Friday Quiz 2 answers

Social 9 - Friday Quiz 2 – Archaeology to Hunter Gatherer
1. A piece of evidence that indicated where an archaeological site could possibly be located is called a:
a) mound
b) tell
c) find
d) dig
2. Throughout history, most of the written history has been:
a) The daily activities of the common people
b) The stories of the leaders and upper classes
c) The stories of the peasants
d) An accurate retelling of the stories of all people of society
3. This method of dating objects involves making comparisons between the found object and objects already
known and dated. By doing this we can infer that the objects came from the same time period
a) pollen dating
b) dendrochronology
c) classification
d) stratification
4. In this method of passing on history, the remains of earlier societies are studied and then conclusions about
the society are developed.
a) Oral history
b) Pre-history
c) Written history
d) Archaeology
5. Dating technique an archaeologist uses when idea of looking at the different layers of soil and the depth of
where the object is found to calculate the date of an object.
a) Classification
b) Pollen dating
c) Blind dating
d) Stratification
6. There are 2 categories of the worldview about the origins of human life on earth. One was purposed by
a British scientist who claimed that all life on Earth has evolved over time. This scientist’s name was:
a) Lord Byron
b) Sidney Portier
c) Howard Carter
d) Charles Darwin
7. What is the name given to the human-like creatures that may have been early human ancestors?
a) Lucy
b) Mary Leakey
c) hominids
d) homo-likes
8. This member of the Homo genus was the first to be able to control and use fire.
a) homo sapiens
b) homo erectus
c) homo habilis
d) Cro-Magnon Man
9. What is the idea of survival of the fittest?
a) the idea that the stronger genetic traits and species will pass down their traits because they will survive
and reproduce, where weaker traits and species will die out
b) the idea that all creature aim to be the fittest in their species group so they can attract the opposite sex
to reproduce
c) the idea that if you are not fit, you will not survive in the world
d) the idea that the fittest/healthiest organisms have the right to rule/control those species that are weaker
or inferior
10. What was the name of the early australopithecine skeleton that was found in the 1970s. This skeleton
dates back 3.5 million years.
a) Mary
b) Lucy
c) Larry
d) Manny
Short Answer
1. What is a worldview? Define the term and list some of the factors that affect worldview.
__A Worldview is how someone interprets and precieves the world, society and their place in it. It is a
collection of beliefs, values and traditions that influence the way a person or group acts or thinks
There are lots of factors that affect a person’s worldview – their age, their level of education, where they
live, where they have traveled, the type of family they came from, their religious upbringing, whether they
are from a rurla or urban setting, the TV/Movies they have watched, the amount of news that they have
seen, their access to technology, their economic status, etc…
2. List 3 common features found in the different origin stories you learned about.
Most stories started with nothing.blackness or a void
All stories involve a god or gods that do the creating
All stories try to explain where the Earth came from and life on Earth
Most stories show a relationship between people and their god
Most stories show that humans are connected to nature / caretakers
Some stories tell of how geographic features came from a gods body parts
The egg is an important symbol in some of the stories
Some stories involve a struggle or fight between the gods
3. Explain how worldview is influenced by ONE of the following ideas (Place, Time OR Culture)
PLACE – answers should point out that we can view things differently based on where we live (ex. Small
town vs big city, or Canada vs a different country. Answer needs to show how the view of the world is
different based on the locoation.
Time – answers need to show how the view of the world is different based on the time period we live in.
A good answer will point out differences, but NEEDS to state how that affects the people’s view of the
Culture – answers need to show how having different cultural beliefs, traditions etc. would influence how
someone sees the world.