd SCR: 24-Sep-12 3rd SCR: 30-Oct-12 Reason for not covering the syllabus as planed. How to conduct classes: ( The period break-up suggested is as follows) : 1. 2. 3. 2-3 minutes on review of previous lesson/topic/ discussion 2-3 minutes for attendance 45 minutes for actual teaching that will include the following two important stages: (a) Broad overview of what the teacher will teach today (b) What he/she expects the students to learn. 4. 2-3 minutes for summarizing the lesson/topic covered and giving homework assignments. 5. 2-3 minutes for students’ evaluation/assessment/feedback. Tutorial Plan: following: Tutorial activities to be conducted by the teachers in their respective classes include the (a) Overall Tutorial Plan: (Pls. mention approx. how many of each of the following activities will be taken up in the tutorials) TIME FRAME 1. Presentations/ Seminar 2. Group Discussions/ Case Studies 3. Class Tests/ Paper Solving Session 4. Doubt Clearing Sessions 5. Quiz Tests/ two way discussion 6. Others (Please Specify)__________ (b) Tutorial Strategy: How do you plan to conduct each of the above mentioned activities i.e. the 1. CASE STUDIES PLANNED : No of Case Studies: 2. EXTENSION LECTURES PLANNNED S.NO 1. 2. 3. TOPIC When (Tentatively) Resource person( if you can suggest) 3. VISITS required (industry, seminar, conference, outside, library, lab) S.NO Type of visit When (Tentatively) Resource person( if you can suggest) 1. 2. 3. 4. Note: Please liaison with T.P.O. before planning the visit in case of industry. 4. MY RESOURCE BANK: S.NO Case Title Topic covered to case Source (Book/magazine ,page no./ web site) Practice (P)/Graded (G) Mo of Conduct (Presentation/ Discussion/ written Report /Video/ Case) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. S.NO *Additional Text Books Author Publisher Edition 1 Manufacturing Technology P. N. Rao Tata McGraw Hills Latest 2 Manufacturing Technology B. S. Raghuvanshi Dhanpatrai publications Latest 3 Welding technology O. P. Khanna Dhanpatrai publications Latest 4 Foundary Technology Peter Beeley Butterworth Heinemanm 2nd Edition S.NO Standard Reference Book Author Publisher Edition 1 Manufacturing Technology P. C. Sharma S. Chand Latest 2 Manufacturing Technology R. K. Rajput Lakshmi Publishers Latest *Additional Newspaper & Periodicals Publisher (in case of Periodicals) 3 4 S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 * NOTE: Additional new reference books, journals & news papers must be incorporated to the standard Instruction Plan as the course is being taught in the semester. Date: __________________ Sig. of faculty member:_________________________ Signatory of HOD with Remarks ________________________ Director ______________________ Dean (Academic Affairs) (ACADEMIC AUDIT RECORD/ INSPECTION REPORT) DATE REMARKS SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR/DEAN/HOD (DIRECTOR)