An Employee Owned Company Computer Management Technologies, Inc. 731 Gratiot Avenue Saginaw, Michigan 48602-2109 Phone: 989-791-4860 Fax: 989-791-4928 document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) Table of Contents General Information ........................................................................ 1 STU.107 General Student Attributes .................................................................. 2 STU.108 General Student Attribute Values ......................................................... 3 STU.310 Maintain Graduation Requirements Plan ............................................... 4 STU.280 Student Tag Definitions ...................................................................... 5 STU.282 Access to Restricted Tags.................................................................... 6 SCH.101 Scheduling Options ............................................................................. 7 SCH.310 Maintain Course Definitions ................................................................. 8 SCH.410 Maintain Course Requests ................................................................. 10 GRD.310 Student Grad Requirement Inquiry .................................................... 11 GRD.450 Maintain Student Transcripts ............................................................. 12 GR.220 Maintain Waiver Code Reasons .......................................................... 14 GRD.665 Transcript Student Grades................................................................. 15 GR.802 Purge Transcript Records Based on Courses ....................................... 15 GR.690 Mass Update Transcript State Grad Req Fields .................................... 16 SC.690 Mass Correct Student Cors Req State Grad Req .................................. 17 GRD.REQS Reset State Grad Requirements in GRD450 ........................................ 17 document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) General Information Forward The following manual is a guide to assist the user with CMT’s software for maintaining State and District graduation requirement plans. It is assumed the user has knowledge of setting up graduation plans within CIMS. If not, training can be obtained by contacting a CMT Application Consultant at It is also important to note that this manual is not to interpret the requirements of the State of Michigan, nor is it a replacement to the State’s documentation outlining the Graduation Plan. For more information on Michigan’s Graduation Requirements, please visit,1607,7140-38924-152784--,00.html. Limitation of Liability Computer Management Technologies, Inc. provides this publication “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow a disclaimer of expressed or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not be applicable to you. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, CMT assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Changes are periodically made to the information; and these changes are incorporated in new editions of the manual. Computer Management Technologies, Inc. may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) or program(s) described in this manual at any time. Characters, products and companies are fictitious, and any similarity to actual persons, business establishments or events is purely coincidental. In no event will Computer Management Technologies, Inc. or its developers be liable to you for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages (including damages for loss of profits, interruption, loss of information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this program even if Computer Management Technologies, Inc. or any authorized Computer Management Technologies, Inc. representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Computer Management Technologies, Inc.’s liability to you for actual damages for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of action, will be limited to the greater of $500 or the money paid for this program. Any Questions? If you have any questions regarding this manual or the use of this program, please call Computer Management Technologies, Inc. at (989) 791-4860. Thank you for your support of Computer Management Technologies, Inc. