Warrington Information Sharing Framework Warrington Information Sharing Agreement (Tier 2) Arrangements for the sharing of: Insert title / short description of information to be shared From: To: Insert organisation name Insert organisation name Over the period of: Insert time period T2 APPROVAL: Approving Body 1: Approved on: Insert organisation name Insert date Approving Body 2: Approved on: Insert organisation name Insert date Approving Body 3 (if applicable): Approved on: Approving Body 4 (if applicable): Approved on: Version Number: Effective from: Effective to: Eg, Version 1.0 Insert date Insert date VERSION CONTROL VERSION AMENDED DATE AMENDED BY MAIN CHANGES For all queries relating to this Agreement please contact: [Insert name] [Insert Team / Directorate Name] [Insert Organisation] [Insert address] Email: [Insert email address] Tel: [Insert phone number] 1. Introduction 1.1 Sharing information and data is vital to ensure residents receive appropriate services, care and treatments; we prevent the harm or neglect of vulnerable people; we deliver our statutory functions; and we deliver services in a more effective and efficient way. 1.2 This Information Sharing Agreement is part of a set of documentation that together make up the Warrington Information Sharing Framework (see Appendix A), including a Tier 1 Information Sharing Agreement which includes the signatories of all member organisations of the Framework. These documents can be accessed via the Warrington Partnerships website at www.warringtontogether.co.uk. 1.3 This Tier 2 Agreement details the specific purpose, impact, legislative powers, consent arrangements, procedures and process for review related to the sharing of the following information: [Insert description / list of data to be shared. For example, “data about hospital users admitted for alcohol related injuries or illnesses, including their name, address, date and time of admission, summary of injury or illness, location injury was obtained (if appropriate) and summary of advice / support given by attending physician / medical personnel.] 1.4 This data will be used for the purposes of: [Insert description of data usage. Be clear and specific. For example “(a) identification of frequent visitors who are potentially at risk of victimisation, (b) identification of frequent visitors who are likely to require support from alcohol intervention team, (c) identification of ‘hotspot’ areas for alcohol related accidents or attacks. ] 1.5 The partners to this Agreement may only use the information disclosed as set out in 1.4. They may not regard shared information as intelligence for the general use of their organisation, unless set out above. They may not pass the information on to any third party, without specific amendment and addition to this Tier 2 Agreement. 2. Legality 2.1 Sharing personal information in accordance with this Agreement is lawful under the Data Protection Act 1998 schedule 2 condition 6(1): E.g. The processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or by the third party… 2.2 And other legislation or statute as follows: E.g. Childrens Act 1989 (s17) – This supports powers to data share where necessary to support / protect children (example not used in reference to above hospital example). 2.3 All staff involved with this Agreement must be made aware that disclosure of personal information, which cannot be justified on legal or statutory grounds, whether inadvertently or intentionally, could be subject to disciplinary action. 3. Involved parties 3.1 Each organisation signed up to this Agreement is a member of the Warrington Information Sharing Framework. Each organisation has previously signed the Tier 1 Information Sharing Protocol, which sets out the principles and minimum standards under which information will be shared between organisations. Details of this can be found on the Warrington Partnership website at www.warringtontogether.co.uk. 3.2 The Warrington Information Sharing Framework members involved in this Agreement are: a) Insert organisation and team name b) Insert organisation and team name 3.2 This Agreement is owned equally by all participating members and is co-ordinated and administered on their behalf by: Insert title of role (role) of Insert organisation name (organisation) 3.3 The Data Controllers for 1.3 above are: a) Insert title of role (role) of Insert organisation 1 name (organisation) b) Insert title of role (role) of Insert organisation name (organisation) 4. Confidentiality and consent 4.1 In agreeing this Agreement consideration has been taken of its impact on the privacy and confidentiality of service users and their personal information. It is good practice to seek informed consent of service users. However, disclosure without consent is lawful if certain conditions are met. For example, personal information may be shared when made anonymous or to ensure the performance of public functions or legal obligations. 4.2 The Data Controller is responsible for ensuring that data subjects are advised that their information is being or may be shared. 4.3 Consent and advise arrangements for this Agreement are: Insert detail of whether consent will be sought and how. If not, please describe lawful conditions under which the information is disclosed without consent. Briefly describe how service users will know their information is shared. 4.4 To support confidentiality and consent arrangements further operational detail of consent forms, guidance for staff and service users, complaints procedures and any other relevant operational procedure documentation is outlined in a Tier 3 Operational Arrangement. 5. Information security 5.1 Security for the exchange of information will be achieved through: Insert brief description of data sharing procedures. E.g use of encrypted devices, telephone referrals, use of secure email. 5.2 Security for the storage of information will be achieved through: Insert brief description of data storage procedures. 5.3 Security for the disposal of information will be achieved through: Insert description of data disposal procedures. 5.4 To support information security further operational detail of data transfer, storage and disposal is outlined in a Tier 3 Operational Arrangement. 6. Monitoring and review 6.1 This Agreement will be reviewed insert time period / date 6.2 It is agreed by all signatories that either organisation listed in this Agreement, or the Warrington Partnership Information Governance Board, may request a review of compliance at any time, either delivered themselves, or via a third party. All requests will be adhered to unless under exceptional circumstances which prevent either party involvement. 7. Approval The signatories below confirm • Their organisation is signed up to the Warrington Tier 1 Information Sharing Protocol. • Resources and trained personnel are in place to fully maintain the procedures set out in the Agreement above. • This Agreement will be registered via the Warrington Partnerships website. • Review periods have been agreed and will be upheld. Organisation 1: Insert name or organisation Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO): Name: Signature: Job title: Email address: Date: Phone number: Caldicott Guardian (where appropriate and available): Signature: Name: Job title: Date: Email address: Phone number: Data controller Name: Signature: Job title: Email address: Date: Phone number: Organisation 2: Insert name of organisation Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO): Name: Signature: Job title: Email address: Date: Phone number: Caldicott Guardian (where appropriate and available): Signature: Name: Job title: Date: Email address: Phone number: Data controller Name: Signature: Job title: Email address: Phone number: Date: Appendix A Table 1 – Warrington Information Sharing Framework Tier 1 - Information Sharing Protocol and Declaration of Acceptance and Participation (DAP) A signed statement of willingness from organisations across Warrington to enter into information sharing agreements. This sets out the principles and minimum standards under which information will be shared between organisations. Approval level: Senior accountable officer, SIRO and Caldicott Guardian (where available). Tier 2 - Information Sharing Agreement Sets out the detail of what information will be shared, why, between who and the legal basis under which it will be shared. Provides an overview of the procedures involved in data transfer, storage and disposal. Approval level: SIRO, Caldicott Guardian, Data Asset Owner and relevant strategic manager (for example, Assistant Director) Tier 3 – Operational Arrangement These include the specific processes involved in the transfer, storage and disposal of data to ensure it complies with legal requirements, including details of consent documentation. Approval level: Data Asset Owner and Operational manager. Guidance notes