Simple Pleasures The Story of the Town Mouse and the Country

Simple Pleasures
The Story of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
___Andalyn Perez_______________
In a hole by the root of a tree
Seth Mouse lived quite peacefully.
He worked hard each day
Then slept on his hay.
A happy country mouse was he.
SETH MOUSE___ Connor Pugh ______
What a wonderful life I lead!
I truly have all that I need.
I’m healthy and strong
And can eat all day long
On my delicious nuts and seeds.
__Jordan Malcolm__________________
Then one day Seth Mouse got a note
From town cousin, Priscilla, who wrote:
“I’d like to come and visit
If you will permit it;
A guest in your house so remote.”
SETH MOUSE___ Connor Pugh________
Having someone here is so rare
I must do what I can to prepare.
I’ll clean up this nest,
Make it look the best,
And offer her up a great fare.
_Areck Rhue________________
Seth gave her a plate and a cup.
But Priscilla just turned her nose up.
PRISCILLA___Molly Forsythe_____
Is this guy for real?
Oh, what a sad meal!
This makes me want to throw up!
It’s certainly not much of a treat.
Why, candies and cheese
Whenever I please
Are served at the house on my street.
Come back into town with me.
My place is the best, you’ll agree.
You’ll taste food delight,
We can stay up all night
And go on an eating spree!
___Jack Bohannon________________
Seth was quite content with his food
But he didn’t want to be rude
So they set off for town,
Which they reached at sundown,
In a hungry and tired mood.
___Kendyl Glancy_________________
When his cousin knocked on the door,
Seth was finishing up his last chore.
He put on his best grin
And invited her in
Then gave her a little tour.
___Michael Cherconis________________
He showed her his bed in the hay
And where he stored his food away.
The nuts and the wheat,
All this he did eat.
He felt it was quite a display!
___Macy Dunlay____________
Now my poor cousin, we wait
for the clock to strike half past eight.
Then we run to the table
As fast as we’re able
And help ourselves to what’s left on each
__Clay Conrad__________________
Finally, the time was right
For the mice to take their flight.
The cheeses and rolls.
The platters and bowls.
Were a delicious and inviting sight!
And won’t have to scurry
From a mouse-eating monster about!
__Alexa Wozniak___________________
But as soon as they’d started to feast
In came a terrible beast.
CAT___Lex Patton_____________
I smell some mousies
Here in my housey.
When I find them, they’ll soon be deceased!
___Caden Scheimann______________
The two mice ran for their lives,
Clattering through forks and knives.
With the cat on their tail
They ran under the rail
As they desperately sought to survive.
SETH MOUSE___ Connor Pugh ______
What was that?
___Isabelle Kopacz_________________
Cried the little mouse, Seth,
As he fought to recover his breath.
SETH MOUSE___ Connor Pugh ________
That monster so hairy
With sharp teeth so scary
Frightened me almost to death!
PRISCILLA___ Molly Forsythe _______
That creature is hardly Godzilla!
He’s just the house cat
Who tries to get at
Mice that come to his villa.
We’ll wait until he’s fast asleep
And then we’ll quietly creep
Back to the table
Where we’ll be able
To eat without making a peep.
SETH MOUSE__ Connor Pugh _________
Cousin Priscilla, count me out!
I’d rather eat dry bread and sprouts.
I’ll eat without worry
___Olivia Muradyan________________
The moral of this tale is clear
As we’ve shown you so plainly here.
Simple things are best
When one is not stressed,
Than banquets and feast with fear.