Follow this link for Obituary/Eulogy for Dad

John P. Casey
Obituary/Eulogy for Dad
: St Patrick’s Breastplate- silently read for strength
Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ behind me, Christ before me
Christ beside me, Christ to win me
Christ to comfort me and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend or stranger.
 Everybody Breathe…….
~As a sunrise of a new day came…. so it was that our dad and our friend
left to meet God
~Big hugs to all of you… from the Casey family
John Patrick Casey; born September 2nd 1939 in Hornell, NY one of nine
Children raised in the Irish Catholic Tradition. Known to his family by his
nickname “Hungry” as many of you will affectionately agree…Dad loved
to eat!
From the time we are born we are busy dying or so they say in Dads
case it was living…. So I am here to say. It’s the dash between the
years that makes this man, and the resonance of his life, that surely
shines in each and every one of you gathered today!
Dad was an exemplary individual who through all his years has always
placed God, Country, Family and our Community first!
They say you can't judge a book by its cover but for me looking out
across all of you, oh what a beautiful cover this is. The testament of a
man's life who touched so many ...a simple man and carefree but yet
always there in a, gentle uplifting spirit, a guardian to lift each and
every one of us... in his own special way.
See Dad knew all too well that we all have a tendency to find ourselves
sucked in to this world… and forget about the beautiful little things in
life/Our fast paced superhighway of life--- We get lost… in trying to be
and do something unique or different at school or play, in the job,
attaining money, or the career, the desire to have things, but; in
reality… it's the road less traveled that makes all the difference and in
the still small beauty in these moments that your able to see the hand
of truth and God, his Love and Beauty…See, our Dad was able to see
into people’s hearts in a way that was beautiful. He was able to listen,
encourage and plant the seeds of Love, forgiveness, and take the hand
of someone who was out in the weeds and gently bring them back to
the path. These seeds certainly have grown in each of your hearts as we
fill this place with Love and remembrance.
John was the father of 8 children, 2 Swedish Exchange students and 14
grandchildren…and countless others… Dad included so many as
extended family. (explained the Walton’s Trestle Table and the inclusion of everyone at
the table)
There is no greater love than this: “that one lay down his life for his
friends”-[John 15:13 ] Appropriate words for this man who called us all
Dad adored and was dedicated to his Loving wife; Sandra Lee Casey of
53 years, together …they worked behind the scenes to strengthen and
nurture our family and the community in a multitude of ways. It was
wonderful to see my Mom and Dad live their lives in Love and walking
hand in hand through good times and in rough times the resolute
strength they displayed.
Many of you, who knew him, often proclaim his praises; “He is a beacon
and guiding light for all those who he has come into contact with“ but
then you also know he was humble and wanted to remain on the
sidelines. Mom and the rest of the family spoke yesterday and agreed
that Dad would not have liked the fuss being made over him… But we
get the last word here Dad…
A little more about the character of the man… He had a tremendous
sense of humor, (Peanut Story-Laughter!) He would not tolerate disrespect,
we could not use the word “Shut up”- sorry Dad…. He loved Milky Way
candy bars---appropriately there is a star dedicated to him in the Milky
Way by the Churchville Chili students! …even though he wasn’t
supposed to have them; – We are still finding his little stashes of candy
bars and peanut butter cups… !
To the history of this man…
In the late 1950’s he worked for the Erie Railroad for the accounting
bureau, later to enlist in the United States Army and served from late
50’s and early sixties during the same time Elvis was enlisted, he was
stationed in Germany. Dad Returned home met my Mom and married
on May 19th 1962, he adored Sandra Lee Casey. He left the Railroad in
1964 to work for Rochester Telephone Company as a Computer
programmer and analyst his career spanned through 1991. When he
retired he soon found his second career at the Churchville Chili School
District where he truly found his calling.
In the Churchville Chili School system "Mr. Casey “as he is well known,
was the school "watchman". A suitable title as the name Casey or
(“Cathasaigh” in the Irish) means the “watchful or vigilant one”.
As his title suggests he is the School guardian who looked after and
helped the struggling student and many other individuals through a
variety of life situations. (I’ll point out to you that Dad found his eternal
reward on the Feast of the Guardian Angel on October 2nd 2015—a
fitting day for our school watchman!) He Loved chaperoned numerous
school activities and dressing up for all the holidays… with the twinkle
in his eyes and the soulful smile…. He enjoyed giving students his
undivided attention, and devoted much of his personal time to attend
school sports games and other activities, "He adds spirit to the school
district and the community,” He is always there with a helping hand a
guiding light and words of wisdom to set the wandering youth straight
upon the path of life.
Over the years he was featured on the evening news program, Channel
13 “Bright spot”
In 2000 Mr. Casey was an easy choice for the Town of Riga Citizen of
the Year
A local folk hero and mascot for the Churchville Chili Schools “Mr.
Churchville” is revered by thousands of students over his twenty year
"retired career" these adoring students have set up a Facebook fan
page for him with more than 4K fans. Mr. Casey and the Churchville
Chili School give a yearly scholarship- the Mr. Casey Scholarship Award
to students who overcome great obstacles or difficult situations.
In the community he served as a former Deputy Supervisor for the
Town of Riga, a Charter Member of the Churchville Loyal Order of the
Moose, Churchville Lions Club and a longstanding pillar at St. Vincent
De Paul's Parish where he has donated heartfelt time assisting with the
Parish Council, also an Usher, a Lector as well as a Sunday School
He was a cherished member of the Ancient Order of the Hibernians,
whose motto is Brotherhood,- Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
they support a variety of charities and causes, and Dad was very active
and loved all the brothers, He was a Rock!
It is the little recognized people who throughout their lifetime, that
make great contributions by “walking the path” as an example, or
giving the guiding assistance in words of wisdom or lending an ear, and
helping one comprehend a meaning and purpose, with our fellow
traveler in this journey we call Life.
Truly a great "American Citizen" These are just the facts that scratch
the surface; he has always been a lighthouse in the storms of life for all
of us...
Mr. Casey has contributed to the Rochester community through his
outreach to the youth of the City of Rochester Northwest Youth
Association through the 1960’s and early 1970’s and the later to the
youth of Churchville Chili, to his parish St Vincent De Paul's and to the
Town of Riga, through the many years of his various service and
contributions. From his service in the Military to his work on the Erie
Railroad to his career with Rochester Telephone Company and the
growth of the computer industry...As a teacher and a friend as a parent
and a guide he is an example of the unsung hero in every American
community. He was a very precious man that we should all emulate and
cherish, and to follow his example, to give back to all those around you
and in need, Friendship and Listening are the building blocks to make
bridges between us all, smile and reach out to those in need and rescue
them from the storms of life, give them shelter and mend their hearts…
“When in doubt….Do!” You’ll never regret the service to
Humanity…Keep Love and Compassion in your Hearts!
In deed the memories of this man are in the hearts of thousands. Our
Dad will not be remembered for Buildings or physical Tangible things
(Except maybe his T-shirt and Sweater) But for the compassion of the
human heart and the gentle spirit that uplifts the soul
Thanks to all of you for your Love and compassion. Our entire family
Thanks you, God bless you all…
(everyone read)
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.