Sylabus for geochem:


Geochemistry, Geology 307

Spring 2008

Instructor: Tim Lincoln

Lecture: MWF 9:10-10:00; Lab Tu 2-5

Texts:An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry 2 nd


Andrews , Biblecombe, Jickells, Liss and Reid

Office: 07 Palenske, 0486


Prerequisite: Geology 203 or Chemistry 121.

The application of chemical principles to the study of the earth with emphasis on environmental geochemistry. Topics include the distribution of chemical elements within the earth, rock weathering, the chemistry of natural solutions, surface chemistry and the behavior of contaminants in the environment. Laboratories involve both field and laboratory techniques and rely heavily on state-of-the-art instrumentation, including optical emission and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and ion chromatography.


Visual MINTEQ v2.22

MINTEQ2/PRODEFA2, A geochemical Assessment Model for Environmental Systems:

Version 3.0 Users Manual , Allison, Brown & Novo- Gradac

Week Lecture Topics Lab



Reading Assignment

No class Monday MLK

Introduction: Course objectives. Overview, processes governing the distribution of elements, equilibrium, reservoirs and fluxes.

XRD & XRF theory

XRD principles

(class room)

XRF: spectral acquisition worksheet mineral identification

Andrews, Ch 1

XRay websites



XRF analytical conditions

Ba spectrum problem

Example of


CO2 and ocean chemistry

First order geochemical

XRD: mineralogical analysis of a rock

XRF sample prep mineral identification & short write up (description of minerals) Andrews, p 2-13


Cosmo-chemistry: stars, meteorites, and the earth

Feb 4 Monday Feb 1 X-ray Quiz

Meteorites and the origin of the earth

Minerals I : crystal chemistry and mica structure

Minerals II : other mineral structures and crystal sites

Feb11 Monday Feb 11 Minerals quiz

Modeling fractional crystallization

Exam 1 Friday, Feb 15

Feb18 Aqueous Geochemistry

Free energy and equilibrium constants

Ionic strength and non ideal solutions

Debye- Huckel, mean salt, methods for higher I

Feb 25 Monday Feb 25 Quiz

Acids and Bases


Carbonate equilibria

Controls in natural waters, acidity and alkalinity

Buffering and acidity and alkalinity titrations

Mar 3 Complex ions

Overview, coordination, common types

Equilibrium calculations, modeling with Visual


Toxicity of cations

( No class Friday)


XRF method development

(run samples)

Statistical interpretation of

XRF data

Short write up of correlations

Begin modeling

Modeling igneous fractionation

Report on geochemistry of planet X (2x)

Intro to ICP development

ICP and IC analysis of local water


Meteorites article

Andrews 66-77


Andrews B 37, 98, 107,


Zhu, p32-54

(Langmuir, ch. 4)

Andrews B 81, 198-9

(Langmuir, ch. 5)

Andrews, B49, 150,


(Langmuir, ch.3)

Mar 17 Redox reactions

Half cell reactions

Concept of Eh, pE

Calculation of line on Eh-pH diagram

Mar 24

Mar 31

Monday Mar 24 Exam II

Rock Weathering

General processes, rates

Soils & organic compounds

Clays and surface chemistry

Apr 7 Monday Apr 7 Clay quiz

Chemistry of natural waters

Acid mine drainage

Apr 14 Atmospheric Chemistry

Structure of atmosphere

Trace gases

Free radicals

Interpretation of water analysis with MINTEQ

Short write-up of water results

Lab Titrations

Plotted data and short write-up of interpretation

Visual MINTEQ complex ion lab

Results with interpretation as guided by exercise

Adsorption experiments

Short write-up of results

Shale leaching/oxidation experiments

Short write-up of results

Projects 1

Andrews B 78

Andrews 76-140

Andrews, p 76-140

Andrews, p 141-180

Andrews, Ch 3

Apr 21 Special Topics

Mercury in the environment

Carbon Cycle

Apr 28 Catch up and review

Projects 2

Projects 3

Poster or report on project (3x)

EPA Hg overview, handout

Andrews Ch 7

May 6 Tuesday 3:00-5:00 Final exam


Exams 3 @ 167 500

Lab reports14 @ 30 420

Quiz 4@ 20 80

Project requirements: The project should include three components, analysis of solid phases

(XRD), analysis of solids or liquids (XRF, ICP, IC), and use of geochemical models, both to predict and interpret results.

Additional resources:

Environmental Applications of Geochemical Modeling

Zhu & Anderson

Software : PHREEQC v2.7

Users Guide to PHREEQC

Parkhurst and Apollo

Aqueous Environmental Chemistry ,

Donald Langmuir