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 1 STU.107 – General Student Attributes Within program STU.107 – General Student Attributes, a new field has been added to indicate the attribute in which a State Graduation Plan is defined. Users will have the option to enter in the number of 01-15, for the Student Attributes found within PSTU301 (Basic Student Information). If you are currently utilizing all 15 attributes, you will need to make one of them available by moving data into a ‘User-Defined’ attribute (the additional attributes feature became available with the CIMS SMS 8.04 release) or into a tag using STU.641 – Mass Assign Tags by Attribute. (Please note that you may not store the State Grad Plan in the ‘User-Defined’ attributes that became available with version 8.04.) If you need assistance moving data from the attributes, please contact CMT. SMS General Student Attributes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Description Year of Graduation Native Language Ethnic Group School of Choice Nutrition Eligible? Birth Certificate? State Grad Req Plan Nutrition Elig IEP Homeless Migrant Residency Status Resident District Multiple Birth Non-Conventional Required? N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N Ref: STU.107 .11 Table Y Y Y N N N Y N N N N Y Y N N Low High 00 99 District Graduation Requirement Plan Attribute Location: State Graduation Requirement Plan Attribute Location: Mode: Change F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel 1 7 Districts may choose to use the same Graduation Plans for both the State and District plans. If so, then use the same attribute location for both plans. If the total required credits for both plans are the same, you may consider using separate plans so that one can be more specific than the other when applicable. For example, the State plan requires four credits of math. But within the district, you want to specifically know that one credit comes from Algebra I, one credit is earned in Geometry, one credit is earned in Algebra II and the final credit comes from any other math. This would be an example in which you would need two plans: one of the State plan and one for your district. Graduation plans can be set up as generic or as specific as you wish. NOTE: If you set up an attribute as needing a ‘Table’, then you need to define values in STU.108 – General Student Attribute Values. If you do not indicate a table is associated with a specific attribute, you may consider entering a low and high range. When using the ‘Table’ or ‘Low/High’ range, only ONE of these features is used for each attribute. In the example above, 00-99 is entered for Year of Graduation. When no Table is associated, then entering the 00-99 ensures that the value entered is a numeric value, which in this case would be appropriate for the ‘Year of Graduation’ attribute. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 2 STU.108 – General Student Attribute Values In STU.108 – General Student Attribute Values, users must add a value if the ‘State Grad Req Plan’ on the previous screen (on page 2) is set with a ‘Y’ indicating a table is necessary for the attribute. SMS Table Values for Student Attributes Value: S1 Description: ST GRAD REQRMENT Mode: Change F3=Exit Attribute: 07 F4=Index Ref: STU.108 .11 State Grad Req Plan F5=Reset F12=Cancel If you are setting up separate plans for both the district and State plans, you may consider using one code to indicate the same plan for each grade level. You can use any value that you wish. In the example above, ‘S1’ is used. Should the State update the current plan at a later date, then ‘S2’ could be used indicating the ‘second’ State plan. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 3 STU.310 - Maintain Graduation Requirements Plan The existing STU.310 – Graduation Requirements program, has been updated to accommodate State requirement credits, as well as your District requirement credits. If you will be maintaining both graduation plans on your system, you must complete both credit fields in this program, even if they are the same credit amount. SMS Graduation Requirements Ref: STU.310 .11 District: ASD School: AJH Graduation Plan: S1 Category: SEN Short Title: STATE ENG___ Description: STATE GRAD REQUIREMENT FOR ENGLISH District Credits Required: 0.000 State Credits Required: 4.000 Mode: Change F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel The ‘Graduation Plan’ must match those values that you set up in STU.108 – General Student Attributes. The ‘Category’ code can be defined by the district. In the example above, ‘SEN’ is used to represent the State’s English requirement. The same codes can be used for each plan. For example, ENG could be used for both the State and District plans as long as they are associated accordingly with the plans being used in the General Student Attributes. This is where you can be as generic with the categories or as specific as you wish. Earlier setting up a generic State Math code was discussed (refer to STU.107 – General Student Attributes). If you wish to simply maintain a Math category for the four credits required by the State, then you could set up SMA to represent the State’s Math Requirement. Then within the district plan, to differentiate between the Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and the fourth Math credit, you could set up AL1, GEO, AL2 and MTH, respectively. When setting up your categories, keep in mind that ‘extra’ credits will apply to the OTHER category unless you set up a category called ELECTIVES. If you set up an ELECTIVES category, then you must ensure that the switch setting (ACS.310) for programs STU.301E – Access to All Student Records, STU.301M – Access to Multiple Student Records, GRD.310 – Graduation Requirement Status and GRD.570 – Print Graduation Requirement Status Report must be set up accordingly. