Potomac Falls High School Graduation Information Class of 2013 Important Dates Friday, April 12 First day graduation ticket order forms will be accepted. No order forms will be accepted before this date. TICKET FORMS MUST BE COLLECTED BY MRS. SMITH OR MRS. LAMB IN THE MAIN OFFICE; TICKETS FORMS CANNOT BE TURNED IN BEFORE 8:30 AM on April 12. Friday, April 26 All graduation ticket order forms and plant order forms are due at this time. You may turn your forms in early. Please see attached ticket order form for more information about tickets. Friday, May 31 9:30 AM Awards Assembly – Main Gym 11:30 AM Senior Slide Show – Theater 12:00 PM Cap and Gown Distribution -- Seniors will not receive caps and gowns if they have any outstanding fees. See Ms. Miller in the main office to pay outstanding fees. DEFICENCIES MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF! 12:30 PM Senior Picnic – Algonkian Park – Shelter 1(Rain or shine) Tuesday, June 4 9:30 AM Graduation Practice & Breakfast SENIORS MUST ATTEND PRACTICE IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GRADUATION CEREMONY. NO EXCEPTIONS. Seniors will receive graduation tickets at practice. Thurs, June 6 Graduation Ceremony 5:00 PM SENIORS MUST ARRIVE BY 5:00 PM Report to cafeteria for refreshments provided by the school. 5:30PM Parking shuttles begin (see attached memo for transportation information) 6:00 PM Gates open to ticketed guests 7:00 PM Ceremony begins – Panther Stadium Gates open to guests without tickets Friday, June 7 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM Pre-purchased plants available for pick up in main office Parents: If you’d like to volunteer to help with the Senior Picnic on May 31st, contact Leah Andary by April 26th: Leah.Andary@LCPS.ORG Graduation Ticket Order Form – MANDATORY Order form may not be submitted before April 12th at 8:30 a.m. to the main office, but must be submitted no later than April 26th to guarantee tickets for graduation. Student’s Full Name ______________________ (First) Phone Number ______________________ Parent Signature ______________________ ______________________ (Last) Each senior is guaranteed six tickets. Please circle the number of tickets you would like to receive: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Additional Tickets: We cannot guarantee there will be any additional tickets. However, each senior may request up to two additional tickets and we will distribute extra tickets if they become available. You will be notified by Friday, May 11th if you will receive additional tickets. Please circle the number of additional tickets you would like to receive: 0 1 2 Note: We cannot guarantee there will be any additional tickets. Children under the age of 2 may sit in the lap of an adult and do NOT require a ticket. If extras become available, we will distribute the tickets in the order in which this ticket order form is turned in. Students should turn in forms to the main office and must be collected by Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Lamb. Each form will be stamped with the date and time it was turned in. TICKET FORMS CANNOT BE TURNED IN BEFORE 8:30 AM. You may not change the number of tickets requested after turning in this form. Seniors will receive tickets on Tuesday, June 4th at graduation practice. Ticketed guests may enter the stadium at 6:00 PM to be seated. After 7:00 PM, guests with or without tickets are welcome, but are not guaranteed seats. In the event of inclement weather, we will hold the ceremony inside in the PFHS main gym. Each senior will be allowed three ticketed guests to view the ceremony in the gym; all other guests will view the ceremony via live broadcast in the theater or classrooms throughout the school. Student’s Full Name: ________________________ _________________________ (First Name) (Last Name) Parent Name: _________________________ ________________________ (First Name) (Last Name) Phone Number: __________________________________ Keep the memory of graduation alive forever. Purchase a plant that will decorate the stage during the graduation ceremony and take it home after the ceremony to preserve the memory of a wonderful day! Options: ______ Flowering Plant, $20 Questions? Contact Senior Class Sponsor, Stacey Thomas at 571-434-3200 or stacey.thomas@lcps.org Turn this form and check made of to PFHS in an envelope to the main office no later than Friday, April 26th Plants will be available for pick up on Friday, June 7th from 9:00am to 3:30pm in the main office. Graduation Parking Information Parking will be a challenge as our lot is not large enough to hold all guests’ cars. We will provide shuttle busses from River Bend Middle School and Algonkian Elementary School. We encourage both seniors and guests to carpool and parents to drop off seniors to reduce the amount of cars. Potomac Falls Lots: Lot will close to general parking when full. Entrance at light only. Bus entrance will be closed off and only available to shuttle buses. Front Lot: Seniors and Guests (Parents/Family) Back Lot: Faculty/Handicapped/Distinguished Guests (with appropriate identification) River Bend/Algonkian Lots: Shuttle busses will begin at 5:30 PM and continue until 7:00 PM. Return shuttles will follow graduation and continue as needed. Graduation Ceremony Information WEATHER The ceremony will be held outside if weather permits. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will take place in the main gymnasium. Each senior will choose three ticketed guests to attend the live ceremony in the gym. The remainder of the guests will watch the ceremony via live video feed from the theater or other locations throughout the school. Purple tickets designate guests that may enter the gym. Guests with white tickets and guests without tickets will watch the ceremony via video. It will be especially important for you to designate which of your guests will be in the gymnasium prior to the day of the event to minimize confusion that day. The decision to hold the ceremony outside or inside (weather dependent) will be made by 5:00 PM the day of the event. It is our intention to hold the ceremony outside unless it becomes absolutely necessary to move it inside (excessive rain, thunder, lightning). GUESTS Please remind your guests that this is a formal ceremony and that appropriate dress and personal conduct are required of everyone choosing to attend. Please ask your guests not to bring noise makers, balloons, or umbrellas into the stands. Guests will be required to surrender any of these items at the gate. If, due to a disability, your guests need assistance to enable them to attend the ceremony, please contact Mrs. Susan Smith at Susan.Smith@LCPS.ORG or 571-434-3200 at least five days prior to the event. SENIORS Seniors should dress appropriately. No shorts or flip-flops will be permitted. We will be walking quite a distance to the stadium from the school and down the track. During the ceremony, you will walk across the grass field to the stage to receive your diplomas. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you wear lower heeled shoes, as high heels will be difficult to walk in gracefully, especially if the field is wet. Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap during the ceremony. Caps must be positioned correctly and securely on your head so style your hair appropriately. DO NOT WRITE OR TAPE ANYTHING ON THE TOP OF YOUR CAP. Absolutely no jewelry, flowers, or other adornments of any sort may be attached in any way to your cap, gown, or stole. Pins that have been awarded to you through participation in athletics and extracurricular activities may be worn on your stole. Seniors must arrive no later than 5:00 PM the day of the ceremony. Please report to the cafeteria where refreshments will be provided. All purses, bags, flowers, make-up, etc. should be left in your locked vehicle or with a family member. If you must carry items into the school, you will have access to your locker to secure your personal belongings during the ceremony. We are not responsible for any items left inside the school during the ceremony. ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES WILL BE ALLOWED DURING THE CEREMONY. If you are found with a cell phone during line-up, a teacher or administrator will place it in a bag labeled with your name. It will be stored in Mrs. Koslowski’s office until the end of the ceremony, at which time you may retrieve it. When you walk across the stage during the ceremony, you will receive your diploma cover, but not your diploma. Following the ceremony, you will recess back into the school with your class and report to the auxillary gym to pick up your diploma before joining your guests outside in the front of the school.