Victoria Avenue Public School P&C Association Minutes of Meeting 3-2015 Date: 3rd August 2015 Venue: VAPS School Library Time: 7:00 p.m. Chaired by: Sadia Wajahat Attendees: Sadia Wajahat – President Heidi Butler – Vice President Stacey Furner – School Principal Sachin Kumar – Treasurer Sarah Zhang – Assistant Treasurer Salomie Joseph – Secretary Angela Lam – Assistant Secretary Allyson Witten – Assistant Social Secretary Swetha Narayana – General Committee Member Apologies Received: Rebecca Montague – Social Secretary Thi Sathasivam – Assistant Treasurer Jules Boyter – Assistant Social Secretary No. 1. 2. 3. Item Meeting Open Last meeting minutes Principal’s Report 1. Merit Selection Panels 2. Scripture Classes Notes Had to be approved previously as a copy was needed to open the bank account. 1. Merit Selection Panels 2. Scripture Classes 3. Community Precinct News 4. Other Items School needs parent volunteers on panel to select candidates as and when jobs open up. The commitment involves a couple of hours to write the ad for the job, and then two full days for the actual selection process. A male parent volunteer is needed for the next panel. School presently offers Catholic and Protestant classes. Students who do not attend either class are in Non-Scripture, supervised by school staff. The option to start classes for other religious groups, including an Ethics (non-religious) class can be considered if parents choose so. To be moved at the next meeting. Other classes may only Page 1 of 4 be able to commence in 2016. 3. Community Precinct There is a group called Victoria Avenue Precinct News Leaders consisting of the school and childcare centre management. Cooperative activities are being undertaken between both facilities. Examples include school children making presentations, booklets for the childcare centre children about school life, the neighbouring park; the childcare kids visiting the school in order to get accustomed to school routines. The Lifestart group is to begin assisting preschool children with disabilities. 4. Other Items 1. School Plan - Following consultation with parents at the start of Term 3, school plan will be ready by the next meeting. 2. Uniform shop – is presently being run by the school as a service to the community, therefore prices have been set only to cover costs. Orders can be placed online or at the office at any time, but will be filled only on Thursdays when the parent volunteers are at the shop. Orders can be sent home with students or picked up at school office. 3. Enrolments – School has already received a good number of kindy enrolments for 2016 year; parents are encouraged to spread the word among contacts. 4. There will be a short survey in one of the upcoming newsletters about parents’ preferred methods of communicating with the school. 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. S. Furner will be away on long-service leave shortly; Danielle Coonan to attend the next meeting instead. P&C association’s ABN application filed by S. Kumar rejected twice due to system errors at the Australian Business Register, despite all paperwork being submitted. Committee to try again by adding details of other office-holders S. Wajahat and S. Joseph. Bank account can only be opened once an ABN is Page 2 of 4 5. Social Secretary’s Report 6. Other Items 1. Second Vice President 2. Possibility of extracurricular classes given. Social committee has proposed the following plans: 1. Lunch Order Days: Taking pre-orders for lunch items once a month, or once a term until the canteen is operational. Bulk rates can be negotiated from vendors. S. Furner to revert with what food items might be suitable, based on health / religious considerations. 2. Halloween Disco – to be held in October after hours at the school hall. 3. Bunnings BBQ – can sign up to run the BBQ if there are enough parent volunteers. 4. Car Wash Days – to be run by parent volunteers. 5. Mothers Day / Fathers Day bake sales – can look at selling baked goods on these days. S. Furner to revert after checking rules on having homebaked items sold on school premises. For the upcoming Fathers Day, school to proceed with the same plan (special breakfast) as on Mothers Day. 6. Mufti Days / Other Special Days – like Crazy Hair Day, towards raising funds for the P&C association. S. Furner to discuss these plans with staff and liaise with A. Witten for possible dates to trial these activities. 1. Second Vice President for P&C committee. 2. Possibility of extra-curricular classes on school premises, suggested by Ambika Anand Kumar. 3. Communication of P&C meeting agendas. 4. P&C tab on school website. 5. Change to P&C association meeting times. Position to be advertised in future school newsletters. Any parent volunteer welcome. Feasible, as the school hall is meant to be a community resource too. School is in meetings with Canada Bay Council towards developing licences and rules of use for outside parties. School to run a survey next term to see what hobby classes parents would like for their children. However, with the busyness of a new school, realistically extra curricular activities will Page 3 of 4 3. Meeting agendas 4. P&C tab on school website. 5. Change to committee meeting times 9. Next meeting 10. Meeting closed commence from 2016. To be placed on school noticeboard 7 days before, for parents to provide the required notice. S. Furner to check with the teacher who manages the school website about the possibility of having a separate tab for the P&C association to share updates, and upload minutes and agendas. Motion to trial change meeting times so they alternate between mornings and evenings, giving parents who cannot make it to evening meetings the chance to attend. Moved: H. Butler. 2nd: S. Kumar. Carried. Monday, 7th September 2015 at 9:00 a.m. immediately after morning lines. Venue to be confirmed. 8:00 p.m. Signatures President: Secretary: Date: Date: Page 4 of 4