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 4 STU.280 – Student Tag Definitions Students can opt out of the State Graduation Requirement Plan (for example, Special Education students). If they choose to exercise this choice, they must be given a tag of ‘OPS’. If a student, at a later date, begins to work towards the State plan, then simply remove the ‘OPS’ tag from their record. The tag must be set up as follows in STU.280 – Student Tag Definitions. SMS Student Tag Definitions Tag OPS Short Title OPTOUT STATE Category OPT Ref: STU.280 .11 District ZPS Description OPT OUT OF STATE GRAD PLAN REQUIREMENTS Are tag assignments deleted at year end? N Can this tag be transferred to other schools? Y Does this tag have associated Data? N IF YES: What type of data _ 1 = Single Item 2 = Columnar 3 = Text Verified? N Is the Data Restricted? Y Columnar Data Headings: ________________ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______ Mode: Add F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel Since the maintenance of such information may be considered sensitive, you may choose to restrict the use of this tag for staff. If so, tag access is given via a ‘Category’. If you will be restricting this tag, you must enter a category. Category is not pre-defined elsewhere. In the example above, ‘OPT’ is used. The option of having associated data maintained within the tag is the choice of the district. Keep in mind, if you are maintaining data within the OPS tag that you wish to keep, the data will be deleted if the student ever chooses at a later date to work towards achieving the State plan. Therefore, if you wish to keep data such as when the student initially ‘opted out’ and then perhaps when they returned, you might consider setting up and using a second tag for such information (for example, ‘OPH’ to represent ‘Optout History’). If the tag and any associated data are to be restricted, you must enter ‘Y’ in ‘Is the Data Restricted?’. In order to restrict the tag, you must set it up to have associated data. Once a ‘Y’ is entered in this field, everyone is restricted from using the tag. You must enter the users that will have access to the tag into program STU.282 – Access to Restricted Tags. Answering ‘Y’ to ‘Is the Data Restricted’ is optional. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 5 STU.282 – Access to Restricted Tags As previously mentioned, access to restricted tags is granted via the Category defined within the tag. In our example, ‘OPT’ was used within STU.280 – Student Tag Definitions. Therefore, you must enter each user that will have access to the ‘OPS’ tag into the following program for the tag category of ‘OPT’. STU.282 – Access to Restricted Tags Command Screen Entering the user’s System i/AS400 ID, add a record for each user that is to have access to the ‘OPT’ category. SMS Access to Restricted Tags A Add Change Delete Lookup Index End User Id USERID Category OPT Ref: STU.282 .01 District CMT Index: 1 1 = Access Records 2 = Districts Auto Next Record? N STU.282 – Access to Restricted Tags Prompt Screen No data entry is required on the following screen. This is a confirmation that you are giving the user indicated access to the tag category of ‘OPT’. SMS Access to Restricted Tags USERID Has access to all data for tags in category OPT Mode: Add document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) Ref: STU.282 .11 F3=Exit F4=Index District CMT F5=Reset F12=Cancel 6 SCH.101 – Scheduling Options Prior to utilizing the established Graduation Plans within the course definitions, it may be necessary to update the scheduling options to indicate that the building does use Graduation Requirements. The following must be set to ‘Y’ within SCH.101 – Scheduling Options. SMS District ZPS Scheduling Options School TST Year 2007 Ref: SCH.101 .12 Will Automatic Resource Allocation be used? . . . . . . . . . . . . N Allow courses with no credit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Use Course fees? Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use Graduation Requirements? