1 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay Unit Title: Personal Essay Course: 3rd Grade Content: ELA Time: 3 weeks Unit Overview: Concepts: 1. Writers generate ideas for writing personal essays. 2. Writers learn strategies for good personal essay writing. 3. Writers learn strategies for revising their personal essays. 4. Writers learn strategies for editing their personal essays. 5. Writers publish and share their personal essays. Standards: Overview of Sessions – Teaching and Learning Points Aligned with the Common Core Concept: Writers generate ideas for writing personal essays. W.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b Session 1: Writers learn that evidence in the form of mini-stories is used to support big ideas in personal essays. W.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b Session 2: Writers learn ways to support big ideas from personal essays using mini-stories. W.3.1, W.3.1a Session 3: Writers generate support for big ideas in the form of mini-stories and choose a big idea to develop into a personal essay. W.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b Session 4: Writers learn how to write opinion statements for their own personal essays. W.3.1a Concept: Writers learn strategies for good personal essay writing. W.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b, W.3.1c, W.3.1d Session 5: Writers learn how to organize their ideas in a personal essay using boxes and bullets. W.3.1a Session 6: Writers learn how to use their opinion statements to create essay introductions. W.3.1a Session 7 and 8: Writers learn how to include angled mini-stories as support for their point of view. W.3.1a, W.3.1b Session 9: Writers learn how to create essay conclusions that link back to their point of view. W.3.1c, W.3.1d Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay Concept: Writers learn strategies for revising their personal essays. W.3.5 Session 10: Writers learn how to revise their personal essays for meaning and clarity. W.3.5 Session 11: Writers learn how to use revision/editing checklists to edit their writing. W.3.5 Concept: Writers publish and share their personal essays. W.3.4 Session 12 and 13: A writing community celebrates. W.3.4 RIT-1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. L-1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. L-2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 2 3 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay - - How is communicating my personal experience valuable in supporting evidence? What are you left wondering about? (Metacognition) - Is the organization and information of my writing support my big idea? - - - Does my personal story support my topic sentence? Does my paragraph make sense to myself and my readers? What do good writers do? - How can I find the words and details to make my writing more powerful? - Essential Questions Big Ideas Communicating my personal experience is valuable to support my thesis statement in my personal essay. - - Communicating my personal experience is valuable as supporting evidence and connecting for my opinions on a topic. Understanding(s) Content/Skills Cognitive Growth Targets Using Mentor Texts Find similarities, Deconstruct Retrieving: recognize, identify, define, describe, match Comprehending: summarize, compare, explain, infer, associate, discuss, group, Analyzing: examine, classify, breakdown Analyze: breakdown, outline, organize Create: develop, compose, plan, design, develop, generate Reasoning: defend, plan, prove Metacognition: planning, thinking, wonder, reflect, goals Self Actualization: introspect, community, perspective, beliefs, empathy, acceptance Metacognition: reflect, planning, intentional choices Reasoning: judge, justify, evaluate, critique, check, defend, prove 3.1a Intro topic, state opinion, create organizational structure that lists reasons. - - Evidence support big ideas Understand fact vs. opinion (determine) 4 paragraph and organizer structure 3.1b Provide reasons that support the opinion - - Evidence support big ideas Write opinion statement 21st Century Skills 4 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay 3.1c Use linking words and phrases to connect opinion and reasons Essential Questions Big Ideas (therefore, because, since…) - Understanding what linking words are. I understand that in order to conclude my personal essay effectively, a concluding statement must restate the thesis based on the evidence I provide within the essay. 3.1d Provide a Concluding Statement - - 3.5 Planning, Revising, Editing Essential Questions - Big Ideas Restate the thesis Understand how to reword the topic sentence Check spelling, punctuation, sentence structure L.1 Conventions - Grammar, Caps, Punctuation, Spelling Comprehend: apply, illustrate, associate, order Analyze: relationships, selecting Reasoning: check, defend, justify, combine, prove Create: construct, compose, develop, propose, plan, produce Analyze: examine, breakdown, classify Reasoning: critique, check, defend, interpret Comprehension: Associate, Explain, Apply Analyze: Examine, Classify, Organize, Select 5 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay RIT-1 Demonstrate Understanding CGTarget: term CGTarget: term - Ask and Answer Questions Refer to text - support 3.4 Community Celebrates CGTarget: term CGTarget: term - 21c skills Presentation CGTarget: term CGTarget: term - Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay - 6 7 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay Evidence: Final Personal Essay Formative Summative Process: Thesis Final Written Personal Statement, Outline, Essay Organizers, 2 sample narratives, Concluding Statement Final Presentation: (options) ibooks, Book creator, video, play, imovie, Aurasma, QR code, Performance Task(s): Setting: FINAL Digital Personal Essay Classroom, Digital World, Role: Audience: Author 3rd Grade Peers & world Deliverable: Prompt (ex. Is it better to have one friend or multiple friends) Deliverable: Final Essay Rubric, Criteria, Expectations Deliverable: Share Mentor Texts, Samples, Exemplars Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay Digital Lessons: (Content & CGT) Mentor Text share & blog discussion Guided highlight and/or individual highlight Face to Face Lessons: (21st C Skills & CGT) Personal Narrative story Peer Share. Evaluate connection to Thesis/Prompt Guided Highlight sample text Apple TV/Elmo share (kids share examples) Thesis statement and Concluding Supporting Details, Quality of Details Statement submission and approval on Edmodo, blog… Flipped Lessons – What is a Thesis statement, concluding statement… 8 Blended Unit Work Organizer - 3rd Grade Personal Essay 9