Block Outcomes - Hamilton Trust

UKS2 Topic: Earliest Civilisations: The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China Block F: Worship
In this fascinating block, learn about the Shang beliefs regarding death, burial rituals, divining the
future, folk religion and ancestor worship. Learn about the tomb of Fu Hao, leader and priestess and
create your own time capsule.
Block F: Shang Dynasty
Main outcome: History
Other outcomes: Art, English and Maths
[5 Sessions]
By the end of this block you
will have achieved the
following outcomes:
Session 1: History and Art
Shang gods
Research the answers to
questions about the Shang
gods; discover what they
look like and create their
own. Take a look at how
people worship in the
world’s major religions.
Session 2: History and Art
Worshipping the gods
Devise questions about
worship and research
them. Discover the idea of
making sacrifices to gods.
Session 3: History and
Devise philosophical
questions about the burial
of Fu Hao and discuss
Session 4: History and Art
Recreate Fu Hao's burial
Make replica dings, jade
figurines and pots to go
into a replica of Fu Hao's
Pupils should regularly address and sometimes devise historically valid questions about
change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance.
An in-depth study of The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.
Improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and
sculpture with a range of materials.
Pupils’ confidence, enjoyment and mastery of language should be extended through
public speaking, performance and debate.
Pupils should understand, through being shown, the skills and processes essential for
writing: that is, thinking aloud to generate ideas, drafting, and re-reading to check that
the meaning is clear.
Pupils should consolidate their understanding of ratio when comparing quantities, sizes
and scale drawings by solving a variety of problems.
Children will:
 Address research questions.
 Report back on the gods that the Shang worshipped.
 Use a mixture of materials to create a sculpture.
Children will:
 Devise research questions.
 Address research questions.
 Make a functional vessel.
Children will:
 Devise philosophical questions.
 Take part in a community of enquiry.
 Explain what was found in Fu Hao's tomb.
Children will:
 Choose what materials and methods to use to make replica objects from Fu Hao's tomb.
 Create miniature versions of objects.
 Arrange their objects in a 'tomb'.
 Calculate ratio problems to make scale models.
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UKS2 Topic: Earliest Civilisations: The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China Block F: Worship
Session 5: History and
Time capsule
Like Fu Hao's grave, which
is a time capsule of her life,
chn will choose an object to
go into a class time capsule
Children will:
 Learn to think aloud to generate ideas for writing.
 Draft a piece of writing.
 Amend a piece of writing after receiving feedback.
 To choose significant symbols to go in a time capsule.
Session 1
Provided: Research questions about Shang gods; Information about the Shang gods: Some examples of
sculptures of Shang gods; Presentation about how different people worship today.
You will need: Clay/fimo, pipe cleaners, foil, scraps of material and tissue paper in various colours.
Session 2
Provided: Information about how Shang people worshipped; Some examples of ritual vessels from the
Shang Dynasty; Two ways to make a vessel.
You will need: Modelling dough, card and paper.
Session 3
Provided: Presentation about Fu Hao's burial; Question sorter diagram; How to run a community of
enquiry information sheet.
You will need:
Session 4
Provided: Cards depicting objects from Fu Hao's tomb; Information sheet on how to use the materials
to make some of the objects and working at scale.
You will need: Large cardboard box with no lid (close to 50cm x 35xm); Pear's soap and modelling
dough with sculpting tools.
Session 5
Provided: Template for writing about the object.
You will need: Plastic box; Chn’s own object for the time capsule.
© Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users.
The links to the websites and the contents of the web pages associated with such links specified on this list (hereafter collectively referred to as the ‘Links’)
have been checked by Hamilton Trust (being the operating name of the registered charity, William Rowan Hamilton Trust) and to the best of Hamilton
Trust’s knowledge, are correct and accurate at the time of publication. Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other terms and conditions on the Hamilton
Trust website, you acknowledge that Hamilton Trust has no control over such Links and indeed, the owners of such Links may have removed such Links,
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Hamilton Trust excludes all responsibility and liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any Links.