The 2014 Grace Presbyterian Church Scholarship Graciously

The 2014 Grace Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Graciously provided by:
The Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Johnson Scholarship Fund
The Jim and Judy Olson Scholarship Fund
The Margaret Propst Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Scholarship Committee, as a sub-committee of the Christian Education committee, will be made up of (but
not limited to) donor representatives, the CE director, the CE elder or representative of the CE committee, and
the Pastor. The Scholarship Committee shall be formed in a way to avoid conflicts of interest.
The Scholarship Committee will award $500 scholarships; the amount of scholarships awarded will be based on
the amount of qualified applications that the committee receives.
The Scholarship Committee has established criteria that will be used uniformly with each eligible applicant. The
committee will use these criteria to determine scholarship recipients.
Required Qualifications for the Grace Presbyterian Scholarship:
 The applicant must be a confirmed member of Grace Presbyterian Church or in the process of being
 The applicant must be a graduating high school senior
 The applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 grading scale) or must justify in writing why
their GPA does not meet this qualification
 The applicant must plan to attend an accredited post-secondary school
 The applicant must submit a high school transcript along with their completed application
 The application must be received before the deadline or it will not be considered
 If the applicant were to be awarded a scholarship, proof of enrollment is required before the
scholarship will be sent DIRECTLY to the accredited school
 If an applicant becomes ineligible by not meeting these qualifications, they will forfeit their scholarship
Assessment of submitted Grace Presbyterian Scholarship Applications:
 Each section of the application will be weighted as to provide a way to equally evaluate each applicant.
o 60% Grace Presbyterian Church Involvement
 The Scholarship Committee requests that the applicant assemble a resume of church
involvement that clearly defines the applicant’s active involvement in the church
 Essay question (please see application)
o 20% Academic Performance
 3.0 minimum GPA or a justification to the committee for a lower GPA
 High School Transcript (transcripts will not be seen by the entire committee and will be
used to verify stated GPA and the difficulty of courses as comparison to GPA)
 Any awards and/or honors received
o 20% Community Involvement, Work Experiences, and High School Extra-Curricular Activities
The Applicant(s) chosen to receive a scholarship by the Scholarship Committee will then be presented to Session
for approval. The applicant(s) will be notified if they have received the award by the 2nd or 3rd week in May and
presentation of the scholarship will be on June 1. All graduating seniors are invited to Graduation Sunday where
they will be honored in front of the congregation. Graduation Sunday is June 8th.
Applications and copies of the criteria will be available in the church office as well as online on the Grace
Presbyterian website. Applications will become available on March 2nd, 2014 and must be returned by April 2nd,
The 2014 Grace Presbyterian Church Scholarship
The Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott Johnson Scholarship Fund
The Jim and Judy Olson Scholarship Fund
The Margaret Propst Memorial Scholarship Fund
--Grace Presbyterian Church
215 Gould Street
Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Please attach any extra paper as needed to complete these questions.
Applicant Information
Applicant’s Name:____________________________________________Phone:___________________________
Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________________________
Parents or Guardian’s Name(s):__________________________________________________________________
College Information
First Choice:_________________________________________________________________________________
Address of College:____________________________________________________________________________
Second Choice:_______________________________________________________________________________
Address of College:____________________________________________________________________________
Major Areas of Study (if known):_________________________________________________________________
Church Involvement (60%)
Date I was confirmed:____________________________________
Please attach a church involvement resume to this application. This resume should detail events, activities and
involvement in the church. The purpose of the resume is to give the Scholarship Committee an overall
understanding of how involved you have been in the church and its activities. Please include whatever
information you believe is necessary to convey your involvement. No one activity is ranked higher than the
Essay Question (please use an additional sheet of paper)
How has Grace Presbyterian Church been a positive impact in your life and how has that faith journey guided
you? Beyond your relationship with Grace, in what ways do you hope to grow in your relationship with Christ?
Academic Performance (20%)
Applicant’s High School:_______________________________________
Applicant’s GPA (required 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale):___________________________________________________
If applicant’s GPA does not meet the minimum requirements, please explain here or use additional paper if
Awards/Honors Received:
Community Involvement, Work Experience, Extra-Curricular Activities (20%)
Please tell the committee about your community service involvement:__________________________________
Please describe any work experience(s) that you may have:___________________________________________
Share your high-school extra-curricular activities:____________________________________________________
Is there any other information that you would like the committee to know? ______________________________
Completed scholarship applications and high school transcripts are due by April 2nd. Applications can be filled
out and returned in person, by mail or email (
Signature:_______________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
For office use only: Received By:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________