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check for valid Course Prefixes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Course Credit: 4 P - Grade Points 1 N - Numeric Equivalent 2 3 Note: Changing transcript option may 4 create invalid cumulative GPA scores. Grade Points allow for GPA up to 9.9999 Numeric Equivalents allow for GPA up to 999.99 Mode: Change F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel Y N Transcripts use: Not used Fixed at ______ Varies by Course Varies by Student + It is likely that this option is already set to ‘Y’ at the high school level, but may not be for the elementary nor the middle school. If the above option is set to ‘N’, you will not be able to maintain the Graduation Requirement Categories within the course definitions. Since some courses taken at both the elementary and middle school levels can apply to the State Graduation Plans, this field will need to be set accordingly. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 7 SCH.310 – Maintain Course Definitions Eight new fields for maintaining the State graduation requirements that a course fulfills have been added to SCH.310, in addition to the existing eight for District graduation requirement codes. This allows you to link a course to both your local District requirements, as well as the State requirements, if applicable. You may use the F4 feature in the Grad Requirement fields to access a list of Requirement Codes. Please note that State graduation requirement categories must to be set up in STU.310 (Graduation Requirements) prior to entering them in SCH.310. SMS Course Definition Course LANSP1 Title SPANISH I District ASD Ref: SCH.310 .12 School AJH Transcript credit on completion: .500 Transcrpt St Crd on completion: .500 Credit for current period GPA: .500 Legend Code: B Weighting factor (reports only): ______ Purge Transcript @ Next Schl based on Grades are: S Include in: Remove Course From Transcript? N S = Symbol Honor Roll? Y Remove GPA from Transcript? N N = Not Used GPA? Y Rmv District Credits From Trnscrpt? N Level: 1 1 - Advanced 2 - Regular 3 - Essential Applies to State Graduation Requirements? Y On-Line Learning Hours: 37.00 Satisfies Graduation Requirement in LAN CUL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Satisfies State Grad Requirement in SLN SCL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ SRSD - FIELDS Course Enrollment #: 013 Advanced and Accelerated Program Model: 3 Advanced and Accelerated Special Program Options: 4 5 7 Mode: Change F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel The ‘Transcript St Crd on completion’ field has been added, allowing you to specify a credit amount to be written to the new ‘State Credit Earned’ field in the GRD.450 – Student Transcript Records, when the GRD.665 –Transcript Student Grades program is run. It is only necessary to complete this field when the credit amounts differ. If they are the same, GRD.665 will pull the amount from ‘Transcript Credit on Completion’ for both plans. The area labeled ‘Purge Transcript @ Next Schl based on’ has also been added and is utilized when transcripts are purged. Since credits can be earned for courses taken at other buildings (i.e. middle school), final grades at these buildings must be transcripted and some middle schools keep a running GPA while the students are at their building. When the students promote to the high school, the decision in regards to what information to keep and what not to keep varies. This area has been added so that districts/buildings can make that determination accordingly based on how the questions are answered. Remove Course from Transcript: Answering ‘Y’ to this question means when the purge program (GR.802) is executed, the transcripted record for this course will be completely removed from the transcript record for all students (PGRD450). Answering ‘N’ keeps the record in the transcript file. NOTE: If this question is answered ‘Y’, but the ‘Applies to State Graduation Requirements?’ is answered ‘N’ (explanation on the following page), the course will NOT be removed. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 8 SCH.310 – Maintain Course Definitions (cont’d) Remove GPA from Transcript: If transcripted records for the course are to remain in the transcript file, but the GPA amounts are to be removed, then answer with ‘Y’. When the purge program is run, the GPA points will be removed and the ‘Use in GPA’ flag will be set to ‘N’. This would be the case for those courses that apply to the State requirements but are not to affect the building’s cumulative GPA. Rmv District Credits from Trnscrpt: If transcripted records for the course are to remain in the transcript file, but the credit attempted and credit earned are to be removed, then answer with ‘Y’. This would be the case for those courses that apply to the State requirements but are not to affect the building’s cumulative credits. The field ‘Applies to State Graduation Requirements?’ has also been added. This field is used to indicate whether the course should be linked to a State graduation requirement. At the high school level, it is likely that most courses, if not all of them, will need a ‘Y’ within this field. At the elementary and middle school levels, only those courses that meet a State graduation requirement will need a ‘Y’ entered into this field. The ‘Applies to State Graduation Requirements’ field will be written to the GRD.450 Transcript File when GRD.665 is run and utilized when GR.802 – Purge Transcript Records based on Courses, is executed. Courses that have a ‘Y’ in this field will NOT be purged when GR.802 is executed. This field supercedes the response in ‘Remove Course from Transcript’. The field ‘Legend Code’ can be used to indicate which common transcript code the course applies to. This code will also be posted to the transcript record. CMT offers a variety of custom transcripts that will then print this legend code, also allowing the option for the transcript records to be sorted by the legend code. Please contact CMT for additional information if desired. When entering the requirement categories that each course meets, keep in mind that credits will ‘spill’ over into all eight buckets when appropriate. For example, in the Spanish course on the previous page, the first requirement the course is to apply to for the District Plan is LAN. If the LAN credits have already been earned by a course previously taken, then the credit will spill over into the SST category. When the final grade is posted to the transcript record, it will post as meeting the SST requirement. If both the LAN and SST requirements have been met, then the credit will spill into the OTHER or ELECTIVE buckets. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 9 SCH.410 – Maintain Course Requests A new column has been added into which State Graduation Requirements can be maintained. When adding a course request in SCH.410, pressing the <Enter> key will prompt the system to check the State Grad Plan attribute in the student’s ‘basic’ screen. Based on the value found within this field, the State graduation requirement will be filled according to the requirements that were set up in SCH.310. If a tag of ‘OPS’ is found (meaning, the student is Opting Out of the State Requirements) in the student’s tag record, you will still see the State Requirement listed next to the course as well as when you run GRD.570 – Print Grad Requirement Status. This allows for data to be posted in the appropriate fields/files within the system throughout the student’s educational career. Should the student decide at a later date to attempt to fulfill the State’s Graduation Plan, this can easily be done within the system by removing the tag from the student’s record. SMS Course Requests Ref: SCH.410 .11 File Id 000888888 BARNEY R. RUBBLE MALE Age: 15 HIGH SCHOOL Class: 08 ( THIS YEAR ) Phone: 791-4860 F2=Schedule REQUESTS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 07 Grad Rq Scheduled for Course Sec Typ Dis St. Lnk Prf Aud St Title Per Day Term 1 ENG 08 2 E ENG SEG N S ENGLISH 08 02 MTWRF 1 + 2 MTH 08 2 E MAT SMT N S MATH 08 03 MTWRF 1 + 3 LANFR1 1 E LAN SLN N S FRENCH I 04 MTWRF 1 + 4 SCI 08 6 E S SCI SMT N S SCIENCE 08 06 MTWRF 1 + 5 COM150 1 E D COM SCM N S KEYBD ADV 01 MTWRF 2 6 SOC 01 5 E SST SST N S SOC STUDIES 05 MTWRF 2 7 LANFR2 E B ENG SEG N N FRENCH II 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F11=Add/Drop F14=Grad Req F17=Transcripts Cancel? N The District and State Graduation Plan Requirement fields will be auto-filled from the SCH.310 definition (if already blank) when a record is Processed, or you go through the record with a Change. However, if you have manually entered a requirement for a course other than one that was defined in SCH.310, the manual entry will not be overwritten when going through with a Change, and a D, S or B will appearing indicating that the State, District or Both Requirements for a course has been changed. This is a feature for those students that are overriding a defined requirement from SCH.310 for an individual course with a different requirement. The system does not verify that the State requirement is associated with the course or a part of the Graduation Plan, (the way it does with your district requirements), but will only verify that the requirement exists in STU.310. To assist those who are involved with the scheduling process and the tracking of the Graduation Plans, function keys have been added to make the process more efficient. