Now that BC is retiring MyFiles, we will accept the following things under certain conditions. These changes are effective immediately. 1. Google Drive Google Drive is acceptable for people that have the "cloud lock" on it. Right now, only faculty have this option. But, research services is working on making it available to students. So, a) we need to make sure that faculty are stating "google drive with cloud lock" and b) students who want to use google drive can only use it if they keep their data in their faculty advisor's google drive account. 2. RedCap RedCap was originally developed by researchers for researchers and it was meant to be a data repository. RedCap is an excellent tool for data entry, creating surveys, storing data and even uploading data from an excel spreadsheet. 3. Departmental Servers There are departmental servers that are located on the S drive which has encryption. For example, LSOE has this. This would be an option for faculty or staff as long as their department has this kind of encrypted drive. 4. Data Archive This is the same thing as Drop Box; it is a way of sharing data. It is stored here on campus and the person has to be on the VPN. 5. Linux Cluster This is for secure, bigger pieces of restricted data which falls under license agreements. e.g. Add health data.