(AS CHEMISTRY) Weekly Planning Semester 1 Planning Teacher: Mr. Alaa Ismail Lesson Day 1 Warm up (5 – 10) Activity Date: 11-15 October 2015 Main Activity ( 30 mins) Key vocab The teacher Excess, limiting distributes reactant pictures representing common commercial reactions. The teacher discusses with the students the ways of increasing the products. This will lead to the importance of stoichiometric calculations in our everyday life. Objectives Teaching and classwork 1. Solve stoichiometr ic equations (mass-mass problems). The students are going to solve the mass- mass problems depending on their pre-knowledge of the relationship between mole, Ar and Mr. Plenary (5 -10 mins) The students are going to construct a thinking map representing the steps of solving massmass problems. Differentiation The worksheet is designed to have questions of different DOK levels. Assess ment and resour ces Worksh eet and white board summar y 2 The students will watch a video explaining the molar volume of gases. http://www.youtub e.com/watch?v=U CmYSIjOnUA Molar volume, STP 3 The students will watch video on percentage yield Percentage yield http://www.youtu be.com/watch?v= pFmCn-cwOW8 4 End of chapter test (20 minutes) - The students watch video on atom economy Atom economy 1. Use chemical equations to calculate volumes of gases and vice versa using the concept of molar volume. 1. State what percentage yield shows 2. Calculate the percentage yield 1. State what atom economy shows 2. Calculate the atom economy The students solve the exercises in the textbook page (21). HA; these students can distinguish between the volume of 1 mol gas at STP conditions and SATP conditions The teacher pauses the video to discuss the concept with the students and to solve problems within the video. The teacher distributes a worksheet on percentage yield. The students are going to solve the problems in groups. The teacher pauses the video to discuss the concept with the students and to solve problems within the video. The teachers checks the answers with the students. LA and MA; the video represents the reactions using molecular models which makes the concept easier. Worksh eet , white board summar y and ICT The students solve question (2) page (31) LA and MA; the video represents the reactions using molecular models which makes the concept easier. Worksh eet ,white board summar y and ICT HA; they will be able to choose atom economy as a better description for efficiency than percentage yield. http://www.youtu be.com/watch?v= Zuyk4hfbjSA 5 The teacher shows the students cards on the board representing empirical and Empirical formula 1. Define empirical and molecular formulae. 2. Calculate 8 The students deduce from the video, the meaning of STP conditions and will know that 1 mol of any gas occupies 24 dm3 at these conditions. The teacher distributes a worksheet on molar volume to the students to solve in groups. From the starter activity, the students will be able to give definitions for empirical and molecular formulae. The students construct a flow chart representing the steps for calculating HA; these students are given a website link in which they can solve additional questions on empirical and molecular formulae. Those Option board worksh eet and white board 6+7 8 molecular formulae of different molecules. The students should find a relationship between empirical and molecular formulae. The teacher asks the students about the steps for calculating the empirical formula Quiz empirical Molecular formula Quiz The teacher will show the students the proper steps for calculating empirical and molecular formulae of compounds using experimental data. The steps for solving such questions depend on the students' previous knowledge. 1. Calculate The students have the deduced the relationship molecular between empirical and formulae of molecular formula in the compounds. last lesson. Mr = Empirical formula x n ;n= whole number. They will use this relation to calculate n and thus calculating the molecular formula. Quiz Quiz empirical and molecular formulae. questions will be autocorrected. Each student will choose a question from the option board to apply the steps of founding the molecular formula. HA, MA and LA ; can choose the suitable level of questions from the option board. H.W; Select three questio ns from the option board worksh eet. Post lab questions . Quiz Edexcel AS Chemis try (implem entation and assess ment guide for teacher s and technici ans) Past papers Hadith summar y https://oli.cmu.edu/jcours e/workbook/activity/page ?context=0bb154d18002 0ca60117708f89fafe2e Differentiated chemistry AS quiz