Topic for Final Assignment

LSC 2103
The world still relies on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas for our energy
needs. However, these fossil fuels are running out and alternative forms of energy need
to be found. This research project will look at the problems that are associated with
fossil fuels and identify possible solutions through nuclear energy and renewable
resources such as the wind, the sun and the sea.
Discuss what fossil fuels are and discover when they were first used, and what they
were used for. What are the main uses of coal, oil and natural gas today?
Identify some of the problems associated with fossil fuels. These might include
environmental issues, economic issues and the fact that they are non-renewable.
Consider some of the possible alternatives to fossil fuels including nuclear energy,
conservation, and the use of renewable resources such as hydro electric power, solar
energy and geothermal energy.
Choose a country as a case study. Identify its present use of fossil fuels, nuclear fuel
and fuel from renewable fuels. Outline the country’s plans to increase the use of
renewable fuel in the next few years.
Write around 900 words
Part 1
Introduce the topic, and explain why fossil fuel came to be so
important. Find out when and where they were first discovered and
what they were uses for. What are they used for now? What are
the problems associated with fossil fuel? What will happen if we
don’t do anything?
Part 2
Discuss possible alternatives to fossil fuels such as nuclear power
and renewable resources like solar power, wind power and water
power .Look at the importance of conservation of resources.
Part 3
Make a case study of a particular country: identify the main sources
of fuel used at the moment in this country. What renewable energy
resources are being used now in your chosen country and what is
planned for the future? Do these plans include the nuclear option?
There should be a minimum of 5 sources. For higher grades
you would be looking at 8+ sources.
Each referenced source must be cited in the text.
There must be in-line citations. Use APA format.
Plagiarism will result in a mark of zero for this assessment.
Copy and pasting is plagiarism