What to say to parents when girl is too young to join

Template 1
Email/Letter Template: When Girl Is Too Young To Join Unit
There are some girls on Join Us that are several years too young for the section they have
registered for. This isn’t only an issue for Rainbows as there are some very young girls
waiting to join Brownies and Guides too.
If you receive a Join Us enquiry for a girl that is very young (there are some girls on Join
us who are 1 or 2 years old) don’t ignore the enquiry. Instead drop the parent an email
reminding them of the ages covered by the different sections, note that you’ve noticed
that the girl is considerably younger than the range covered by the Section and ask them
to verify the date of birth. It could be an over-eager parent but equally, we’ve all made
mistakes filling in forms!
If an error has occurred change the girl’s details on the Join Us enquiry and add a
comment. If the enquiry is already correct tell the parent about the unit as it stands and if
you are able, give an indication of whether a place is likely to be available when the child
reaches the correct age. If a space isn’t likely to be available you may wish to suggest that
the girl is re-assigned to another local unit.
Always give parents a clear indication of when you will next contact them. From
experience, it’s best to make contact at least 6 months before a girl reaches the correct
age for the Unit whether a place is likely to be available or not. Give the parent an update
and another indication of when to expect another call or email.
Example A:
Dear [insert parent’s name],
Thank you for registering your daughter to join [insert unit name]. We are delighted to
learn that [insert child’s name] is interested in becoming a member.
Guiding is open to all girls aged over 5 with Rainbows being our youngest members, aged
5 to 7. Girls aged 7 to 10 can join Brownies and Guides is open to any girls aged 10 to 14.
We’ve noticed that your daughter won’t be ready to join our unit for a number of years
yet. Can I just verify your child’s date of birth to make sure that she is placed on our
waiting list correctly?
We look forward to hearing from you. Should you wish to contact me by telephone, I can
be reached on [insert phone number] between the hours of ___ and ___ on the following
Kind regards,
Example B
Hello [insert parent’s name],
Thank you for your application. We’re really pleased that your daughter wants to join
guiding. However, we’ve noticed that she’s still quite young. Can I ask whether you have
considered registering your daughter for Rainbows [or Brownies]? If she attended
Rainbows [or Brownies] first, her leader will then arrange for her to transfer up to this
section when she reaches the correct age.
Alternatively we are happy to keep your daughter on our waiting list until she is old
enough to join the unit.
We will be unable to give you a clear indication of when a space will become available
until _______. Please be assured that your daughter has been placed on the waiting list
so there is no need to contact us again before this date unless your contact details
Although your daughter is not yet of age to join our unit she may be interested in the
section websites available via the Girlguiding Scotland website. These contain lots of fun
games and activities.
Should you wish for [insert child’s name] to be reassigned to an alternate section please
do let me know. My telephone number is [insert phone number], I can be reached
between the hours of ___ and ___ on the following days:_______.
Kind regards,
If it’s been more than 21 days since the parent registered and the girl is under 5,
you might like to try this email template:
Example C
Hello [insert parent’s name],
We are contacting you regarding ________’s application to join _____________ which
we received on ___________ (Application reference____________________).
Please accept our apologies for the delay in making contact with you. We have
experienced a high level of interest in our unit in recent months which has meant we
have not been able to reach everyone as quickly as we would like.
We are delighted that you have expressed an interest in our Unit which meets on a
_____________ evening in _____________. As __________ is not yet old enough to join
we have placed her on our unit waiting list and will contact you again once she turns 5
in order to advise when a space is likely to be available.
Should you require any additional information at this point, please do not hesitate to
reply to this email. Alternatively, should you wish to contact me by telephone, I can
be reached on ____________ between the hours of ___________ and ___________ on
the following days: ______________________.
Kind regards,
If you require any assistance please contact Louise or Lorraine