Social Studies Grade 8: Historical Worldviews Examined 2015-2016 Long Range Plan Brendon Nichols UNIT A: “Renaissance Europe” Grade Level 8 Chapters 1-3 Time Frame September Enduring Understandings How did the exchange of ideas and knowledge shape the Worldview to mid Dec of the Western World? Learner Objectives (student’s will…) appreciate how Renaissance Europe formed the basis for the worldview of the western world. demonstrate a willingness to consider differing beliefs, values and worldviews. Recognize how beliefs and values are shaped by time, geographic location and societal context. Summative Assessment Strategies Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Philosopher trading cards, Renaissance Open House/ Travel Brochure, End of Unit Project Questions of Inquiry *How did Renaissance spark the growth and exchange of ideas across Europe? *How did the physical geography of Renaissance Europe impact trade and competition between European countries? *How did increased trade lead to emergence of powerful city-states? *How did philosophers and thinkers influence society in development of a humanist worldview during the Renaissance? *What was the relationship between the Renaissance and astronomy, mathematics, science, politics, religion and arts? Introductory Activity/ The Hook “Worldview Investigation Activity” (Think-Pair-Share New Experiences/ Contact) Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities -Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection Resources Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, library books, Internet resources, Documentary (DVD) Formative Assessment Strategies Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, mapping activities, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers, observation checklists UNIT B: “Japan” Grade Level Time Frame 8 Chapters 4-6 Late Dec to Enduring Understandings How did beliefs, values and knowledge shape the Worldview in Japan March between 1600 and 1900? Learner Objectives (student’s will…) appreciate the roles of time and geographic location in shaping a society’s worldview. appreciate how a society’s worldview can foster the choice to remain an isolated society. appreciate how models of governance and decision-making reflect a society’s worldview. appreciate how a society’s worldview shapes individual citizenship and identity. Summative & Performance Assessment Strategies Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Presentation, The Last Samurai Questions of Inquiry *What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec prior to contact with the Spanish? *How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence its choices, decision and customs? *What key elements in Spain’s worldview led to the desire to expand its empire? *To what extent were the divergent worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs factors in the dominance of one nation over the other? *In what ways did the factors such as technology and disease contribute to the dominance of the Spanish over the Aztecs? *What factors led to the Red River Resistance (Louis Riel) and what impact did it have on territorial control/ assimilation? *What are the Metis, French and First Nations perspectives on events that led to ‘Manitoba’? *How was creation of Manitoba an attempt at achieving compromise…? *How did immigration policies affect collective identity of Francophones? How did National Policy determine the economic demographic aspects of Canadian expansion? *What strategies were used by government to promote immigration from Europe? *What impact did immigration have on Aboriginal peoples and communities across Canada? What were reasons for negotiation of numbered treaties? *What are social and economic effects of women’s changing role? *How did Canadian Imm. Policies contribute to increased diversity/ multicult.? Introductory Activity/ The Hook “Worldview Investigation Activity” ( Creation of original isolated island) Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities -Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection Resources Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, internet resources, library books Formative Assessment Strategies Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, role-play, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers, observation checklists UNIT C: “Spanish and the Aztecs” Grade Level 8 Time Frame April to June Chapters Enduring Understandings 7-10 How does intercultural contact impact the Worldview of societies? Learner Objectives (student’s will…) appreciate how a society’s worldview influences its choices, decisions and interactions with others. appreciate how Aztec and Spanish identities and worldviews were impacted by intercultural contact. appreciate and recognize how rapid adaptation can radically change a society’s beliefs, values and knowledge. assess, critically, how the Aztecs were affected by the Spanish worldview Summative & Performance Assessment Strategies Chapter tests, Unit Exam, Comprehensive Timeline, Diary of a Warrior/ Conquistador, Creation of a Civilization Questions of Inquiry *What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec prior to contact with the Spanish? *How did the Aztec civilization’s worldview influence its choices, decision and customs? *What key elements in Spain’s worldview led to the desire to expand its empire? *To what extent were the divergent worldviews of the Spanish and Aztecs factors in the dominance of one nation over the other? *In what ways did the factors such as technology and disease contribute to the dominance of the Spanish over the Aztecs? Introductory Activity/ The Hook “Worldview Investigation Activity” (Creation of new Planet and Species) Teaching/Learning Strategies and Activities -Powerful questions -Collaborative activities -Classroom discussions - Independent critical thought -Personal reflection Resources Our Worldviews Teaching Resource & Textbook, Learn Alberta & AAC websites, library books, internet resources Formative Assessment Strategies Textbook reflection questions, classroom discussions, role-play, graphic organizers and summary charts, exit cards, 2 minute papers, observation checklists **Current events will be done throughout the year** 100% = Summative – evidence used to assess understanding Your mark will be based on summative assessments such as… o Assignments: Performance Tasks, Position papers o Tests: Unit Tests, Unit Performance Tasks o Final Exam 20% 35% 45%