سؤاالت سيبويه وجوابات الخليل واثرها في البحث الصرفي والنحوي كاظم عجيل سربون Conclusion: There's an end for each work and I hope I have succeeded in picking the fruits of this work to put them in the hands of students and specialists, so they can make good use of them. I also ask Almighty Allah to grant me success with this study. The following are the results of this study: The study has shown the importance of question and how effective it is in coming out with the desired results of linguistic studies no matter whether the user was a specialist or a student. The study has also shown that question has grammatical rules which should be considered and these are very important for the learner. The question and answer have shown an advanced way in learning Arabic language grammar. This was also included in the works of the grammarians who followed them. They used this way in their works and some of them have used an imaginary debate to clarify and explain some topics. This was clear in the various works of Arab grammarians , especially in Sibawayh's books. The questions of Sibawayh and the answers of Al-Khaleel have had a significant impact on the grammarians who came after. They have been implemented in the works of linguists and grammarians. Some of the linguists have relied on them and some have disagreed with them.. The opinions of grammarians and linguists have varied in understanding the questions of Sibawayh and the answers of AlKhaleel and this was useful in the linguistic and grammatical study. The answers of Al-Khaleel have shown a descriptive approach and they have proven that this approach was used in that linguistic era whether before or at the same time of our complicated grammar rules. The questions of Sibawayh to Al-Khaleel have shown that Sibawayh was knowledgeable about the language of Arabs and he might have preferred their answer to the answer of AlKhaleel. Sibawayh was trustworthy in all what he brought from his teachers. The study has shown more morphological topics than grammatical topics in the questions of Sibawayh . In the morphological aspect the study has shown that questions in the subject of alternation are few compared to other subjects. The structure of question has shown that Sibawayh tends to use spoken questions and this shows that he follows the descriptive approach. Al-Khaleel relied on a linguistic standard in many of his answers. This standard was compatible with the language that he doesn't go beyond its explanation and analysis. He considers this standard is generated from the language. In his explanation he doesn't go beyond what Arabs wanted. Sibawayh asked more than one question about each subject. This indicates that he wanted to emphasize some subjects to become clearer and he also paid attention to the linguistic standard which Al-Khaleel's answers were based on. Sibawayh indicated that some questions can clarify some topics. He assumed that Arabs have names which are originally letters , verbs or sentences. Sibawayh mentioned the question a lot. Some questions were about letters whereas others were about names or verbs. The study has shown the great linguistic mentality of Sibawayh and his ability to use Arabic Language perfectly. Grammarians have used his opinions for centuries up to now. Sibawayh didn't include Koranic texts although Al-Khaleel had asked about them. I think this should be taken into consideration in research. The study has shown an agreement in thinking and adopted ideas between Sibawayh and Al-Khaleel .The question has shown that Sibawayh tends to relate the language to the same way as it is said by Arabs or heard from them. The answers of Al-Khaleel tend to be more realistic and away from philosophy and logic. The grammarians have included the answers of Al-Khaleel in their linguistic commentaries as if they belong to Sibawayh. This means that Sibawayh was in agreement with the answers of Al-Khaleel. Sibawayh has implemented the answers of Al-Khaleel in other parts of his works. The modernist have had an impact on some of the subjects that the study has tackled. The study has shown new opinions which weren't in agreement with the interpretations and analysis of the former and subsequent grammarians. This has also shown the flexibility of the Arabic language.