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 10 SCH.410 – Maintain Course Requests (continued) The F14 Function Key has been added, allowing the user to view the student’s current graduation requirement file in GRD.310. The plan initially displayed will depend on whether the tag ‘OPS’ is found within the student’s tag record or not. If no tag is found, the State Plan will be displayed upon pressing F14. If the student is tagged ‘OPS’, then the District Plan will be displayed. SGS Student Graduation Requirement Inquiry Ref: GRD.310X.11 Student No: 2505 GEORGE F. BAILEY MALE Age: 15 AMY'S J.H. Class: 07 Year: 08 Phone: 777-7777 Graduation Plan 09 Credits Required 12.000 Current GPA: 2.27778 CUM Credits 16.000 DISTRICT PLAN STUDENT HAS PERSONAL CURRICULUM Graduation Credits Credits Credits Credits Category Description Required Earned Needed Scheduled BUS COM ELE ENG E9 LAN MAT SCI SST BUSINESS COMPUTER ELECTIVE ENGLISH E9 DISTRICT LANGUAGE MATH SCIENCE SOC STUD OTHER F3=Exit 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 4.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 F11=State Plan .500 1.000 6.000 2.000 .500 .500 4.000 1.000 1.500 2.500 .500 1.000 1.000 .500 .500 F12=Cancel F19=Print The F17 Function Key has also been added, allowing you to view the student’s transcript file in GRD.450. SGS Maintain Student Transcripts File Id 000002505 BARNEY R. RUBBLE Ref: GRD.4501.01 MALE Age: 14 Class: 07 Phone: 555-3444 Grad: Cum GPA: 3.80952 Credit Earned: 10.500 Credit Attempted: 10.500 Rank: 1 of 112 Rank Date: 10/06/06 CMD DIS SCH Year Course Description Grade Credit Req TOP _ 1 ASD AJH 2007 SM1 ENG 07 ENGLISH 07 A Y .500 of .500 ENG _ 2 ASD AJH 2007 SM1 MTH 07 MATH 07 B+ Y .500 of .500 MAT _ 3 ASD AJH 2007 SM1 ART 01 ARTS/CRAFTS C Y .500 of .500 ELE L 4 ASD AJH 2007 SM1 LANFR1 FRENCH I A- Y .500 of .500 LAN _ 5 ASD AJH 2007 SM2 COM150 KEYBD ADV D Y .500 of .500 COM _ 6 ASD AJH 2007 SM2 LANFR1 FRENCH I A- Y .500 of .500 LAN _ 7 ASD AJH 2006 MP1 DMA 1 DRAMA 1 B Y .500 of .500 ELE _ 8 ASD AJH 2006 MP2 COM200 COMP BASIC C Y .500 of .500 COM _ 9 ASD AJH 2006 MP2 DMA 1 DRAMA 1 B Y .500 of .500 ELE _ 10 ASD AJH 2005 SM1 ART 01 ARTS/CRAFTS A Y .500 of .500 ELE In order to accommodate these new function keys, it is possible that existing function keys on your system may need to be moved. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 11 GRD.310 – Student Graduation Requirement Inquiry The GRD.310 program has been highly modified to assist districts in tracking both the district and state graduation plans for students. In addition to being accessible through both the STU.301E and STU.301M, you may now also access the Grad Requirements Inquiry through SCH.410 – Course Requests program. SGS Student Graduation Requirement Inquiry Ref: GRD.310X.11 Student No: 2505 GEORGE F. BAILEY MALE Age: 15 AMY'S J.H. Class: 07 Year: 08 Phone: 777-7777 Graduation Plan S9 Credits Required 28.000 Current GPA: 2.27778 CUM Credits 11.500 STATE PLAN STUDENT HAS PERSONAL CURRICULUM Graduation Credits Credits Credits Credits Category Description Required Earned Needed Scheduled E9 SBS SCM SEG SEL SLN SMT SSI SST F3=Exit E9 STATE ST BUSINESS ST COMPUTER STATE ENGLIS STATE ELE STATE LANGUA STATE MATH ST SCIENCE ST SOC STUD OTHER 4.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 F11=Dist Plan 1.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 2.500 2.000 1.000 4.000 2.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 .500 1.000 2.000 .500 .500 .500 .500 1.000 F12=Cancel F19=Print An F11 Toggle button has been added, allowing you to switch views between a student’s district and state plans. If the student has either an ‘OPS’ or ‘OPD’ tag (indicating they have opted out of the state or district grad plans), a banner message is displayed indicating that the ‘Student Has Personal Curriculum). The F19 feature has also been added, allowing you to print the report being viewed. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 12 GRD.450 – Maintain Student Transcripts In addition to the original Graduation Requirement field in GRD.450 – Student Transcripts, the program has been enhanced to include a field for the State graduation requirement as well as an override field for the State and District requirements. Though not required for State Graduation Plan Tracking, the section number, teacher ID, teacher name and the legend code will also be transcripted. The ‘Transfer Student’ and ‘From’ fields have also been included as additional, optional fields that you may elect to use when manually entering transcript information for incoming transferred students. SGS Maintain Student Transcripts Line........ 52 File ID: 000096842 JOE SCHMOE SR. District: ZPS School: TST Transfer Student? Fiscal YR: 2006 COMPUTER MGT DISTRICT TEST HIGH SCHOOL Y From: Seminole H.S. – Tallahassee, FL_________ Class: 11 Term: 2 Grade Title: S2 Course: U055 Teacher ID#: WINDT Use in GPA? Y Apply to St Gr Req: Y Final Grade: B+ Credit: Attempted: 2.500 Earned: 2.500 Description: ALGEBRA 1SEM Section: 13 Teacher Name: WINDT C Graduation Requirement: LAN Override Grad Req: ___ State Grad Requirement: SLN Ovr State Grad Req: ___ Legend Code: B State Credit: Grading