
Engineering For Kids
(704) 750-5335
Engineering For Kids®| Aerospace Engineering
6 Weeks Aerospace Engineering
6 Weeks from 1/22/2015 to 2/26/2015
Every Thursday
2:00 to 3:15 PM
$109/Student (special pricing)
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering For Kids
(704) 750-5335
Aerospace Engineering Program Overview
Engineering For Kids
(704) 750-5335
The Aerospace Engineering classes introduce our youngest engineers to
fundamental concepts of aircraft and spacecraft design. During the Aerospace
Engineering classes, students use the Engineering Design Process to design,
create, test, and refine a variety of flying machines. Through open and focused
exploration, students explore and construct airplanes, rockets, hot air balloons,
parachutes and more. They construct a shock absorbing system designed to
protect two marshmallow astronauts in a lunar vehicle, create their own airpowered rockets, and assemble a hot air balloon model that actually takes
Airborne Engineers – In the introductory lesson, Airborne Engineers, students will
explore the job of an aerospace engineer through discussion and active
participation. They will learn that engineers perform a variety of jobs for the
community and world. This pre-lesson is designed to provide students with a brief
overview of technology, aerospace engineering, and the Engineering Design
Straw Rockets – Students will have the ability to design their own pneumatically
driven rocket and the fins that stabilize the flight of the rocket. Lessons learned in
this activity will be further developed in Bottle Rockets, including how launch
angles, mass, and fin design all have an effect on total flight distance.
Parachutes– Students will have to engineer a functional parachute for a test
jumper that must descend gracefully after being dropped from a tall height. After
the testing phase, which is an important part of the Engineering Design Process,
students will be able to improve upon their design.
Blimp Blitz– In this lesson, students explore and apply the principals of buoyancy
to create a neutrally buoyant blimp that uses the power of air currents to travel
across the room.
Airplanes– Students will get a firsthand look at the basic mechanics of flight by
constructing paper airplanes and testing the different components that allow it to
remain airborne. The terminology discussed in this lesson will play in an important
role in later lessons
Bottle Rockets– Students will learn how simple air pressure can jettison a rocket
more than one hundred feet in the air. Students will get the chance to build a large
model rocket that is capable of launching using pressurized water and air.
Engineering For Kids
(704) 750-5335
Lunar Lander – Students will learn about the importance of weight distribution in
aircraft design. Students will build their own custom “Lunar Lander” to protect their
space cadet marshmallows from being ejected from their space craft.
Engineering Design Process Overview