Activity of the day

Climate Facts and Enviro Tips for
Morning Announcements
Have students read these informative and fun facts and activity ideas over the announcements
to help educate and inspire school action on climate change. Designed for use in the weeks
leading up to the UN Climate Conference in Paris, November 30th to December 11th.
Week 1: Enviro Facts
Monday’s Introduction
 Next month there will be an important meeting in Paris, France, where
world leaders are going to be making big decisions about the future of our
environment. Over the next few weeks our school will be talking about
climate change and participating in activities that will help us learn more
about it, and also what we can do to help the environment. We’ll even send
messages to the people going to the meeting in Paris. Stay tuned for more!
Tuesday’s Enviro Fact
 Did you know that the Earth has a bubble that surrounds it called the
atmosphere? The atmosphere is made up of layers of gases that protect us
from the sun’s harmful rays and helps keep us warm by trapping the sun’s
heat inside the bubble. We need some of these gases, but too many of
them causes the earth to get too warm – this is what we call global
The gases are called Greenhouse gases – can you guess why? Learn
more in tomorrow’s climate fact.
Activity of the day: If you can, turn off half the lights in your classroom and
open the curtains to use natural light whenever possible. Let’s save energy!
Wednesday’s Enviro Fact
 Have you ever been in a greenhouse before? They are used to trap the
sun’s heat to keep plants warm so they can grow even in the winter. Did
you know that when we burn gas and oil to power our cars and to keep our
homes warm, ‘greenhouse’ gases go up into the air and cause more heat
to be trapped in our atmosphere?
When we have too many greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in our
atmosphere, it makes the Earth warmer, which is called global warming.
When the earth warms, it causes changes in our environment. Learn more
about these changes in tomorrow’s climate fact!
Activity of the day: When you get cold at home, put a sweater on and wear
slippers instead of turning up the heat.
Thursday’s Enviro Fact
 We have learned that global warming takes place when we have too many
greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. When the Earth warms up, that
causes changes to our climate. Do you know the difference between
weather and climate? Weather is what is happening right now when you
look out the window.
If it is snowing, raining or if it’s sunny, that is weather. Climate is the
weather and temperature that takes place over a long period of time, yearafter-year.
During summer in Nova Scotia, we can expect that the weather is warm,
while in the winter, it is cold and snowy. Climate change is when we start to
see changes in the climate that we are used to - for example, if summers
get hotter and hotter or if we have less and less snow in the winter. Global
warming is one effect of climate change.
Activity of the day: Spend time outside every day.
Friday’s Enviro Fact
 Did you know that we burn things like gas, oil and coal at power plants to
create electricity? These are called fossil fuels because they are made out
of fossils. We have learned that burning gas, oil and coal makes the air
dirtier and releases more gases into the atmosphere, which makes the
Earth warmer and causes changes in our climate.
Activity of the day: Turn off lights and electronics like gaming systems and
TVs when you are finished using them.
Week 2: Enviro Facts
Monday’s Introduction
 Last week, we learned about the big meeting happening in Paris, where our
world leaders are going to make big decisions about the future of our
environment. Because of this important meeting, we have been learning
about the atmosphere, greenhouse gases, global warming and climate
change. Our school has been participating in activities to help reduce our
impact on the environment.
We will keep learning more about climate change, continue with our daily
activities and will send our messages to the people attending the meeting.
Stay tuned!
Tuesday’s Enviro Tip
 Did you know that trees help prevent climate change because they absorb
and store extra carbon dioxide in their leaves? Planting trees is always a
good idea!
Activity of the day: Use both sides of your paper to save trees from being
cut down.
Wednesday’s Enviro Tip
 We learned last week that we burn oil, gas and coal at power plants to
make our electricity. When we burn these fossil fuels, we add more carbon
dioxide up into the atmosphere. That is why it’s so important to reduce how
much electricity we use by using only what we need and by turning
electronics and lights off when we’re finished with them.
Activity of the day: Spend more time playing outside and with friends
instead of watching TV and playing video games.
Thursday’s Enviro Tip
 Too much garbage is a big problem. It takes electricity to make all of our
stuff, and the waste leftover can affect our environment. Have YOU ever
been to a landfill, where they put garbage? It’s not a pretty sight. To help
reduce how much garbage you make, choose items with less packaging
and make sure you recycle what you can. Try to bring your lunch in
reusable containers, and try not to use disposable, plastic water bottles.
Planet Earth will thank you!”
Activity of the day: Make sure you put your lunch food packaging and
containers in the proper waste or recycle bins. If you are unsure where
something goes, ask a teacher.
Friday’s Enviro Tip
 A lot of our food travels from all over the world in an airplane or truck to get
here. Those trucks and planes use a lot of gas, which puts carbon dioxide
into the air. Try looking for locally grown food at the store, or even growing
your own vegetables in a garden!
Over the past two weeks, our school has done a lot of great actions to help
the planet, and to make our voices heard at the 2015 Climate Conference
in Paris. Well done *insert your school’s name*.
Bonus Enviro Tip
Did you know that when we drive in cars and other vehicles, we burn gas
and that not only makes the air dirtier but it also releases more carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere? That’s why it’s important to walk, use your
bike, and share a drive whenever you can.
Taking the bus to school helps too because that means we can have a lot
of people in one vehicle instead of one person in a lot of vehicles. Let’s help
keep our air clean!
Activity of the day: Take the school bus, walk, bike or share a ride to school
each day