Absences: Attempted: 2.500 Excused: 12 Earned: 2.500 Unexcused: 1 Grade Points Earned: Compute Points? N Grade level: 2 (1-3) Mode: Change Ref: GRD.4501.11 Regular F6=Test Tracking Cancel? N When final grades are posted to GRD.450, it first looks at the District and State graduation requirements in SCH.310 for the course and uses it to fill the Grad Requirement and State Grad Requirement fields. It then looks at the SCH.410 Course Request File to see if the requirements match. If the program finds a requirement in SCH.410 that differs from the requirement in SCH.310, it will also fill the corresponding “Requirement Override” field with the requirement found in SCH.410 for that course for that student. The ‘Apply to St Gr Req’ field has been added and will be written to the transcript file when the GRD.665 – Transcript Student Grades program is run. (The ‘Apply to St Gr Req’ field is maintained in SCH.310 – Course Definitions, for each course.) This ‘flag’ is utilized when running GR.802 – Purge Transcript Records based on Courses. Transcript records with this flag set to ‘Y’ will NOT be purged, but will be kept on file and the credits applied to the State graduation requirements. The ‘State credits attempted’ and ‘State credits earned’ fields have also been added to the transcript record. These fields will be populated when the GRD.665 – Transcript Student Grades program is run. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 13 GRD.450 –Maintain Student Transcripts (cont’d) If a credit amount has been entered in the ‘Transcrpt St Crd on completion’ field in SCH.310 – Course Definitions, this credit amount will be utilized when the course grade is written to the transcript file. If no credit amount was entered in SCH.310, then the program will use the District Credit Amount. A second screen has been added to the GRD.450 – Maintain Student Transcripts file that allows you to track whether a student has taken a waiver exam for the course that was transcripted. If a course is manually added to the Transcript file, the ‘Took Waiver Exam’ and ‘Passed’ fields are defaulted to ‘N’. The ‘Attempts’ and ‘Score’ fields must be maintained manually. Information regarding how GR.802 – Purge Transcript Records based on Courses should affect this transcripted record are also maintained here. These fields will be posted as they are defined in the course definition (SCH.310) when the grades are posted (GRD.665). When transfer credits are manually entered, the questions must be answered accordingly. Please refer to the explanation on these fields in the section labeled SCH.310 – Maintain Course Definitions. SGS Maintain Student Transcripts Line........ 1 File ID: 000096842 JOE SCHMOE SR. Course: UO55 ALGEBRA 1SEM Credit Waived? Attempts: Passed? Score: 87 _ Waiver Comment: Ref: GRD.4501.12 Y Reason for Waiver: 02 3 Y of 100_____ TESTED OUT IN SEPTEMBER 2007.______________________ On-Line Learning Hours: 42.00 Fields Below Used When Transcript Purge Program is Run Completely Remove This Course From the Transcript at the Next School? N Remove this Course from the GPA Calculation at the Next School? N Remove the Credits from this Course at the Next School? N Mode: Change document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) Cancel? N 14 GR.220 – Maintain Waiver Reason Codes To accommodate the new ‘Waiver Reason’ field in the GRD.450 file, a new maintenance program has been created, allowing you to define your own Waiver reasons. CMTSMS A Add Change Delete Lookup End Maintain Waiver Reason Codes Ref: GR.220 .01 Waiver Reason: 02 F4=Index Auto Next Record? N On the second screen of the maintenance program, enter the description of the waiver, which will be viewable when using the F4 index option in GRD.450. CMTSMS Maintain Waiver Reason Codes Waiver Reason: document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) .11 2 Waiver Reason Description: Mode: Lookup Ref: GR.220 F3=Exit TESTED OUT OF COURSE_____________________________ F12=Cancel 15 GRD.665 – Transcript Student Grades Transcript Student Grades – GRD.665 has been updated to include a number of enhancements. First, it has been modified to fill the State Graduation Requirement, and if necessary (based on the detail on the previous page) it will also fill an Override Requirement. Additionally, when posting, if the program finds that the first defined requirement has been fulfilled, it will look to subsequent buckets in SCH.310 to post the appropriate requirement in GRD.450. If all requirements listed in SCH.310 have been filled, the program will use the last one listed to post to the transcript file. Therefore, it is recommended that you utilize an additional “ELE”ctive code for each course. GRD.665 will also transcribe the ‘Online Learning Hours’ from the SCH.310 – Course Definition file. GR.802 – Purge