History of education and training systems

. – History of education and training systems
Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff.
The course intends to reconstruct some of the main changes which took place
within the Italian and international education systems between the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, in order to understand the profound transformations which
took place, particularly within literacy during the late twentieth century. Students
will explore reading, the media and industrial culture also in order to develop
innovative planning knowledge and skills within today’s cultural and production
scenario which is dominated by digital technology.
Beginning with the analysis of the education and training system the course offers
historical investigation into the birth of education and literacy systems which were
largely promoted between the nineteenth and twentieth century. In particular, a sfar
as the period between the nineteenth and early twentieth century is concerned, the
course intends to explore the topic of literacy and professional training for adults
and the promotion of reading via the development of the first library systems. As
for the later part of the twentieth century the course observes certain pushes for
change to the country’s production and cultural reconstruction. The emerging
education system on television, Alberto Manzi’s programme entitled Non è mai
troppo tardi (It’s Never Too Late), requests for cultural and education
reconsideration within work by Don Lorenzo Milani and projects towards the
enhancement of human capital which actually originated in industrial production
environments such as that by Olivetti, provide different examples of consideration
around the the centrality of language as a channel for collective social-educational
and cultural promotion. This may also be applied to the historical-education
contexts in which man generally operates.
GIORGIO CHIOSSO, Alfabeti d’Italia, Torino, Sei, 2011, Chapters 1 -2
ROBERTO FARNE’, Buona maestra TV, Roma, Carocci, 2003, Chapters 1 and 4
ROBERTO SANI - DOMENICO SIMEONE (EDITED BY), Don Lorenzo Milani e la Scuola della Parola,
Macerata, Eum, 2011, pages 17-54; 185-203 and one more Chapter of students’ choice
ADRIANO OLIVETTI, Il mondo che nasce, Roma, Edizioni di Comunità, 2013.
Lectures; reading and interpretation of anthological essays; audovisual material
accessible on the interactive Blackboard platform; workshop activities including research,
reading and interpretation of archive material from the Brescia area.
Oral examination.
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at
http://docenti.unicatt.it/web/searchByName.do?language=ENG or on the Faculty notice
Information regarding when students may see the tutor individually will be provided at
the beginning of the course.