Proposal for Individual Co-tutelle Agreement for (applicant name) This form should be completed if you are seeking to establish a Joint PhD arrangement for an individual PhD applicant. Please contact the CSA team if you would like help to complete any of the required details below. Completed forms should be sent to the CSA team ( by the Director of Postgraduate for the School from the DoPG email account. 1 Proposer Name Email 2 School Date Applicant Details Name Student ID (if available) Intended St Andrews supervisor Topic of research Intended PhD start date Intended degree programme length Mode of attendance full-time part-time Intended dates and location of study. Please include details of any planned fieldwork and note that students must spend at least 12 months in St Andrews. For UK partnerships only: what will be the percentage of supervision delivered by each partner? NB for UK students, this percentage split will be returned to HESA. 3 Academic Rationale Please provide details of the academic rationale underpinning this proposal. (If the student has already commenced a PhD elsewhere, please provide rationale for seeking to switch to a joint programme.) 4 Partner details 1 Name of partner institution Address Name and position of supervisor Email Name of administrative contact Email Type of institution Public Private Undergraduate Taught Postgraduate Research Degrees offered and standard programme length Please select Please select Please select Please detail any existing School contacts or arrangements with the partner. What is the partner’s approval process for co-tutelles? Are there any deadlines? Are you confident that the partner can provide a safe and suitable working environment? Are you confident that there is sufficient research expertise at the partner institution to support this research proposal in particular? How is the institution financed? Are there any local conditions which may affect the institution’s ability to comply with the principles of UK higher education? Please provide details of any special advice about the region posted on FCO webpages: 5 Lead Institution Name of Lead Institution The usual expectation is that the lead institution takes overall responsibility for the co-ordination of the co-tutelle programme, including arrangements for examination and graduation. Please provide details if a different arrangement is envisaged. 6 Financial Arrangements Has the applicant secured PhD funding? PhD funding details (if applicable) Does this funding allow for a cotutelle arrangement? yes (If yes, please provide details below) no yes n/a no 2 What are the partner’s tuition fee arrangements? The usual expectation is that students pay tuition fees to St Andrews for time registered in St Andrews, and pay tuition to the partner for time spent there. (If a different arrangement is envisaged, please provide details.) 7 Supervision, Progression and Assessment What are the arrangements for the supervision of research students at the partner institution? What will be the arrangements for progress reviews? How will supervisors maintain a joint overview of the student’s work? (e.g. an annual joint review committee) Does the partner expect the student to complete any taught component? Language of thesis yes (If yes, please provide details) no English other (please specify) yes no yes no If language is other than English, an abstract in English must be provided. If St Andrews is not the Lead, what will be the procedure for submission and the arrangements for the examination? (Please include details of where the exam will be held and who will form the committee. Does the institution engage external examiners? How will appropriate standards of assessment be assured?) 8 Graduation and Award What will the award be called by the partner (if not Doctor of Philosophy)? Can the partner issue a single, joint certificate? Does the partner issue a HEAR equivalent (e.g. a Diploma Supplement) to research students? willing to negotiate 3 Where will graduation take place? St Andrews partner student will decide 9 Services, Rules and Regulations What academic support services will be available to the student at the partner institution? Can the partner institution provide a student experience which will complement the St Andrews experience and values? Are the partner’s rules and regulations broadly comparable with ours? Does the partner have an equal opportunities policy (or equivalent) similar to ours? Does the partner have appropriate grievance, complaints and disciplinary procedures for staff and students? Are there appropriate resources and systems for the collection and distribution of data compatible with the University’s needs and Data Protection legislation? What are the partner’s rules on intellectual property and copyright? 10 School Approval – to be completed by Director of Postgraduate Head of School approval granted yes Date no 4