Transcript Records Based on Courses Use this program to ‘purge’ transcript records. Based on how the questions in SCH.310 – Course Definitions were defined, or how the questions were answered within the transcript records (GRD.450 – Student Transcripts), will determine what records are removed, which will stay, and what information will stay. With this program, transcript records are no longer purged based on grade level, but instead on the following questions: Completely Remove This Course From the Transcript at the Next School? Remove this Course from the GPA Calculation at the Next School? Remove the Credits from this Course at the Next School? Please refer to the explanation on these fields in the section labeled SCH.310 – Maintain Course Definitions. CMTSMS Purge Transcript Records based on Courses CMT Ref: GR.802P.01 For Students Currently Assigned to: District: School: Limit to: Class: or Student No. F3=Exit ___ ___ __ _________ F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel Enter the District and School that the students are currently enrolled in that are to be purged. The program can be limited to a class level or individual student. Leave these fields blank for every student to be considered. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 16 GR.690 – Mass Update Transcript State Grad Req Fields The GR.690 program is intended to be a ‘one-time-run’ program, however, it could be run at any time you wish to update/modify the Graduation Requirement within a previously transcripted course. GR.690 can be run in the current fiscal year and you may limit it to a transcript year, class level or term. CMTSMS Mass Update Transcript State Grad Req Fields District: ASD School: AJH Course: CALC 1 ______ ______ ______ Ref: GR.690P .01 ______ ______ Change District Requirement to: MAT (Leave blank if no change) Change State Requirement to: (Leave blank to pull from District Requirement) SMT Limit to: Class Year Term F3=Exit 07 07 __ F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel This program does NOT validate the Grad Requirement entered in the prompt screen against the Grad Requirements specified in SCH.310 for that course. It only validates the Grad Requirement exists in STU.310. To populate the State Requirement field with the same code as the District Requirement, simply leave the State field blank. The 'State Credits Attempted' and 'State Credits Earned' fields in GRD.450 – Maintain Student Transcripts will be filled by the same credit amounts that are currently in the District 'Credits Attempted' and 'Credits Earned' fields. Credit: State Credit: Attempted: .500 Attempted: .500 Earned: .500 Earned: .500 Grade Points Earned: 2.0000 Compute Points? N Grade level: 1 (1-3) REGULAR Mode: Change Grading Absences: Excused: ___ Unexcused: ___ Cancel? N The 'Took Waiver Exam?' and 'Passed' (Waiver Exam) fields in GRD.450 will both be defaulted to 'N' when this program is run, if they are currently blank. The 'Apply to St Gr Req' field will be defaulted to 'Y' when this program is run, even if the field is currently an 'N'. document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) 17 SC.690 – Mass Correct Student Cors Req State Grad Req The SC.690 program is intended to be a one-time-run program ONLY, which will allow you to update the State Graduation Requirement Code that is currently in the SCH.410 – Course Request file. It was found in a previous program release, courses that were part of a link were being assigned the incorrect State Grad Requirement Code when the courses were ‘shuffled’ by the Automatic Scheduler – SCH.610. Enter the District and School Code you wish to have the Grad Requirements updated for in the SCH.410 – Course Request file. The SC.690 program will update the code in SCH.410 by pulling the first State Grad Requirement Code that has been entered in the SCH.310 – Course Definition Screen. CMTSMS Mass Correct Student Cors Req State Grad Req District: ASD School: AJH F3=Exit F4=Index F5=Reset Ref: SC.690P .01 F12=Cancel GRD.REQS - Reset State Grad Requirement Field in GRD450 The function of this program is very similar to the GR.690 program; however, GRD.REQS allows you to specify which course file you wish to use to update the GRD.450 – Transcript Records with. For example, you may have just added the State Graduation Requirements into the next fiscal year’s course file but not in the current year course file. This program allows you to utilize the Course Definition file from the next year to update this year’s transcript records. CMTSMS Reset State Grad. Req. field in Pgrd450 Ref: GRD.REQP.01 Change Data for Transcripted Records Equal to: District: ZPS School: TST Year Range: 2006 - 2007 Update Transcripts According to Courses in: Year: 2008 F3=Exit document1 January 30, 2008 (ak) F4=Index F5=Reset F12=Cancel 18